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Depending on Create Encased

iglée42 edited this page Jun 1, 2024 · 11 revisions

Depending on Create Encased

Depending on Create Encased require Create Dependency

Create version: 0.5.1.f

Create Encased version: 1.6.0-fix(1/2)

Minecraft version: 1.18.2/1.19.2/1.20.1

This page describes how a mod developer can add a dependency on Create Encased.

Quick Access

If you are an add-on developer, you will need both a development environment dependency and a production environment dependency.

If you are not an add-on developer, you will only need a development environment dependency.

Types of Dependencies

Development Environment Dependency

This type of dependency is added to the Gradle buildscript so that Gradle and your IDE can find Create's code.


Add the following code to your build.gradle file. It defines the Maven repo, where CreateCasing jars are hosted.

repositories {
    maven {
        //Iglee's Repo
        url ""
        content {
            includeGroup "fr.iglee42"

Add the following code to your build.gradle file. It defines the Create Encased dependencies.

dependencies {
    implementation fg.deobf("fr.iglee42:CreateCasing-${minecraft_version}:${create_casing_version}") { transitive = false }

Add the following properties to your file.

For 1.18.2

minecraft_version = 1.18.2
create_casing_version = 1.6.0-fix2

For 1.19.2

minecraft_version = 1.19.2
create_casing_version = 1.6.0-fix2

For 1.20.1

minecraft_version = 1.20.1
create_casing_version = 1.6.0-fix1

Production Environment Dependency

This type of dependency is added to the mods.toml file so that Forge knows your mod will not work without a certain version of Create Encased. This type of dependency is only useful if a development environment dependency was also added. This type of dependency should not be added if your mod is able to work in a production environment without Create Encased.


Add the following dependency definition to your mods.toml file, replacing modid with your mod's ID. This tells Forge that your mod depends on Create Encased. If Create Encased is not present, or is outdated, Forge will display an error screen explaining this to the user.


This page is inspired from Create Wiki Page