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YoComposite preferred chart configurations

SylvainBertrand edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

In addition to enable searching for composites, a pattern can also declare a preferred chart configuration that simplifies the process of plotting multiple YoVariables.

Going back to our example with the spine composite for Atlas, open the YoComposite pattern editor dialog and add a preferred chart configuration:

Add chart configuration

Let's name this first configuration "Horizontal":

Name configuration

Modify the column field for each component as follows:

Set column fields

Now save the modifications and close the editor. Search for any spine composite, create 3 charts, then drag and drop a composite in the first chart:

Create 3 charts and drag and drop

Additional preferred configurations can be added to the same YoComposite pattern in which case when plotting the composite a popup window will request which configuration to use:

Additional chart configurations