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@edwinb edwinb tagged this 07 Jan 18:12
* Language updates

+ In `@`-patterns such as `x@p`, `x` is now in scope on the right-hand side
  of any definitions in `where` clauses, provided the left-hand side of the
  definition does not shadow it.
+ The `LinearTypes` language extension has been revised. It implements the
  rules from Bob Atkey's draft "The Syntax and Semantics of Quantitative
  Type Theory" and now works with holes and case expressions.
+ Backticked operators can appear in sections, e.g. ``(`LTE` 42)`` or
  ``(1 `plus`)``.
+ Backticked operators can have their precendence and associativity set like
  other operators, e.g. ``infixr 8 `cons` ``.  Backticked operators with
  undeclared fixity are treated as non-associative with precedence lower
  than all declared operators.
+ Allow non-injective implementations if explicitly named, e.g.,
  LTB : Nat -> Type
  LTB b = DPair Nat (\ n  => LT n b)

  implementation [uninhabltb] Uninhabited (LTB Z) where
    uninhabited (MkDPair n prf) = absurd prf
  It is possible to use `using implementation uninhabltb` to add the
  implementation to the automated resolution, but if it fails to find the
  instance due to non-injectivity, one must pass it explicitly to target
  function, i.e. `absurd @{uninhabltb}`.
+ Verbatim strings now support trailing quote characters. All quote characters
  until the final three are considered part of the string. Now a string such as
  `""""hello""""` will parse, and is equivalent to `"\"hello\""`.
+ C FFI now supports pasting in any expression by prefixing it with '#', e.g.
  intMax : IO Int
  intMax = foreign FFI_C "#INT_MAX" (IO Int)
+ The deprecated keywords `%assert_total`, `abstract`, and `[static]` have
  been removed as well as the use of "public" instead of "public export" to
  expose a symbol.
+ The syntax for pattern-match alternatives now works for `let` statements in
  `do` blocks in addition to `let` expressions and `<-` statements, e.g.
    do …
       let Just x = expr | Nothing => empty
  This means that a `with`-application (using `|`) cannot be used in that
  position anymore.

* Library Updates

+ Removed `oldeffects` library from `libs` folder, use `effects` or `Control.ST` instead.
+ Added `Text.Literate`, a module for working with literate source files.
+ Added `Data.IORef`, for working with mutable references in `IO` and `JS_IO`.
+ Added `discriminate` and `construct` tactics to Pruviloj.
+ Added `IsSucc` type to `Prelude`, which proves that a `Nat` is a successor.
+ Added `Data.IOArray`, containing primitives for mutable arrays.
+ Added `Language.JSON`, for total serialization/deserialization of JSON data.
+ Reworked operator fixity for many operators.
  * Changed `&&` and `||` to be right-associative. Increased precedence of `&&`
    to be higher than that of `||`.
  * Removed associativity from Boolean comparison operators `==`, `/=`, `<`, `<=`,
    `>`, and `>=`. Increased precedence of `/=` and `==` to match the others.
  * Made `<|>`, `<$>`, and `.` right-associative.
  * Swapped precedence of `<|>` and `<*>` (and its related operators, `<*` and
    `*>`). Now `<|>` has a lower precedence.
  * Lowered the precedence of `>>=` to be below that of `<|>`.
+ Added some useful string manipulation functions to `Data.String.Extra`.
+ Added `Control.Delayed`, a module for conditionally making a type `Inf` or `Lazy`.
+ Added `Data.Fuel`, which implements the `Fuel` data type and the partial `forever` function.
+ Added `Data.Bool.Extra`, a module with properties of boolean operations.
+ Moved core of `Text.Lexer` to `Text.Lexer.Core`. Added several new combinators
  and lexers to `Text.Lexer`.
+ Moved core of `Text.Parser` to `Text.Parser.Core`. Added several new combinators
  to `Text.Parser`. Made the following changes.
  * Flipped argument order of `parse`.
  * Renamed `optional` to `option` and flip argument order.
  * Renamed `maybe` to `optional`.
  * Generalised many combinators to use an unknown `commit` flag where possible.
+ `Prelude.Doubles.atan2` is now implemented as a primitive instead of
  being coded in Idris.
+ Added `Test.Unit` to `contrib` for simple unit testing.
+ Removed several deprecated items from the libraries shipped with Idris.
+ Moved `abs` from the `Neg` interface into its own `Abs` interface.  `Nat`
  implements `Abs` with `abs = id`.
+ Added `Control.ST.File`, an ST based implementation of the same behaviour
  implemented by `Effect.File` in the effects package.

* Tool Updates

+ Private functions are no longer visible in the REPL except for modules
  that are explicitly loaded.
+ The --interface option now creates CommonJS modules on the node backend.
+ The C backend now pass arguments to the C compiler in the same order
  as they were given in the source files.
+ Backslash, braces and percent symbols are now correctly pretty printed
  in LaTeX.
+ Errors and warnings now consistently have the following format:
  1 | data nat : Type where --error
    |      ~~~
  Main.nat has a name which may be implicitly bound.
  This is likely to lead to problems!
  The code is highlighted when highlighting information is available.  How
  much highlighting information is available depends on where the error
+ The parser provider has been switched from Trifecta to Megaparsec.  This
  could possibly cause some subtle deviations in parsing from previous
  versions of Idris.
+ Many more errors now report beginning *and* ending position (which may be
  on different lines), instead of just a single point.  The format is
  `Foo.idr:9:7-15:` if ending column is on the same line or
  `Foo.idr:9:7-10:15:` if the ending column is on a different line.
+ Error messages were changed so that the last column is inclusive, e.g.
  `Foo.idr:9:7-15:` includes column 15.  Previously the error would have read

* Packaging Updates

+ Package names now only accept a restrictive charset of letters, numbers and the `-_` characters.
  Package names are also case insensitive.
+ When building makefiles for the FFI, the environment variables
  `IDRIS_INCLUDES` and `IDRIS_LDFLAGS` are now set with the correct C
Assets 2