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Mustache templating for Elgg

Elgg 2.0


  • Templates can be rendered both client and server side
  • Compatible with Elgg's view system
  • AMD-friendly


  1. Create a new template as an Elgg view
// /my_plugin/views/default/path/to/template.html
<div class="mustache-template">
	<h3>Hello, <b>{{name}}</b></h3>

You can also use PHP views, e.g. template.html.php. This allows you to call other views and do stuff with PHP. If you use this approach, be sure to register the template views in simplecache, so that they are accessible with AMD.

// /start.php
// /my_plugin/views/default/path/to/template.html.php
<div class="mustache-template">
	<h3>Hello, <b>{{name}}</b></h3>
	<?= elgg_view('path/to/other/template.html') ?>
  1. Render server-side
	echo mustache()->render(elgg_view('mustache/template.html'), array(
		'name' => elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->name,
  1. Render client-side
define(function(require) {

	var elgg = require('elgg');
	var mustache = require('mustache');
	var template = require('text!mustache/template.html');

	var view = mustache.render(template, {
		name: elgg.get_logged_in_user_entity().name


