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IDMarinas edited this page Jan 31, 2021 · 8 revisions

⚠️ Before Build and install

The "IDMarinas Edition" core has prerequisites that must be met before it can be installed:

  • PHP version and compatibility with IDMarinas Edition core:

    • PHP version >= 5.6.*
      • IDMarinas Edition 2.6.* and lower
    • PHP version >= 7.0.*
      • IDMarinas Edition 2.7.* to 3.0.*
    • PHP version >= 7.1.*
      • IDMarinas Edition 4.0.* to 4.1.*
    • PHP version >= 7.2.*
      • IDMarinas Edition 4.2.* and up
    • PHP version >= 7.3.*
      • IDMarinas Edition 4.6.* and up
  • PHP Extensions

    • bcmath
    • curl
    • exif
    • intl
    • mbstring
    • pdo_mysql
    • session
  • Data base:

    • MySQL/MariaDB
    • IDMarinas use Doctrine and zend-db component and ORM for access to data base.
  • Composer:

    • IDMarinas Edition use composer to install PHP dependencies. I recomend a globaly installation.
    • See for Instructions of install Composer.
  • NodeJS:

    • IDMarinas Edition use NPM to install some dependencies that help to build de application.
    • See for Download and Install
  • Gulp:

    • IDMarinas Edition uses Gulp to perform the build tasks, it is recommended to install the CLI to access the commands in a more comfortable way.
    • npm install gulp-cli -g
  • See composer.json for see more requeriments.

  • Download file Lotgd Check Requeriments to check your server

New versions: 5.2.* and newer


New versions: 5.0.* to 5.1.*


Older versions: 4.4.* to 4.12.*


Older versions: 4.3.* and earlier

Game Installation

Game Build

Game Development


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