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Opentelemetry build

This project provides an API for instrumenting server software using opentelemetry, as well as connectors to talk to opentelemetry software such as jaeger.

  • library opentelemetry should be used to instrument your code and possibly libraries. It doesn't communicate with anything except a backend (default: dummy backend)
  • library opentelemetry-client-ocurl is a backend that communicates via http+protobuf with some collector (otelcol, datadog-agent, etc.)




  • basic traces
  • basic metrics
  • basic logs
  • nice API
  • interface with lwt
  • sync collector relying on ocurl
    • batching, perf, etc.
  • async collector relying on ocurl-multi
  • interface with logs (carry context around)
  • implicit scope (via ambient-context)


For now, instrument traces/spans, logs, and metrics manually:

module Otel = Opentelemetry
let (let@) f x = f x

let foo () =
  let@ scope = Otel.Trace.with_  "foo"
      ~attrs:["hello", `String "world"] in
    emit [
      gauge ~name:"foo.x" [int 42];


If you're writing a top-level application, you need to perform some initial configuration.

  1. Set the service_name;
  2. configure our ambient-context dependency with the appropriate storage for your environment — TLS, Lwt, Eio ... (see their docs for more details);
  3. and install a Collector (usually by calling your collector's with_setup function.)

For example, if your application is using Lwt, and you're using ocurl as your collector, you might do something like this:

let main () =
  Otel.Globals.service_name := "my_service";

  Ambient_context.with_storage_provider ( ()) @@ fun () ->
  Opentelemetry_client_ocurl.with_setup () @@ fun () ->
  foo ();


The library is configurable via Opentelemetry.Config, via the standard opentelemetry env variables, or with some custom environment variables.

  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT sets the http endpoint to send signals to
  • OTEL_OCAML_DEBUG=1 to print some debug messages from the opentelemetry library ide
  • OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES sets a comma separated list of custom resource attributes

Collector opentelemetry-client-ocurl

This is a synchronous collector that uses the http+protobuf format to send signals (metrics, traces, logs) to some other collector (eg. otelcol or the datadog agent).

Collector opentelemetry-client-cohttp-lwt

This is a Lwt-friendly collector that uses cohttp to send signals to some other collector (e.g. otelcol). It must be run inside a scope.


The optional library opentelemetry.trace, present if trace is installed, provides a collector for trace. This collector forwards and translates events from trace into opentelemetry. It's only useful if there also is also a OTEL collector.



Semantic Conventions

Not supported yet.