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Giovanni Toffetti edited this page Dec 8, 2022 · 32 revisions

Welcome to the icclab_turtlebot wiki!

This repository is a ROS package for TurtleBots. Most of the launch files, scripts, and parameters are modified files from other ROS packages such as turtlebot and turtlebot3.

Below is the list of branches:

  • noetic: this branch is for your local machine (not the robot) to view turtlebot operation, and to test launch files/scripts in simulation with Gazebo.
  • turtlebot2: this branch is what we run on the TB2
  • turtlebot3: this is what we run on the TB3
  • kinetic: deprecated this branch is for your local machine (not the robot) to view turtlebot operation, and to test launch files/scripts in simulation with Gazebo.

Branch: turtlebot2

The following wiki pages are related to TurtleBot2:

This branch contains all the files required for the bring up of the TurtleBot 2 and the navigation stack. Original files come from and

Branch: turtlebot3




Launch one of the launch files below on the robot.

  • amcl + map_server on robot
    roslaunch icclab_turtlebot minimal_amcl.launch launch_map_server:=true
  • amcl + map_server not on robot (default setting)
    roslaunch icclab_turtlebot minimal_amcl.launch launch_map_server:=false
  • slam with gmapping
    roslaunch icclab_turtlebot minimal_exploration.launch launch_gmapping:=true

Local machine

Launch rviz with correct rviz config (should be inside kinetic branch) on your local machine

rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/icclab_turtlebot/rviz/navigation.rviz


Useful links: