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Tutorial Create a persistent storage API

Sebastien Filion edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 1 revision

Create a persistent storage API

So, if you got this far, you know how to create actions and how to interact with the communication layer and maybe you read about extendable actions...

In a nutshell, an extendable action is an action you can extend. Let's take an example with a doclet from the resource API library:

  // ResourceAPI.nucleus.js
   * Assigns one or many relationships to a resource given its ID.
   * @Nucleus ActionName AssignRelationshipsToResourceByID
   * @Nucleus ExtendableActionName `AssignRelationshipsTo${resourceType}ByID`
   * @Nucleus ExtendableEventName `RelationshipsTo${resourceType}ByIDAssigned`
   * @Nucleus ExtendableAlternativeActionSignature 'resourceType' `${Nucleus.shiftFirstLetterToLowerCase(resourceType)}ID` 'originUserID'
   * @Nucleus ExtendableActionArgumentDefault resourceType `${resourceType}`
   * @argument {String} resourceType
   * @argument {String} resourceID
   * @argument {Object[]} resourceRelationshipList
   * @argument {String} originUserID
   * @returns {Promise<{ resourceID: String, resourceType: String, resourceRelationships: Object }>}
   * @throws Will throw an error if the resource type is not a string.
   * @throws Will throw an error if the resource ID is not a string.
   * @throws Will throw an error if the origin user ID is not a string.

The first Nucleus parameter is known, ActionName, it tags a function as a functional action to the system. The following 4 parameters details how this action can be extended.
So let's assume we need to create a user API and we want to extend the AssignRelationshipsToResourceByID action. You can see that all the extendable parameters refers to a variable called resourceType, so you know that you have to somehow pass the resource type when creating a new API... Long story short, everything that you export from your module is available to the engine when trying to resolve those variables. There's an exception for everything prefixed with Nucleus which is injected by the system; ie: Nucleus.shiftFirstLetterToLowerCase.

Alright alright, so here's how you leverage this into your codebase:

  1. Create an API file for your resource if you don't already have one;
  2. Define the resourceType variable and export it;
  3. Call the Nucleus parameter ActionNameToExtend to extend AssignRelationshipsToResourceByID;
  4. Add the JSDoc @memberOf tag, this will help generating more structured documentation;
  5. Add the JSDoc @function tag, this is to make sure that the JSDoc parser reads your doclet correctly;
  6. This is optional, if you want to be able to call the action using the more semantic userID instead of resourceID, just specify it as an argument in the doclet with the correct type.
// User.api.js

const resourceType = 'User';

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend AssignRelationshipsToResourceByID
 * @argument {String} userID
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function assignRelationshipsToResourceByID

module.exports = { resourceType };

If everything is set-up properly, you can call the new action like this:

$engine.publishActionByNameAndHandleResponse('AssignRelationshipsToUserByID', { userID, resourceRelationshipList }, originUserID);

Note that the argument resourceType argument is not required because it is set as a default, (see ExtendableActionArgumentDefault for more details) and the originUserID will also be injected automatically because it is required to publish an action anyway...

The resource API library offers a lot of different actions that will help you manage your resource out of the box:

  • CreateResource, Creates a resource given its attributes.
  • RemoveResourceByID, Removes a resource given its ID.
  • RetrieveResourceByID, Retrieves a resource given its ID.
  • UpdateResourceByID, Updates a resource given its ID and new attributes.

Which brings us to talk about the resource model... A resource model is an extension of NucleusResource that defines, more or less, the schema for your resource. During the autodiscovery, Nucleus has the ability to infer resource model from your type definition doclet:

 * @Nucleus ResourceAPIName UserAPI
 * @typedef {Object} User
 * @property {String} email
 * @property {String} firstName
 * @property {String} fullName
 * @property {String} lastName
 * @property {Object[]} phoneNumberList
 * @property {String} username

Using the CreateResource extendable action doclet as an example, you'll notice that it requires an argument called NucleusResourceModel that defaults to Nucleus.generateResourceModelFromResourceStructureByResourceType(${resourceType}). What will happen behind the scene, if you documented your resource type correctly, the engine will retrieve the resource model for the given type and inject it in the function.

   * Creates a resource given its name and an object of its attributes.
   * @Nucleus ActionName CreateResource
   * @Nucleus ActionAlternativeSignature resourceType NucleusResourceModel resourceAttributes originUserID
   * @Nucleus ExtendableActionName `Create${resourceType}`
   * @Nucleus ExtendableEventName `${resourceType}Created`
   * @Nucleus ExtendableAlternativeActionSignature 'resourceType' 'NucleusResourceModel' `${Nucleus.shiftFirstLetterToLowerCase(resourceType)}Attributes` 'originUserID'
   * @Nucleus ExtendableActionArgumentDefault resourceType `${resourceType}` NucleusResourceModel Nucleus.generateResourceModelFromResourceStructureByResourceType(`${resourceType}`)
   * @argument {String} resourceType
   * @argument {Function} NucleusResourceModel
   * @argument {Object} resourceAttributes
   * @argument {String} originUserID
   * @argument {String} [parentNodeType]
   * @argument {String} [parentNodeID]
   * @returns {Promise<{ resource: NucleusResource, resourceRelationships: Object }>}
   * @throws Will throw an error if the resource type is not a string.
   * @throws Will throw an error if the resource model is not an instance of NucleusResource.
   * @throws Will throw an error if the resource attributes is not an object.
   * @throws Will throw an error if the origin user ID is not a string.
   * @throws Will throw an error if no datastore is passed.
   * @throws Will throw an error if the resource is not conform to the model.

If we add the type definition doclet and the new extendable actions, your user API now looks like this:

// User.api.js

const resourceType = 'User';

 * @Nucleus ResourceAPIName UserAPI
 * @typedef {Object} User
 * @property {String} email
 * @property {String} firstName
 * @property {String} fullName
 * @property {String} lastName
 * @property {Object[]} phoneNumberList
 * @property {String} username

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend CreateResource
 * @argument {Object} userAttributes
 * @argument {String} originUserID
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function createResource

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend RemoveResourceByID
 * @argument {String} userID
 * @argument {String} originUserID
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function removeResourceByID

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend RetrieveAllResourcesByType
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function retrieveAllResourcesByType

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend RetrieveBatchResourceByIDList
 * @argument {String[]} userIDList
 * @argument {String} originUserID
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function retrieveBatchResourceByIDList

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend RetrieveResourceByID
 * @argument {String} userID
 * @argument {String} originUserID
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function retrieveResourceByID

 * @Nucleus ActionNameToExtend UpdateResourceByID
 * @argument {String} userID
 * @argument {Object} userAttributes
 * @argument {String} originUserID
 * @memberOf UserAPI
 * @function updateResourceByID

 * @class UserAPI
module.exports = {
  pluralResourceType: resourceType + 's',

This provides you with new actions: CreateUser, RemoveUserByID, RetrieveAllUsers, RetrieveBatchUserByIDList, RetrieveUserByID, UpdateUserByID.

At this point, if you need to add more actions, just go ahead! Don't forget to export it from your module.

// ...

 * Authenticates the user given its credentials.
 * @Nucleus ActionName AuthenticateUserWithCredentials
 * @argument {String} username
 * @argument {String} password
 * @argument {String} originUserID
 * @returns {Promise}
function authenticateUserWithCredentials (username, password, originUserID) {
  // Authenticate the user using your preferred algorithm.
  return Promise.resolve();

// ...

 * @class UserAPI
module.exports = {
  pluralResourceType: resourceType + 's',

That's all folks!