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Inesh Bose edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 1 revision

General/Fitness Trackers

  • Strava
    • More social media based
    • Has Add Manual Activity Option
    • Form adjusts according to activity
  • Google Fit
    • Very simple layout
    • UI inspiration for PortionMate

Period Trackers

  • Flo
    • Alerts users through notifications
    • Has two approaches on signup - track cycle or fertility
    • PortionMate can also have two approaches - lose/maintain weight, increase weight for bulk/BMI
      • Can be used by sport people
      • Signup questionnaire
  • Maya
    • Provides forums and resources (important for Eatwell Guide)
    • Has a calendar view with graphs

Portion Trackers

  • Fitbit
    • Can remove food tracking from dashboard
    • Allows scanning QR, quick calories add, meal of the day, and from history
  • Baritastic
    • Graph on top with cards at bottom with a big plus sign (takes in summary, water, daily log, exercise, weight and measurements)
    • Can add reminders, and has journal
    • "bariatric", the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity
  • Portion Monitor (from Tiny apps)
    • Has a very very simple UI, basic/old app
    • Uses a table similar to the paper but Rows/X-axis as meals (Breakfast/Snack1/Lunch) and Columns/Y-axis as nutrients (Carbs/Protein)
    • Important for inspiration and report
  • LifeSum
    • Very fancy app
    • Has recipe suggestions for plan - would be nice to have
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