ReadQC (2023_03-63-gec44de43)
Calculates QC metrics on unprocessed NGS reads.
Mandatory parameters:
-in1 <filelist> Forward input gzipped FASTQ file(s).
Optional parameters:
-in2 <filelist> Reverse input gzipped FASTQ file(s) for paired-end mode (same number of cycles/reads as 'in1').
Default value: ''
-out <file> Output qcML file. If unset, writes to STDOUT.
Default value: ''
-txt Writes TXT format instead of qcML.
Default value: 'false'
-out1 <file> If set, writes merged forward FASTQs to this file (gzipped).
Default value: ''
-out2 <file> If set, writes merged reverse FASTQs to this file (gzipped)
Default value: ''
-compression_level <int> Output FASTQ compression level from 1 (fastest) to 9 (best compression).
Default value: '1'
-long_read Support long reads (> 1kb).
Default value: 'false'
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
ReadQC 2023_03-63-gec44de43
2023-04-18 Added support for LongRead
2021-02-03 Added option to write out merged input FASTQs (out1/out2).
2016-08-19 Added support for multiple input files.