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Using service manager

Rory Powis edited this page Nov 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

Running assets-frontend with service-manager

Starting assets-frontend as a service

Unless you're making changes to the frontend assets, you'll most likely be using service-manager to serve assets to your frontends locally.

The ASSETS_FRONTEND service is responsible for serving released artefacts and can be started with:

$ sm --start ASSETS_FRONTEND

Caution: Because there's no way for service manager to know which version you frontend requires, it will download every released version of assets-frontend available. This will take a very long time!

Starting assets-frontend in a profile

To avoid downloading every version of assets-frontend ever, you can add ASSETS_FRONTEND to your service's profile.

When run as part of a profile, service-manager will determine which versions your frontends require and only download those versions.

Starting a specific version

It's also possible to download single versions should you need to. This can be done by passing service-manager's -r flag

$ sm --start ASSETS_FRONTEND -r 2.253.0