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Variant selection fixed: exits when loftee or lofte…
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…eHC filtering is set but the vcf file does not have LoF_conf tag.
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dsuveges committed Mar 20, 2018
1 parent 2530590 commit 75a9125
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 47 deletions.
99 changes: 52 additions & 47 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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# Which build are we using?
'build=s' => \$parameters->{"build"},

# Input/Output:
'input=s' => \$inputFile,
'output=s' => \$outputFile,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,22 +156,22 @@
my $gene_count = 0;
while ( my $ID = <$INPUT> ){
chomp $ID;

# At first we have to extract all the associated genomic coordinates for the gene.
my ($chr, $start, $end, $stable_ID, $name, $CollapsedBed);

# If the input is not a region a few extra steps will be taken:
unless ($ID =~ /chr(\d+)_(\d+)-(\d+)/i){
($chr, $start, $end, $stable_ID, $name) = $GENCODE_data->GetCoordinates($ID);

# Skipping genes that were not found in the GENCODE dataset.
if ($start eq "NA") {
print "[Warning] Gene $ID was not found in the GENCODE data. Is it a valid gene name? This gene will be skipped! [NO_GENE]\n";

print "\n\n[Info] Queried gene: $name (Ensembl ID: $stable_ID), Genomic location: chr$chr:$start-$end (Input: $ID)\n";

my $bedlines = &BedToolsQuery($chr, $start, $end, $stable_ID, $parameters->{"Linked_features"});
$CollapsedBed = &FilterLines($bedlines, $stable_ID, $parameters);

Expand All @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@

# If the submitted input is a genomic region, we have to do something else:
else {
($chr, $start, $end) = $ID =~ /(chr\d+)_(\d+)-(\d+)/i;
Expand All @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@

# Once we have the genomic regions, the overlapping variants have to be extracted:
my $variants = &GetVariants($CollapsedBed, $parameters->{"vcfFile"});

# Filtering variants based on the provided parameters:
my ($hash, $genotypes) = &processVar($variants, $parameters);
# printf STDERR "%s\t%s\t%s\n", $gene_count, total_size($hash)/1024, total_size($AddScore)/1024; # Debug line.
Expand All @@ -211,25 +211,25 @@
undef $genotypes;

# If we want we can add scores:
$hash = $AddScore->AddScore($hash) if $parameters->{"score"} ne "NA";

if ($parameters->{"score"} ne "NA" && scalar keys %{$hash} <1){
print "[Warning] Gene $ID is skipped as no variants remaining post-scoring [NO_VAR_REMAIN].\n";

# We don't save anything unless there at least two variants:
next unless scalar keys %{$hash} > 1;

# Once we have the scores we have to print out the SNP file:
&print_SNPlist($hash, $ID, $SNPfile);

&print_SNP_info($hash, $ID, $SNPinfo, $gene_count, $parameters->{"build"});
&print_genotypes($genotypes, $genotypeFile, $parameters, $gene_count);

$gene_count ++; # So the header will only printed out once.

# Some diagnostic functionality:
#print Dumper $hash; # Look at the snp container
#print; # Memory usage of the main variables
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sub check_parameters {
my $parameters = shift;

# checking build:
die "[Error] Only GRCh37 and GRCh38 genome builds are supported (--build 37 or 38)." unless $parameters->{"build"} eq "37" || $parameters->{"build"} eq "38";

# Checking MAF (a float below 1):

# Checking MAC (a number):

# Checking missingness (a float below 1):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ sub readConfigFile {
sub parseGENCODE {
my %AcceptedFeatures = ( "gene" => 1, "exon" => 1, "transcript" => 1, "CDS" => 1, "UTR" => 1);
my $parameters = $_[0];

foreach my $feature (split(",", $parameters->{"input"}->{"GENCODE"})){

# Checking if the provided feature is exists or not:
Expand All @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ sub parseRegulation {
my %AcceptedFeatures = ( "promoter" => 1, "CTCF" => 1, "enhancer" => 1, "promoterFlank" => 1, "openChrom" => 1, "TF_bind" => 1, "allreg" => 1 );
my $parameters = $_[0];
my @reg_class = ("GTEx", "overlap");

foreach my $class (@reg_class){
next unless exists $parameters->{"input"}->{$class};
my %hash = ();
Expand All @@ -375,20 +375,20 @@ sub parseRegulation {
printf STDERR "[Error] The provided regulatory feature name is not supported: %s. Use these: %s\n", $feature, join(", ", keys %AcceptedFeatures);

$hash{'TF_binding_site'} = 1 if "TF_bind" eq $feature;
$hash{'CTCF_binding_site'} = 1 if "CTCF" eq $feature;
$hash{'enhancer'} = 1 if "enhancer" eq $feature;
$hash{'Open chromatin'} = 1 if "openChrom" eq $feature;
$hash{'promoter'} = 1 if "promoter" eq $feature;
$hash{'allreg'} = 1 if "allreg" eq $feature;
$hash{'promoter_flanking_region'} = 1 if "promoterFlank" eq $feature;
$hash{'promoter_flanking_region'} = 1 if "promoterFlank" eq $feature;

$parameters->{$class} = \%hash;

return $parameters;

Expand All @@ -408,15 +408,15 @@ sub print_parameters {
print "\tOnly severe variants will be included in the test.\n" if $parameters->{"lof"};
print "\tOnly loss-of-function variants will be included in the test (loftee HC and LC).\n" if $parameters->{"loftee"};
print "\tOnly high-confidence loss-of-function variants will be included in the test (loftee HC).\n" if $parameters->{"lofteeHC"};

print "\n[Info] Variant weighting:\n";
printf "\tWeigthing method: %s\n", $parameters->{"score"};
if ($parameters->{"score"} ne "NA"){
printf "\tScore lower cutoff: %s\n", $parameters->{"cutoff"};
printf "\tScore floor applied: %s\n", $parameters->{"floor"};
printf "\tScore shifted by: %s\n", $parameters->{"shift"};


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,10 +468,10 @@ sub GetVariants {
sub FilterLines {
my ($lines, $stable_ID, $parameters) = @_;

my @output_lines = ();
my %hash = ();

# The following hashes read from the parameter set:
my %GENCODE = exists $parameters->{"GENCODE"} ? %{$parameters->{"GENCODE"}} : ();
my %GTEx = exists $parameters->{"GTEx"} ? %{$parameters->{"GTEx"}} : ();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ sub FilterLines {
`sort -k1,1 -k2,2n filtered_regions.bed | sponge filtered_regions.bed`;
close $tempbed;

# Collapsing overlapping features:
my $queryString = "mergeBed -i filtered_regions.bed";
my $merged = `bash -O extglob -c \'$queryString\'`;
Expand All @@ -556,15 +556,15 @@ sub FilterLines {
sub processVar {
my $variants = $_[0]; # List of all overlapping variants
my $parameters = $_[1]; # All the submitted parameters to filter variants.

my %hash = (); # SNP info container.
my %genotypeContainer = (); # genotype information container.

# Which build are we using?
my $build = "GRCh".$parameters->{"build"};

print "[Info] Filtering variants:\n" if $verbose;

my @total_vars = split("\n", $variants);
printf "[Info] Total number of overlapping variants: %s\n", scalar(@total_vars) if $verbose;

Expand All @@ -579,16 +579,16 @@ sub processVar {
# Generating variant name (Sometimes the long allele names cause problems):
my $short_a1 = length $a1 > 5 ? substr($a1,0,4) : $a1;
my $short_a2 = length $a2 > 5 ? substr($a2,0,4) : $a2;

my $SNPID = sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%s", $chr, $pos, $short_a1, $short_a2);

# Parsing info field for relevant information:
(my $ac )= $info =~ /AC=(.+?)(;|\b)/;
(my $an )= $info =~ /AN=(.+?)(;|\b)/;
(my $consequence )= $info =~ /consequence=(.+?)(;|\b)/;
(my $consequence ) = $info =~ /consequence=(.+?)(;|\b)/;
# If AN and AC values are not found we skip the variant:
next unless $an && $ac;

# We add NA if consequence was not found:
$consequence = "NA" unless $consequence;

Expand All @@ -614,10 +614,10 @@ sub processVar {

my $MAC = $ac;
$MAC = $an - $ac if $MAC > $an / 2;

# Looking at the memory usage:
# print STDERR total_size(\%hash), "\n";

# We don't consider indels if weights are used:
if (( length($a2) > 1 or length($a1) > 1 ) && $parameters->{"score"} ne "NA"){
print "[Warning] $SNPID will be omitted because indel! ($a1/$a2).\n";
Expand All @@ -638,17 +638,22 @@ sub processVar {
printf "[Warning] $SNPID will be omitted because of low minor allele count ($ac, cutoff: %s).\n", $parameters->{'MAC'};
# If loss of function variants are required, we skipp althose variants that are not LOf:
# If loss of function variants are required, we skip all those variants that are not LoF:
if ( $parameters->{"lof"} && ! exists $parameters->{"lof_cons"}->{$consequence} ) {
printf "[Warning] $SNPID will be omitted because of consequence is not lof (%s).\n", $consequence;
# If loftee or lofteeHC are enabled, the script exits if no LoF_conf tag is present in the info field.
if (( $parameters->{"lofteeHC"} or $parameters->{"loftee"}) and $info !~ /LoF_conf/ ){
die "[Error] Based on the provided parameters, variant selection based on the loftee prediction was requested.\n\tHowever the provided vcf file does not contain the obligatory LoF_conf tag.\nExiting.";

# If loftee is enabled, only low and high-confidence loss-of-function variants will be selected:
if ( $parameters->{"loftee"} && $info =~ /LoF_conf\=-/ ) {
printf "[Warning] $SNPID will be omitted because it is not a high- or low-confidence loss of function variant.\n";

# If lofteeHC is enabled, only high-confidence loss-of-function variants will be selected:
if ( $parameters->{"lofteeHC"} && $info !~ /LoF_conf\=HC/ ) {
printf "[Warning] $SNPID will be omitted because it is not a high- confidence loss of function variant.\n";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,20 +715,20 @@ sub print_SNPlist {

sub print_genotypes {

my %genotype = %{$_[0]};
my $outputhandler = $_[1];
my $parameters = $_[2];
my $gene_counter = $_[3];

my $vcfChrFile = $parameters->{"vcfFile"};
$vcfChrFile =~ s/\%/11/g;

# Checking if the file exists or not:
if (! -e $vcfChrFile ){
print STDERR "[Error] The vcf file does not exists. $vcfChrFile\n";

# Assembling header for the first gene:
if ( $gene_counter == 0){
# Get list of sample IDs:
Expand All @@ -746,14 +751,14 @@ sub print_SNP_info {

# Extract variant names:
my @variants = keys %hash;

# Assembling header for the first gene:
if ( $gene_counter == 0){
my $header = "Gene_name\tSNPID(GRCh${build})\trsID\tAlleles\tconsequences\tMAF\tAC\tmissigness";
$header .= "\tScore" if exists $hash{$variants[0]}{"score"};
print $outfilehandle $header,"\n";

# printing out info for each gene and variant:
foreach my $variant (values %hash){

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