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Sebastien Filion edited this page May 15, 2018 · 2 revisions


Nucleus is a flexible library that offers tools to implement a distributed micro-service(-like) architecture in NodeJS.

Getting started


The communication of Nucleus is heavily based on Redis, first and for all make sure to install Redis. Redis installation guide

For Nucleus to work correctly, you need to make sure that your server can use keyspace notification. CONFIG SAVE notify-keyspace-events AKE
You can copy the redis.conf file from Nucleus root directory into your project.

$ redis-server PATH_TO_PROJECT/redis.conf

Nucleus Engine

The Nucleus engine (engine for short) is used to interact with the communication layer. It is task to publish/handle actions and events.

Create a new Engine

You can create an engine by simply instantiating the NucleusEngine class:

const { NucleusEngine } = require('idex.nucleus');

const $engine = new NucleusEngine('Test');

// Here, `$engine` is a proxy: it is both a valid promise and the instantiated Nucleus engine.

      // The engine is ready to be used.
    .then(() => {
      // Do something with the engine.
    // Something happened during the initialization of the engine.