Application :
Build a stock-management MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express JS, React-Redux, Node JS) web application with the following requirements:
- Users should be able to add a new item.
- Users should be able to edit an existing item
- Users should be able to view all the existing items.
- Users should be able to delete any particular item.
- Users should be able to check the stock of any particular item.
- Users should be able to increment and decrement the stock of any particular item.
- Users should be able to view all the details of any particular item.
Learn about the following technologies :
- REST api
- Postman tool
- Version control with git and github
- ReactJS, ReduxJS
- Express JS
- MongoDB
- Jest for unit tests
- Mocha for unit tests
Developer requirements :
❏ Perform all the required CRUD operations
❏ Create at least one GET request
❏ Create at least one POST request
❏ Create at least on PUT request
❏ Create at least one DELETE request
❏ Use mongoose as the ODM.
❏ At least one request should have query parameters
❏ At least one request should have path parameters
❏ At least one mongoose schema should have a custom index.
❏ At least one component should have Jest snapshot tests.
❏ At least one API should have mocha unit tests.
❏ At least one component should have redux-store accessed props.
❏ At least one component should have hierarchically passed props.
❏ At least one component should have prop validations.
- The UI of the application should be appealing and easy to use
- The application should justify the area of the problem statement
- Clean and sustainable code will be appreciated. Code should be readable/easily
- understandable
Inventory structure :
- Item name
- Date added on
- Current stock
- Manufacturing company