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Inesh Bose edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 1 revision


[full name] is a(n) [description].

Ben Tullett (he/him) is an English musician who has just started his 30s. He spends a lot of time in studio stressing over recordings and song lyrics, which makes him think that he also needs to focus on his health. For Ben, if there isn't enough time for workout, the least that can be done is to have a healthy diet. Therefore, Ben learns about the Eatwell Guide and now wishes to monitor it.

Michelle Braun (she/her) is a very busy student at the Seoul National University. She finds herself switching between so many tasks and meetings, that she often forgets to make time to have something to eat. No more. This semester, Michelle is determined to prioritise eating, even if it means bringing food to an important meeting. She wishes to be able to log the items she is eating, and would appreciate having the ability to visualise her statistics on weekends.

Brigette Rogers (they/them) is a high school student trying to earn their way into the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) through a sports scholarship. To prepare for this, they have been speaking to a dietitian and following prescriptions religiously. The goal to the prescribed diet is to not get tired out easily and increase weight by 5 kilograms (11 pounds). At the moment, Brigette is keeping a track of their portion intake on paper, but would like an app for the same.


As an [actor] I want to [action on or by the system] So that [rationale]

As a busy student, I want to be notified to enter logs, so that my data doesn't have anything missing.

As an entrepreneur of a booming business, I want to be able to input my logs by as few taps and mental workload, so that the app feels convenient.

As an athelete trying to gain weight, I want to be able to be pushed by the app, so that my goal is met.

As a mother of a preschooler, I want to enter logs for my child, so that I can monitor and track statistics to also share with a pediatrician.

As a young bachelor, I want to information on diet plans available on the app, so that I can choose to follow one.

As a retired person, I want to log food I eat along with any medicines, so that my health is on track and I'm motivated.

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