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Parallelization Mode

Sadjad F Baygi edited this page Mar 28, 2023 · 8 revisions

The IDSL ensemble software package has integrated two parallelization modes to enhance the processing efficiency of data. To ensure compatibility with diverse operating systems, the parLapply module is utilized for Windows OS, and the mclapply module is employed for Unix-based OS within the parallel package of R. In the event of any difficulties with these functions on the system, a possible solution is to use only one thread to circumvent the error.

Peak Mode

In this approach, the processing function is parallelized for the peaks in one sample at a time, resulting in a faster processing speed for individual samples. This approach is recommended when processing only a few samples.

Sample Mode

In this approach, the processing function is parallelized across the entire batch, resulting in a faster processing speed for all samples. This approach is recommended for large-scale sample processing.

parallelization limits

FSDB and IPDB objects may occupy significant amounts of RAM memory. Therefore, before using these large objects, it is recommended that you select the number of processing threads based on the memory limit of your processing station.