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rolfl edited this page Apr 18, 2012 · 13 revisions

This page details both how the JDOM 2.x code is tested on Android, and how to include JDOM2 in your Android project.

Testing JDOM in Android

Android has a few built-in mechanisms for testing code. I opted to use the most rigorous mechanism I could conceive, which is to actually run the full JDOM test harness on an (emulated) Android device. There are a few challenges with this approach:

  1. Android uses JUnit3 as a 'foundation' for unit testing, and all the JDOM unit tests are written in JUnit4
  2. A number of JDOM tests read and parse XML 'files' (and DTD's, and XSD's, etc.) and the mechanisms/locations for accessing these files is different on Android.
  3. JDOM has 1800 unit tests, but the eclipse/android test interface cannot process more than a few hunded at a time, before the 'RPC' channel overflows and you get a Failed Binder Transaction.
  4. Android has some missing functionality which is/was directly referenced by JDOM Unit tests (ResourceBundles)
  5. Android's XML parser is different to Xerces.

All these issues haven been worked around in some manner

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