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ilikegoodfood edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 23 revisions

Verb Expansion Framework

The Verb Expansion Framework was initially concieved of as a complete re-implementation of the Range Animal Framework. This initial release has succeeded in that goal, along with a handful of other enhancements.

The long term goal is to provide a broadly increased combat scope, making violence on the Rim more varied, tactical and exotic, than ever before.

Public Service Announcement

Work on a completely refactored Verb Expansion Framework 2.0 is likely to commence soon(TM). Soon looks like some time next month Please remember thatit will take considerable time to developel this release, especially with the new changes Tynana has implemented in the code-base. It will not be released by myself as I am handing VEF off Erdelf, an increadibly skilled and dedicated RimWorld modder.


  • All types of Pawn, be they animals, colonists, humanoids or mechanoids, will recognise and use Ranged Verbs from Equipment, Hediffs and Race Definitions.
  • If they have any, animals will use Ranged Verbs preferentially when manhunting (as will manhunting humanoids) or when defending their master.
  • AI with multiple ranged verbs will approximate their usefulness and select the most useful ranged verb to use.
  • Colonists that have Ranged Verbs that are not from their Equipment or that have multiple Ranged Verbs will show an additional Gizmo that allows the player to set which ranged verb they should use in combat (colonists must be drafted to make the selection).
  • Colonists that have Ranged Verbs but do not have any Equipment will display and respect the Toggle Fire-at-Will gizmo.
  • Ranged Verbs from Hediffs display all of the appropriate interactions with the Brawler Trait (unhappy thought, 'Brawler has Ranged Weapon' warning in sidebar, and the Operations 'Add Bill' Menu will display the 'Brawler will be unhappy' warning for appropriate operations).
  • All bleeding-capable pawns have their total bleed rate multiplied by the new Bleed Rate Capacity.
  • Implements Verb_ShootBody, which modifies the damage dealt based on the body size of the pawn using the verb.
  • Implements versions of Explosions, Extinguishers, and Flames that do not trigger camera shake. Created by BadDog, sma342, Mehni, Erdelf and Ogliss. Maintained and provided by Ogliss.
  • Implements HediffComp and ThingComp versions of Smokepop Belt.
  • Implements HediffComp HealthModifier (Legacy) and Health Capacities.
  • Implements HediffSets, allowing you to lock powerful bonuses or penalties behind multiple prerequisite hediffs.

Planned Features

These features are palnned to be explored and, if possible, added to the framework as it grows. There is no guarentee that a feature listed here will make it into the framework.

  • Allow Ranged Verbs in the Race Definitions to be dependant upon a body part group, in much the same way as race defined Tools.
  • Implement new Verb Types, including Point-Blank Area of Effect Weapons, Filth-Producing Weapons (i.e. glue launchers, webbing or toxic dust), and Spawn sub-unit as attack (i.e. mechanoids that attack by spawning robo-bombs).