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Recipes 'N' Stuff

Recipes 'N' Stuff is an e-commerce site, focused on a community looking for recipe suggestions and online shopping convenience. It utilises a subscription-based model, whereby registered users receive recipe suggestions, with the option to optionally purchase the required ingredients.

The site is aimed at users seeking a platform seeking a source of inspirational recipe ideas, with a convenient online shopping experience.

Fig 1: Responsive Mockup

Responsive Mockup


Existing Features

Common Features

Navigation Bar
Fig 2: Navigation Bar

Nav Bar

User registration and authentication

Users may register for an account or alternatively use OAuth to sign in via their Google or Twitter accounts.

Fig 3: User registration and authentication
User registration User authentication
User register User login
Change password Manage email addresses
Change password Manage email addresses

User roles

There are two user roles:

  • Registered user

    Registered users may add/edit/delete their own recipes. All registered users may view any recipe on the site, and purchase ingredient boxes for any recipe on the site.

  • Site administrator

    The site administrator may perform all functions on the site.

User notifications

Users receive notifications following sign in and other events:

Fig 4: User notifications
New user notification Login notification
New user notification Login notification
Added to basket
Added to basket notification

Content CRUD

Content creation

Users may create recipes and addresses. Site administrators may in addition, create subscription plans.

Content view

All users may view all recipes. Individual users may view their addresses.

Content edit

Users may edit their recipes. Individual users may edit their addresses.

Content delete

Users may delete their recipes. Individual users may edit their addresses.

Fig 5: Content CRUD
Create address Create recipe
Create address Create recipe
List address List recipes
Address list Recipe list
Edit address Edit recipe
Edit address Edit address
Edit ingredients
Edit instructions
Delete address Delete recipe
Delete address Delete address
Administrator-only functionality
Create subscription Edit subscription
Create subscription Edit subscription
List subscription Delete subscription
Subscription list Delete subscription

Note: Subscription creation is incomplete as it is necessary to create and assign subscription features in the Administration page. User Story: Subscription features.

Content search

Users may search for recipes via search box in the navbar at the top of the screen. The search box allows user's to either perform a free word search or select from a predetermined keyword list, or they may search via category name.

Note: There is currently a limited number of recipes available,so many categories return no results.

Fig 6: Content search
Search box Search result
Search box Search result
Category search
Category search

E-commerce features


A user (except administrator) require a valid subscription to access the site content. Without a valid subscription they are restricted to:

  • choosing a subscription
  • managing their addresses (as an address is required to complete a purchase)
  • checking out
  • logging out
Fig 7: Subscriptions
Choose subscription Subscription add address
Choose subscription Subscription add address

Order products

The current list of possible order products is:

  • Recipe ingredient boxes
  • Subscriptions Order products may be configured in the system in the administrator's currency of choice.


  • Basket total may be calculated in the user's currency of choice, using exchange rates from Exchange Rates Data API.
  • User can choose delivery address from those saved in their profile.
  • User can choose delivery method.
  • User can pay via Stripe.
  • User receives a order confirmation email.
Fig 8: Basket
Choose currency Choose address
Choose currency Choose address
Choose delivery Pay
Choose delivery Choose address
Confirmation email
Choose delivery

Previous orders

  • Users may view previous orders
  • Users may view details of previous orders
  • Users may reorder items from previous orders
Fig 9: Previous orders
View previous orders View previous order detail
View previous orders View previous order detail

Search Engine Optimisation

The SEO features include:

  • robots.txt The robots.txt file is generated by the application. A copy is included for reference.
  • sitemap.xml The sitemap.xml file is generated by the application. A copy is included for reference.


The marketing features include:

Future enhancements

Future enhancements are logged in GitHub Issues.

Future features are logged in GitHub Issues


The design specification is available in

Development and Local Deployment


The development environment requires:

Artifact Download and installation instructions
npm Included with Node.js installation


Clone Repository

In an appropriate folder, run the following commands:

> git clone
> cd recipes-n-stuff

Alternatively, most IDEs provide an option to create a project from Version Control.

Virtual Environment

It is recommended that a virtual environment be used for development purposes. Please see Creating a virtual environment for details.

Note: Make sure to activate the virtual environment.

Environment Setup

In a terminal window, in the recipes-n-stuff folder, run the following command to setup required environment artifacts:

> npm install

Python Setup

In the recipes-n-stuff folder, run the following command to install the necessary python packages:

> pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Production versus Development Setup

There are two requirements files:

Table 1: Configuration settings
Key Value
ENV_FILE If using an environment file, specifies the file to use. Defaults to .env in the project root folder.
PORT Port application is served on; default 8000
DEBUG A boolean that turns on/off debug mode; see Boolean environment variables
DEVELOPMENT A boolean that turns on/off development mode; see Boolean environment variables
TEST A boolean that turns on/off test mode; see Boolean environment variables. Only valid when development mode is enabled.
DBG_TOOLBAR A boolean that enables/disables Django Debug Toolbar; see Boolean environment variables. Only valid when debug mode is enabled.
LOW_LEVEL_ADMIN A boolean that enables/disables low level admin functionality; see Boolean environment variables. Only valid when debug mode is enabled.
SECRET_KEY Secret key for a particular Django installation. See Secret Key Generation
DATABASE_URL Database url
AVATAR_BLANK_URL Url of blank avatar
RECIPE_BLANK_URL Url of placeholder recipe image
SITE_ID Id (primary key) of site in the django_site table of the database. See Configure authentication.
REMOTE_DATABASE_URL Url of remote PostgreSQL database resource.
For a Heroku app with a Heroku Postgres addon this is available from DATABASE_URL in the app Settings -> Config Vars.
For an ElephantSQL database this is available from URL in the instance details.
Note: Only required for admin purposes, see database configuration under Cloud-based Deployment
GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION Google Search Console meta tag verification value for site ownership verification
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY Stripe Developer API keys publishable key value for payments processing.
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Stripe Developer API keys secret key value for payments processing.
STRIPE_WEBHOOK_KEY Stripe Webhook secret secret key value to get incoming webhooks to get real-time updates. See Test webhooks integration for local testing and Take webhooks live for hosted deployment.
EXCHANGERATES_DATA_KEY Exchange Rates Data API key for exchange rates.
DEFAULT_SEND_EMAIL Email address to send emails from. Only valid when development mode is enabled, in production mode emails are sent from EMAIL_HOST_USER
EMAIL_HOST SMTP server to send email. Only valid when production mode is enabled.
EMAIL_USE_TLS Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) flag; see Boolean environment variables, default true. Only valid when production mode is enabled.
EMAIL_PORT SMTP server port. Only valid when production mode is enabled.
EMAIL_HOST_USER Email user account to send email. Only valid when production mode is enabled.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Email user account password. Only valid when production mode is enabled.
FACEBOOK_PAGE Facebook business page link.
CLOUDINARY_URL Cloudinary url
Amazon S3-specific
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key for your AWS account.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key for your AWS account.
HEROKU_HOSTNAME Hostname of application on Heroku.
Note: To specify multiple hosts, use a comma-separated list with no spaces.
Note: Set to localhost, in local development mode

Boolean environment variables

Set environment variables evaluating a boolean value, should be set to any of true, on, ok, y, yes or 1 to set true, otherwise the variable is evaluated as false.

Environment variables

Set environment variables corresponding to the keys in Table 1: Configuration settings.


For Linux and Mac:                       For Windows:
$ export DEVELOPMENT=true                > set DEVELOPMENT=true
Secret Key Generation

A convenient method of generating a secret key is to run the following command and copy its output.

$ python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"

Social Account Login

In order to configure social account login, the following actions must be performed.


The Google provider is OAuth2 based, and a Google app is needed to obtain a key and secret through the Google Developer Console.

  • Give the project a name and click Create
  • Once created click Select Project on the notification or select the project from the Select a project modal
  • From the sidebar menu select APIs & Services -> Credentials
  • Select CREATE CREDENTIALS and OAuth client ID from the dropdown as the type of credential
  • Select Web application as the application type, and specify a Name
  • Add the site domain name or test domain name in Authorized JavaScript origins
  • Add the in Authorised redirect URIs
  • Select CREATE
  • From the OAuth client created modal, copy the Client ID and Client Secret or download the information in JSON format.
  • From the sidebar menu select APIs & Services -> OAuth consent screen
  • Provide the following App information
    • App name
    • User support email
    • App logo
  • Under Authorised domains add the site domain
  • Add an email address for Developer contact information
  • Under Authorised domains, select ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES and check the boxes for .../auth/ and .../auth/userinfo.profile
  • Under Test users, add the email address for the Google accounts to be used in testing
  • Login to Twitter and signup to the Developer Portal
  • Create a new app and save the Consumer Keys: API Key, API Key Secret and Bearer Token
  • Open the app in the dashboard and under User authentication settings, select Set up
  • Select Web App, Automated App or Bot for Type of App
  • Under App info, set
    • Callback URI / Redirect URL to
    • Website URL to the Heroku app URL, e.g.
    • Organization name to SoapBox
  • Select Save, and copy the OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Client Secret displayed, and store securely.
  • Select Done
  • It is necessary to apply for Elevated access to the Twitter API, in order to access to private resources. Without Elevated access it is not possible to use Twitter as a sign in provider


In order to configure Stripe payments, the following actions must be performed.

App setup
  • Login to Stripe
  • Create a new application, and go to the Developers Dashboard
  • Ensure the application is selected in the application list dropdown
  • Select API keys and copy the Publishable key and Secret key, and store securely.
Webhook setup
  • Login to Stripe
  • Goto the Developers Dashboard for the application
  • Goto Webhooks and setup a Local listener for testing or a Hosted endpoint for deployment
  • Copy the webhook signing secret and store securely.

Exchange Rates

In order to configure Exchange Rates, the following actions must be performed.


Procedures differ depending on the email provider used. for example, in order to configure Gmail as the email provider, the following actions must be performed.

  • Login to Gmail
  • Goto the Google Account settings and select Security
  • Under How you sign in to Google ensure 2-Step Verification is enabled
  • Search for App passwords and create a new app password
  • Copy the generated app password, and store securely

Before first run

Before running the application for the first time following cloning from the repository and setting up a new database, the following steps must be performed, from a terminal window, in the recipes-n-stuff folder.

Initialise the database

$ python migrate

Populate the database

Download the recipe data from - Recipes and Reviews and save the recipes.parquet file to data folder.

Populate the database with predefined data via the script. When run using it will load the data from subdivisions.txt.

Note: When loading the database ensure to specify the correct database: --database default when loading a local development database --database remote when loading a Database as a service (DBaaS) database

From the project root folder run the following

Measures table
# E.g. populate the remote database 
python -m manage loaddata measure.json --database remote
Dump data:
python -m manage dumpdata recipes.Measure --indent 4 -o data/fixtures/measure.json
Currencies table
# populate the remote database via loaddata 
python -m manage loaddata currencies.json --database remote
# or alternatively via
python -cc -f data -dv REMOTE_DATABASE_URL
Dump data:

The data dump needs to be performed in UTF8 mode to preserve character encodings:

python -Xutf8 -m manage dumpdata checkout.Currency --indent 4 -o data/fixtures/currencies.json
Countryinfo table
# populate the remote database via loaddata 
python -m manage loaddata countryinfo.json --database remote
# or alternatively via
python -c -f data -dv REMOTE_DATABASE_URL
Dump data:
python -m manage dumpdata profiles.CountryInfo --indent 4 -o data/fixtures/countryinfo.json
Recipe tables

Note: Due to the large size of the dataset, this operation takes a long time to complete.

# E.g. populate the remote database 
python -r -f data -dv REMOTE_DATABASE_URL

Create a superuser

Enter Username, Password and optionally Email address.

$ python createsuperuser

Build Bootstrap

Build a customised version of Bootstrap.

$ npm run build

Configure authentication

From django-allauth Post-Installation

  • Add a Site for your domain in the database

    • Login to http://<domain>/admin/sites/site/ as the previously created superuser, e.g.

    • Add a Site for your domain (django.contrib.sites app).


      Domain name Display name my domain

      Note: The id (primary key) of the site must be added to the application configuration. See SITE_ID in Table 1: Configuration settings.

  • For each OAuth based provider, add a SocialApp in http://<domain>/admin/socialaccount/socialapp/, e.g., containing the required client credentials

    • Google django-allauth Google provider info

      Provider Name Client id Secret key
      google Google client_id from the OAuth 2.0 Client credentials client_secret from the OAuth 2.0 Client credentials

      And add the Site for your domain to the Chosen sites list

    • Twitter django-allauth Twitter provider info

      Provider Name Client id Secret key
      twitter Twitter API Key from the Consumer Keys API Key Secret from the Consumer Keys

      And add the Site for your domain to the Chosen sites list

Run server

In order to run the development server, run the following command from the recipes-n-stuff folder:

$ python runserver

By default, the server runs on port 8000 on the IP address See runserver for details on passing an IP address and port number explicitly.

Application structure

The application structure is as follows:

├─            - this file
├─ doc                  - documentation
│  ├─ agile             - project management
│  ├─ design            - design related documentation
│  └─ test              - test reports
├─ data                 - sample data
├─            - application entry point
├─ recipesnstuff        - main Django application
├─ base                 - base Django application
│  └─ static            - base application-specific static files
│     ├─ css            - base application-specific custom CSS
│     ├─ img            - base application-specific images
│     └─ js             - base application-specific custom JavaScript
├─ checkout             - checkout Django application
│  └─ static            - checkout application-specific static files
│     ┇
├─ recipes              - recipes Django application
├─ profiles             - shopping profiles Django application
├─ subscription         - subscriptions Django application
├─ user                 - user Django application
├─ static               - static files
│  ├─ css               - custom CSS
│  ├─ img               - images
│  └─ js                - custom JavaScript
├─ templates            - application templates
├─ django_tests         - Django Test Tools test scripts
├─ jest_tests           - Jest javascript tests
└─ tests                - pytest/unittest test scripts

Cloud-based Deployment


Use the following procedure to deploy the site on Heroku.

Heroku CLI

Optionally, the Heroku CLI may be used to update the application on Heroku. With the Heroku CLI installed, in a terminal window, in the recipes-n-stuff folder:

  • Log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts to create a new SSH public key.

    $ heroku login

The following steps were followed to deploy the website:

  • Login to Heroku in a browser

  • From the dashboard select New -> Create new app

  • Set the value for App name, choose the appropriate region and click Create app

  • To provision the application with a database, a Heroku Postgres database or alternative, such as an ElephantSQL database may be utilised.

  • From the app settings, select the Resources tab.

    • Under Add-ons add the following
      1. Cloudinary - Image and Video Management - Cloudinary Image & Video Tools

        Note: In order the access the dashboard for the provisioned Cloudinary account, use the Heroku CLI

        $ heroku addons:open cloudinary --app=recipesnstuff
  • From the app settings, select the Settings tab.

    • Under Buildpacks add the following buildpacks
      1. heroku/python
    • Under Config Vars add the following environment variables
Table 2: Heroku Configuration settings
Key Value
PORT 8000
SECRET_KEY Secret key for a particular Django installation
HEROKU_HOSTNAME Hostname of application on Heroku
AVATAR_BLANK_URL Url of blank avatar
RECIPE_BLANK_URL Url of placeholder recipe image
SITE_ID Id (primary key) of site in the django_site table of the database. See Configure authentication.
GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION Google Search Console meta tag verification value for site ownership verification
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY Stripe Developer API keys publishable key value for payments processing.
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Stripe Developer API keys secret key value for payments processing.
STRIPE_WEBHOOK_KEY Stripe Webhook secret secret key value to get incoming webhooks to get real-time updates. See Test webhooks integration for local testing and Take webhooks live for hosted deployment.
EXCHANGERATES_DATA_KEY Exchange Rates Data API key for exchange rates.
EMAIL_HOST SMTP server to send email.
EMAIL_USE_TLS Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) flag.
EMAIL_PORT SMTP server port.
EMAIL_HOST_USER Email user account to send email.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Email user account password.
FACEBOOK_PAGE Facebook business page link.
The following keys are automatically added when Resources are provisioned:
CLOUDINARY_URL Cloudinary url
  • Add the DATABASE_URL environment variable under Config Vars, if required
Key Value
DATABASE_URL Database url
- Heroku Postgres database, automatically added when Resources are provisioned
- ElephantSQL database, copy the URL from the instance details page

See Table 1: Configuration settings for details.

If any other settings vary from the defaults outlined in Table 1: Configuration settings they must be added as well.

  • From the app settings, select the Deploy tab.

    • For the Deployment method, select GitHub and link the Heroku app to the GitHub repository.

      Note: To configure GitHub integration, you have to authenticate with GitHub. You only have to do this once per Heroku account. See GitHub Integration (Heroku GitHub Deploys).

    • Enable Automatic Deploys under Automatic deploys to enable automatic deploys from GitHub following a GitHub push if desired.

    • The application may also be deployed manually using Deploy Branch under Manual deploy

    • Alternatively, the application may be deployed via the Heroku CLI. After logging into the Heroku CLI in a terminal window, in the recipes-n-stuff folder:

      • Check the list of git remotes

        $ git remote -v
        origin (fetch)
        origin (push)
      • If there is no git remotes for heroku listed, add one

        $ git remote add heroku
        $ git remote -v       
        heroku (fetch)
        heroku (push)
        origin (fetch)
        origin (push)
      • After committing change locally, push to Heroku

        $ git push heroku main
  • Initialise the database and Create a superuser

    Involves the same procedure as outlined in Initialise the database and Create a superuser but may be run from the local machine.

    • From a Development and Local Deployment

      • Initialise the database

        $ python migrate --database=remote
      • Create a superuser

        Enter Username, Password and optionally Email address.

        $ python createsuperuser --database=remote

      Note: Ensure to specify the --database=remote option to apply the change to the database specified by the REMOTE_DATABASE_URL environment variable.

    • Alternatively, the Heroku CLI may be utilised.

      After logging into the Heroku CLI in a terminal window, in the project folder:

      • Initialise the database

        $  heroku run python migrate --app recipesnstuff
      • Create a superuser

        Enter Username, Password and optionally Email address.

        $ heroku run python createsuperuser --app recipesnstuff
  • Configure authentication

    Follow the same procedure as outlined in Configure authentication using the Heroku domain as <domain>, e.g.

The live website is available at


The site was deployed on Render.


The following steps were followed to deploy the website:

  • Login to Render in a browser

  • From the dashboard select New -> Web Service

  • Connect to the git repository

  • Set following

    • Name, (e.g. recipesnstuff)
    • Choose an appropriate region
    • Select the git branch to deploy
    • Select Python 3 runtime,
    • Set the Build command to ./
    • Set the Start command to gunicorn recipesnstuff.wsgi:application
    • Select Create Web Service
  • To provision the application with a database, such as an ElephantSQL database.

  • Create an Amazon S3 bucket using Storing Django Static and Media Files on Amazon S3. See Configuring cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and CORS configuration regarding setting the CORS configuration for the S3 bucket.

  • Under Environment -> Environment Variables add the following environment variables

    Key Value
    PYTHON_VERSION Python version
    Note: At time of writing the Render Python3 environment does not include the necessary Python headers to compile the psycopg2 library for Python version 3.10.10, use Python version 3.9.16
    • Under Environment -> Secret Files add a file with the name .env with the same environment variables as specified in Table 2: Heroku Configuration settings with the following differences:
      • The following variables are NOT required
      • Add the following variables:
        • DATABASE_URL
      • Add Amazon S3-specific settings
Table 3: AWS S3 Configuration settings
Key Value
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key for your AWS account.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key for your AWS account.

See Table 1: Configuration settings for details.

If any other settings vary from the defaults outlined in Table 1: Configuration settings they must be added as well.

  • Select the Manual Deploy to deploy the application.

  • Initialise the database and Create a superuser

    Involves the same procedure as outlined in Initialise the database and Create a superuser but may be run from the local machine.

    • From a Development and Local Deployment

      • Initialise the database

        $ python migrate --database=remote
      • Create a superuser

        Enter Username, Password and optionally Email address.

        $ python createsuperuser --database=remote

      Note: Ensure to specify the --database=remote option to apply the change to the database specified by the REMOTE_DATABASE_URL environment variable.

  • Configure authentication

    Follow the same procedure as outlined in Configure authentication using the Heroku domain as <domain>, e.g.

The live website is available at


The tests information and results are available in


The following resources were used to build the website.




E-commerce recipe subscription and shopping application







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