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kfkaplan edited this page May 9, 2024 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the IGRINS Pipeline Package (PLP) wiki!

Here is an brief introduction on how to run this pipeline.

Below gives you an overview of how pipeline works (or should work).

  1. Preprocessing
    1. Readout Pattern
    2. Badpixel Masks
    3. Cosmic Rays
  2. Defining the Apertures
  3. Dispersion Calibration
    1. 2-D fitting w/ OH lines
    2. Th-Ar lamp & Ur lamp
    3. Telluric lines
  4. One dimensional spectra extraction
  5. Distortion corrected 2-d spectra
  6. Plotting spectra & divide by A0V
  7. Flux Calibration & Telluric Correction (TODO)
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