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NetFlow3D is a computational tool aiming at mapping how somatic mutations act across scales in cancer. If you find NetFlow3D helpful, please cite You can also upload your data to our web server ( and run NetFlow3D there.


The Python Standard Library and the following packages:

  • scipy (version 1.9.3)
  • numpy (version 1.23.5)
  • networkx (version 2.8.8)
  • pandas (version 1.5.2)
  • statsmodels (version 0.13.5)

Installation (~5min)

git clone
cd NetFlow3D
python -h


Your command should be in the following format (the contents in [] are optional):

python -m <input_maf> -I <job_name> [-X <expressed_genes>] [-n <binary_interactome>] [-o <output_path>] [-t <threads>]

Required arguments

  • -m <input_maf>: replace <input_maf> with the path to your MAF file.
  • -I <job_name>: replace <job_name> with a name you preferred for the current job.

Optional arguments

  • -X <expressed_genes>: replace <expressed_genes> with the path to your file which stores a complete list of expressed genes/proteins (see Optional input for how to generate the file). If not specified, all genes/proteins will be considered expressed.
  • -n <binary_interactome>: replace <binary_interactome> with the path to your file which stores a complete list of existing protein-protein interactions (see Optional input for how to generate the file). If not specified, NetFlow3D will use the high quality binary interactome of Homo sapiens curated by HINT (
  • -o <output_path>: replace <output_path> with a directory where the output files will be stored. If not specified, the output files will be stored in ./output/.
  • -t <threads>: replace <threads> with a postive integer. This argument specifies the number of threads to use. If not specified, NetFlow3D will use 5 threads.

We provide example input files in ./example/input/. Here is an example of your command (please run the following command to see if NetFlow3D is working properly, taking ~1min):

python -m example/input/mutations.maf -I test -X example/input/expressed_genes.txt -n example/input/interactome.txt -t 10

If you run the above command, the output should be found in ./output/, including test_signatures.txt, test_subnetworks_intercept1.0_lowres_edgeweightTrue.txt, and a folder test/. To get an idea of what the output files should look like, please see example output files in ./example/output/.

Prepare input files

Required input

  • A Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) file (

    Required columns:

    • Chromosome
    • Start_Position
    • Variant_Classification
    • ENSP
    • Transcript_ID
    • Gene
    • Protein_position
    • Tumor_Sample_Barcode

    Other columns can also be present in the MAF file but they will not be used.

Optional input

  • A text file containing a complete list of genes/transcripts expressed in the contexts where the mutations occur. One ID per line. Ensembl gene ID and Ensembl transcript ID are accepted. Example:


  • A text file containing a complete list of protein-protein interactions existing in the contexts where the mutations occur. One interaction per line. Protein IDs should be separated by tab. Only UniProt ID is accepted. Example:

    Q9H4A3 Q9HBL0
    Q15654 Q15797
    P63279 Q13643
    O43236 O43236
    P01112 P04049

Output files

NetFlow3D will output the following and files and a folder. {job_name} will be replaced by the job name you specified before. If you run the example command, {job_name} will be replaced by test.

  • {job_name}_signatures.txt

    This a tab-separated file containing the significant 3D clusters and LOF enrichment signals identified by NetFlow3D. The first line is a header. Eight columns are present:

    1. Signature_ID

    2. Type

    3. Uniprots

    4. Canonical_isoform

    5. Structure_source ([NA] means not applicable)

    6. Mutation_frequency

      The content format in this column depends on the content in "Type":

      • If the content in "Type" is “LoF_IntraProtein_Enriched”, the format of this column is {UniProt ID}:{number of LoF mutations in all samples}
      • Otherwise, the format of this column is {residue1}:{number of mutated samples},{residue2}:{number of mutated samples},...
    7. LoF_enrichment ([NA] means not applicable)

    8. Raw_pvalue

    9. Adjusted_pvalue

  • {job_name}_subnetworks_intercept1.0_lowres_edgeweightTrue.txt

    This is a tab-separated file containing the interconnected modules identified by NetFlow3D. Two columns are present:

    1. Subnetwork_UniProts
    2. Subnetwork_size (i.e. number of proteins in the interconnected module)
  • {job_name}/

    This is a folder containing intermediate files by NetFlow3D:

    1. initial_state_intercept1.0_lowres_edgeweightTrue.graphml.gz: input to the network propagation model in NetFlow3D.
    2. final_state_intercept1.0_lowres_edgeweightTrue.graphml.gz: output from the network propagation model in NetFlow3D.
    3. choose_delta_intercept1.0_lowres_edgeweightTrue.txt: δ's from randomized input
    4. ShortVersion_mutation_data.txt: mutation information summarized to each residue
    5. PIONEER_inter_pvalue.txt, PDB_intra_pvalue.txt, PDB_inter_pvalue.txt, AlphaFold2_intra_pvalue_pLDDT0.txt: 3D cluster information.
    6. All_intra_LoF_pvalue.txt: LOF enrichment information.
    7. PDB_graph, AlphaFold2_graph_pLDDT0: residue-residue contact map.