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426 lines (320 loc) · 25.7 KB

File metadata and controls

426 lines (320 loc) · 25.7 KB



Major Changes

  • #1919: .iui-breadcrumbs-content now requires .iui-button .iui-field and data-iui-variant="borderless".

    -   class="iui-breadcrumbs-content"
    +   class="iui-button iui-button-base iui-field iui-breadcrumbs-content"
    +   data-iui-variant="borderless"

    When used with <a>, the same button classes must be used, and the content must be wrapped in a <span>. As a result, the anchor's hover state will now be more consistent with the button's hover state.

    -   class="iui-anchor iui-breadcrumbs-content"
    +   class="iui-anchor iui-button-base iui-button iui-field iui-breadcrumbs-content"
    +   data-iui-variant="borderless"
    +   <span>+   </span>
  • #1919: .iui-select-tag-button now requires .iui-button .iui-field and data-iui-variant="borderless".

    -   class="iui-select-tag-button"
    +   class="iui-button iui-field iui-select-tag-button"
    +   data-iui-variant="borderless"

    Similarly, .iui-select-tag-button-icon also requires .iui-button-icon.

    -  <span class="iui-select-tag-button-icon">
    +  <span class="iui-select-tag-button-icon iui-button-icon">
  • #1891: .iui-table-row[data-iui-loading] has been replaced with a new iui-table-body-extra class, which must be set on an element outside the table-body.

     <div class="iui-table">
      <div class="iui-table-body">
    -   <div class="iui-table-row" data-iui-loading="true">
    -     <div class="iui-table-cell">
    -       <div class="iui-progress-indicator-radial"></div>
    -     </div>
    -   </div>
    + <div class="iui-table-body-extra" data-iui-loading="true">
    +   <div class="iui-progress-indicator-radial"></div>
    + </div>
  • #1919: .iui-table-paginator-page-button now requires the same markup as borderless buttons. The .iui-table-paginator-page-button-small modifier class has been removed.

    -   class="iui-table-paginator-page-button iui-table-paginator-page-button-small"
    +   class="iui-table-paginator-page-button iui-button iui-button-base iui-field"
    +   data-iui-variant="borderless"
    +   data-iui-size="small"

    As a result, the small paginator will now have a smaller width than before.

  • #1963: All styles have been wrapped in a cascade layer named itwinui.

  • #1919: .iui-sidenav-button.iui-expand now requires .iui-button .iui-field and data-iui-size="small".

    -   class="iui-button iui-button-base iui-sidenav-button iui-expand"
    +   class="iui-button iui-button-base iui-sidenav-button iui-field iui-expand"
    +   data-iui-size="small"
  • #1915: iui-anchor must now be explicitly added to <a> elements, in addition to the previous iui-alert-link, iui-breadcrumbs-content, iui-tag-basic, and iui-toast-anchor classes.

    -<a class="iui-alert-link">
    +<a class="iui-anchor iui-alert-link">
    -<a class="iui-breadcrumbs-content">
    +<a class="iui-anchor iui-breadcrumbs-content">
    -<a class="iui-tag-basic">
    +<a class="iui-anchor iui-tag-basic">
    -<a class="iui-toast-anchor">
    +<a class="iui-anchor iui-toast-anchor">

    Additionally, all <a> elements within iui-legal-footer elements will need the iui-anchor class.

    <li class="iui-legal-footer-item">
    - <a>...</a>
    + <a class="iui-anchor>...</a>
  • #1932: All individual component CSS files have been removed. Instead, import all.css (the root export).

    - @import "@itwin/itwinui-css/css/anchor.css";
    - @import "@itwin/itwinui-css/css/button.css";+ @import "@itwin/itwinui-css";
  • #1919: Added .iui-field class to be used with .iui-button, .iui-input, and .iui-select-button. These components now have consistent styling for base, hover and disabled states.

    -   class="iui-button iui-button-base"
    +   class="iui-button iui-button-base iui-field"
    -   class="iui-input"
    +   class="iui-input iui-field"
    -   class="iui-select-button"
    +   class="iui-select-button iui-field"
  • #1919: Ideas button now requires .iui-button-idea and data-iui-variant="high-visibility" instead of data-iui-variant="idea".

    -  class="iui-button iui-button-base"
    +  class="iui-button iui-button-base iui-field iui-button-idea"
    -  data-iui-variant="idea"
    +  data-iui-variant="high-visibility"
  • #2101: .iui-tile-thumbnail-type-indicator and .iui-tile-thumbnail-quick-action should now be applied on wrapper element, and the button inside should have the new .iui-tile-thumbnail-button class. This reduces code complexity and fixes a visual bug with the hover state.

    + <div class="iui-tile-thumbnail-quick-action">
    -    class="iui-field iui-button-base iui-button iui-tile-thumbnail-quick-action"
    +    class="iui-field iui-button-base iui-button iui-tile-thumbnail-button"
    + </div>
  • #1935: Replaces the size classes for iui-avatar with a new data-iui-size attribute.

    - <div class="iui-avatar iui-small">
    + <div class="iui-avatar" data-iui-size="small">

    Possible values include: "small", "medium", "large", and "x-large". Defaults to "medium".

  • #1938: iui-breadcrumbs will need to be added to the classes of all iui-header-breadcrumbs elements. iui-breadcrumbs-list will also need to be added to the classes of all iui-header-breadcrumbs-list elements.

    - <nav class="iui-header-breadcrumbs">
    - <ol class="iui-header-breadcrumbs-list">
    + <nav class="iui-breadcrumbs iui-header-breadcrumbs">
    + <ol class="iui-breadcrumbs-list iui-header-breadcrumbs-list">

Minor Changes

  • #1863: The filter button inside a Table will now always be visible, instead of only being shown on hover/focus.

  • #1915: iui-anchor can now be styled with status colors using a new data-iui-status attribute.

    <a class="iui-anchor" data-iui-status="negative">...</a>

    Possible values include: "positive", "negative", "informational", and "warning".

  • #2058: Added loading state to iui-button, via the data-iui-loading attribute and the iui-button-spinner class.

    <button class="iui-button" data-iui-loading="true" aria-disabled="true">
      <span>Click me</span>
      <div class="iui-progress-indicator-radial iui-button-spinner" data-iui-indeterminate="true"></div>
  • #2058: Added iui-button-label class to be used on the <span> containing the text inside a button.

  • #2060: Added support for popover attribute in iui-tooltip.

  • #2076: Added a new data-iui-has-popover attribute to iui-button to be applied when the button has an associated popover/dropdown-menu that is currently open.

    <button class="iui-button" data-iui-has-popover="open"></button>
  • #2088: .iui-field handles icon fill, used within button and select.

  • #1935: The default size for an iui-avatar element that appears inside of an iui-tile is now the same default size as all other iui-avatar elements. Setting data-iui-size to "x-large" will give the iui-avatar the size of the old default.

    <div class="iui-tile-thumbnail-icon">
    - <span class="iui-avatar"></span>
    + <span class="iui-avatar" data-iui-size="x-large"></span>

Patch Changes

  • #2064: transform values in dialog and expandable-block have been rounded to help avoid blurry text on Windows.
  • #1916: Fixed the hover background for default tabs.
  • #2042: Fix table empty state horizontal alignment when table is very narrow.
  • #2074: Fix indentation of tree node without expander button.
  • #2021: .iui-menu-item also handles button elements.
  • #1955: Fixed a regression in iui-tabs where the panel content was not occupying the full width of the container.
  • #1943: Fixed a z-index issue in Table where the iui-table-resizer appeared above the sticky header cells.
  • #2030: Updated selectors in button-group to only consider iui-field and iui-input-flex-container children.
  • #2083: Fixed a visual bug where elements like iui-button-icon inside the iui-button were not hidden when the button was in a loading state. Now, data-iui-loading="true" on iui-button hides all its children except iui-button-spinner.
  • #2054: Remove unnecessary gap below .iui-input-grid when data-iui-label-placement='inline' and when no secondary line (iui-status-message) is present.
  • #1921: Fixed carousel dot button's incorrect height.
  • #2043: Adjusted the behavior of buttons so that double tapping them doesn't zoom the viewport on iOS.
  • #1909: Remove margin-block from badge.


Minor Changes

  • #1881: input's and textarea's start/end inline padding when inside .iui-input-flex-container is now collapsed when it is preceded/followed by a .iui-input-flex-container-icon (e.g. borderless .iui-button or padded .iui-svg-icon). This prevents unnecessary empty space in the flex container. .iui-input-flex-container-icon is a new class with the main purpose of collapsing the padding between the icon/button and input/textarea in .iui-input-flex-container.
  • #1889: Added data-iui-shift attribute selectors to borderless buttons, to help with visual alignment.
  • #1879: Add styling for native <select> element.
  • #1886: Add borderless select variant.
  • #1865: iui-backdrop will now also fade in when iui-backdrop-visible is present during mount.

Patch Changes

  • #1828: Inline padding of Icon no longer changes with the icon size. It is now a constant of --iui-size-xs.
  • #1889: The close button in dialog will now be visually aligned based on the icon inside it, excluding the padding.
  • #1828: .iui-input-flex-container now has an inline padding of 1px to account for the 1px border's inline edges. This prevents content that touches the border's inline edges from being overlapped by the border by 1px. Slightly modified .iui-expandable-searchbox styles to account for the new padding.
  • #1888: The .iui-expandable-searchbox now shows a regular-sized button in the collapsed state. Previously, it used to incorrectly be a square button.
  • #1888: .iui-expandable-searchbox's animation/transition between the expanded and the collapsed states is now removed.
  • #1884: Fixes bug that caused the .iui-tabs-wrapper to change size dependent on which .iui-tab was active.
  • #1828: The .iui-svg-icon inside the .iui-searchbox no longer has the same width as .iui-button. Its width also no longer changes with the .iui-searchbox size. This is because its padding behavior is now similar to .iui-svg-icon's padding behavior, where it uses a constant padding.
  • #1894: All instances of box-sizing: content-box have been reinforced with !important to prevent accidental overrides from application styles.
  • #1906: Dialog title will now wrap to multiple lines instead of getting clippped.
  • #1881: .iui-search-input and .iui-search-icon are now no-op. This is because the main objective of these two classes was collapsing the padding between the icon and input/textarea in .iui-input-flex-container, and that is now handled by .iui-input-flex-container-icon instead.


Minor Changes

  • #1864: Added a new data-iui-underline attribute to iui-anchor. When set to "true", anchors will be underlined by default instead of only on hover.
  • #1858: toggle-switch will no longer hide icons when size is set to "small". The recommendation is to always display a checkmark icon, even for small sizes.

Patch Changes

  • #1845: Removed :focus-visible fallback styles for older browsers.


Patch Changes

  • #1835: Replaced dialog/modal animation state related classes (.iui-dialog-animation-enter and .iui-dialog-animation-enter-active) with css animations.


Minor Changes

  • #1815: Removed unnecessary Tag styles, and added support for tags to be used as <button> elements.
  • #1813: Added warning status for ProgressRadial/ProgressLinear
  • #1822: Adjusted date-picker styles to allow rendering empty elements without any hover states. This is useful when dates outside the current month don't need to be shown.


Patch Changes

  • #1816: Fixed an issue where Table was showing a dummy vertical scrollbar track inside the table header in Chromium 121 + Windows.
  • #1810: Fixed Surface.Body not being visually aligned with Surface.Header depending on scrollbar visibility.


Patch Changes

  • #1795: Fixed blurring and resizing issues in Dialog/Modal by removing overflow: hidden and inline transform styles.


Minor Changes

  • #1753: Removed accidental styling support for the invalid case of .iui-input, .iui-input-with-icon > .iui-select-button with [data-iui-status='informational']. This is invalid because an informational status on our input or select adds little to no meaning.

Patch Changes

  • #1783: Fixed a Firefox-specific bug where focus outlines were not appearing correctly around menu items inside ComboBox.
  • #1787: Button, radial progress indicator, & select icons use icon variable color fill.
  • #1788: Decreased specificity of iui-link-action and iui-link-box so that they do not override styles from other classes applied on the same element.
  • #1753: .iui-input-with-icon now applies padding to the :first-child only when there is an end-icon button.


Minor Changes

  • #1676: Add small size tree option & decrease indentations on default size tree.
  • #1725: Added an optional data attribute (data-iui-loading) to be used on a table row (iui-table-row) when it only contains loading content (e.g. ProgressRadial)

Patch Changes

  • #1733: Fixed an overflow-related layout shift in vertical Tabs.


Patch Changes

  • #1716: Truncate the select-tag when only one tag is present in select-tag-container


Patch Changes

  • #1711: Fixed an issue with Tree nodes not taking up the full width.


Patch Changes

  • #1700: Fixed an issue where Table was sometimes triggering sort after filtering.


Patch Changes

  • #1683: Improved ExpandableBlock animation so that it doesn't push content outside its bounds.


Welcome to the v2 release of @itwin/itwinui-css. 🎉

This release includes a few breaking changes which have been listed below. For more details, see the migration guide.

Major Changes

  • #1548: Using aria-selected instead of iui-active in Tabs to set active styling.
  • #1446: iui-avatar has been refactored to be a single <span>, and the status is now applied using the data-iui-status attribute. The colors have been updated to pass AAA contrast ratio.
  • #1548: Combined tabs stripe variables: --iui-stripe-left and --iui-stripe-top into --iui-tabs-stripe-position; --iui-stripe-width and --iui-stripe-height into --iui-tabs-stripe-size.
  • #1355: iui-transfer-list-listbox-label and iui-input-container classes were removed.
  • #1255: iui-folder is updated to use display: grid. iui-tile-name is now moved outside of iui-tile-content for folder variant.
  • #1420: <div class="iui-radio-tile-content"> has been removed from radio-tile. Also, data-iui-disabled attribute must be set on the radio-tile for browsers that don't support :has (firefox).
  • #1573: Removed background from color-picker, date-picker/time-picker, and column-filter. Use iui-popover-surface class to add it back.
  • #1489: --iui-color-dot-inset has been split into --iui-color-dot-inset-block and --iui-color-dot-inset-inline.
  • #1369: The iui-breadcrumbs-item-overrides class name has been removed. Breadcrumbs items now use the iui-breadcrumbs-content class name.
  • #1577: iui-scroll modifier is no longer needed on iui-menu.
  • #1626: Improved carousel accessibility and changed the markup so that the dots are present before the slides.
  • #1529: Removed location-marker component.
  • #1469: Replaced iui-slider-vertical class modifier with data-iui-orientation.
    • iui-slider-rail class is now ::before pseudo element of iui-slider.
  • #1322: Removed input-container code from utils.css in favor of input-container.css.
  • #1354: Renamed the following expandable-block classes: iui-header, iui-icon, iui-title, iui-caption to be scoped to expandable-block.
    • Updated the following modifier classes to be data attributes: iui-expanded, iui-small, iui-borderless.
  • #1370: iui-progress-indicator-linear has been refactored to be a single <div>. Size, status, indeterminate variant, animation, etc are now specified using data attributes.
  • #1523: Removed iui-tooltip-container and iui-tooltip-visible classes. The display is now toggled using the hidden HTML attribute, and the positioning should be managed using custom JS/CSS.
  • #1302: border-box will now be set for all elements under iui-root.
  • #1610: Replaced --iui-surface-border-color with --iui-surface-border for full customization of border. Also removed --iui-surface-border-radius and --iui-surface-background-color.
  • #1328: iui-progress-overlay has been renamed to iui-overlay and moved to overlay.scss.
  • #1295: iui-menu-item and iui-menu-description classes were removed.
  • #1548: data-iui-scroll-placement attributes in Tabs were removed. Updated tabs start and end masks to be applied on scroll animation.
  • #1356: iui-progress-radial has been refactored to be a single <div> instead of using a nested svg. Size and status have been moved to data attributes. Also it is recommended to explicitly set size when using in other components.
  • #1556: Items inside button-group no longer need a wrapping <div>.
  • #1304: Instead of cloning passed icons to set classes on them, the classes will now be set on a wrapping element. Affected components: Header, Select, MenuItem, RadioTile, Tabs, Tile, ToggleSwitch, TreeNode, InputContainer (and all input variants).
  • #1559: Changed iui-button-group-vertical class to iui-button-group with attribute data-iui-orientation="vertical".
  • #1548: The iui-tabs element has changed from <ul> to <div>. iui-tabs children are no longer wrapped in an <li> element.
  • #1247: Replaced the iui-alert-icon, iui-alert-button, and iui-alert-button-icon class names with iui-svg-icon, iui-button, and iui-button-icon respectively.
  • #1269: All dialog variants have flex applied by default. This means the content should be wrapped with Dialog.Content or ModalContent for optimal layout.
  • #1548: The iui-tab-label wrapper class has been removed. The iui-tab-label class now applies to the <span> which holds the tab's label. iui-tab-description is now a <span> element.
  • #1270: Change line-height to use a unitless value.

Minor Changes

  • #1355: Added iui-input-group-wrapper class to allow inline labels for input groups.
  • #1373: Converted all physical CSS properties to their logical equivalents.
  • #1355: Added iui-input-grid class for outer input styling.
  • #1355: Added status styling to input and select.
  • #1565: Updated menu styling and added iui-popover-surface class for standalone popovers.
  • #1073: Added new TransferList component which is used to move one or more items between lists. Added the following subcomponents: TransferList.ListWrapper, TransferList.ListboxWrapper, TransferList.ListboxLabel, TransferList.Listbox, TransferList.Item, and TransferList.Toolbar
  • #1355: Added padded styling to Icon using data-iui-padded attribute.
  • #1362: All elements under the root will now get a default focus styling matching --iui-color-border-accent.
  • #1355: Added iui-status-message class to wrap StatusMessage icon and content.
  • #1363: iui-svg-icon now supports controlling size and fill using --iui-svg-size and --iui-svg-fill custom properties.

Patch Changes

  • #1354: Expandable block animation now uses pure css instead of javascript for transitioning.
  • #1609: Adjusted padding value for Surface.Body.
  • #1632: Adjusted gap between adjacent icons in searchbox.
  • #1351: .iui-toast-anchor can now be applied on a <button>.
  • #1499: Removed special handling of iPhone notch in Header and SideNavigation.


For any changes prior to 2.0.0, check out the 1.X changelog.