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Bash-based implementation of run-parts - concept taken from Debian with extensions from Ubuntu


       run-parts - run scripts or programs in a directory

       run-parts  [--test]  [--verbose]  [--report]  [--umask=umask] [--lsbsysinit] [--regex=REGEX]
       [--arg=argument] [--exit-on-error] [--help] [--list] [--reverse]  [--]  DIRECTORY

       run-parts runs all the executable files named within constraints described below, found in
       directory directory.  Other files and directories are silently ignored.

       If neither the --lsbsysinit option nor the --regex option is given  then  the  names  must
       consist  entirely of ASCII upper- and lower-case letters, ASCII digits, ASCII underscores,
       and ASCII minus-hyphens.

       If the --lsbsysinit option is given,  then  the  names  must  not  end  in  .dpkg-old   or
       .dpkg-dist  or  .dpkg-new  or  .dpkg-tmp,  and must belong to one or more of the following
       namespaces: the LANANA-assigned namespace (^[a-z0-9]+$); the LSB hierarchical and reserved
       namespaces  (^_?([a-z0-9_.]+-)+[a-z0-9]+$);  and the Debian cron script namespace (^[a-zA-

       If the --regex option  is  given,  the  names  must  match  the  custom  extended  regular
       expression specified as that option's argument.

       Files  are  run	in  the  lexical sort order of their names unless the --reverse option is
       given, in which case they are run in the opposite order.

       --test print the names of the scripts which would be run, but don't actually run them.

       --list print the names of the all matching files (not limited to executables),  but  don't
          actually run them. This option cannot be used with --test.

       -v, --verbose
          print the name of each script to stderr before running.

          similar  to  --verbose,  but  only prints the name of scripts which produce output.
          The script's name is printed to whichever of stdout or stderr the script produces
          output on. The script's name is not printed to stderr if --verbose also specified.

          reverse the scripts' execution order.

          exit as soon as a script returns with a non-zero exit code.

          sets  the  umask to umask before running the scripts.  umask should be specified in
          octal.  By default the umask is set to 022.

          filename must be in one or more of either the LANANA-assigned namespace, the LSB
          namespaces - either hierarchical or reserved - or the Debian cron script namespace.

          validate filenames against custom extended regular expression REGEX

       -a, --arg=argument
          pass argument to the scripts.  Use --arg once for each argument you want passed.

       --     specifies that this is the end of the options.  Any filename after -- will  be  not
          be interpreted as an option even if it starts with a hyphen.

       -h, --help
          display usage information and exit.