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Inesh Bose edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 2 revisions
Week 1 * 1 hour Had first scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
* 3 hours Go over moodle page and lecture slides, understanding and scoping the guidelines
Week 2 * 0.5 hours Project research into tracking apps (types and trending) * 1 hour Project research into general tracking apps * 1 hour Project research into general tracking apps
* 1 hour Project research into period tracking apps
* 0.5 hour Go through React Native's website
* 2 hours Project research into food tracking apps
* 0.5 hour Go through React Native's website
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 3 * 2 hours Setup repository * 3 hours Go through React Native's website * 2 hours Continue repository setup (wiki, boards) * 2 hours Scope down requirements, research, frameworks * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 4 * 1 hour Research into tools * 3 hours Setup tools and continue research * 4 hours Polish repository and tools * 3 hours Working on specifications and repository
* 1 hour Brainstorming on React Native
* 1 hour Re-familiarising with Django & DRF
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
* 1 hour Setup wireframes on Figma
Week 5 * 5 hours Setup wireframes on Figma
* 1 hour Planning, Research & Study
* 3 hours Polish wireframes on Figma
* 2 hours Issues #1 and #2
* 1 hour Repository polishing
* 2 hours Learning React Native
* 1 hour Planning & setup
* 2 hours Pipeline setup
* 1 hour Wiki
* 1 hour Wireframe polishing
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 6 * 1 hour Django research & planning
* 1 hour Backlog planning
* 1 hour Wireframes/UI research & planning * 2 hours Issue PR Automation Setup * 3 hours Wireframes redo * 2 hours Wireframes polishing
* 1 hour Project research
* 3 hours Backend database setup (user authentication model)
* 2 hours Setup dissertation build pipeline
Week 7 * 4 hours Issue #8 * 2 hours Issue #8
* 0.5 hour Issue #14
* 1 hour Issue #10
* 1 hour Issue #12
* 2 hours Issue #9 * 1 hour Issue #9
* 1 hour Routine planning, research & polishing
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
* 0.5 hour Issue #19
* 9 hours Issue #26 * 10 hours Issue #28
Week 8 * 2 hours Issue #9
* 1 hour Issue #26
* 4 hours Issue #28
* 1 hour Planning, research and polishing
* 2 hours Issue #9 * 1 hour Issue #9 * 1 hour Issue #9
* 1 hour Issue #34
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 9 * 1 hour Issue #13 * 4 hours Issue #13 * 4 hours Issue #13 * 1 hour Issue #13
* 1 hour Research & planning
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 10 No progress on project due to courseworks.
Week 11 No progress on project due to courseworks and exam.
Week 12 * 1 hour Project catch-up
* 0.5 hour Issue #37
* 1 hour Issue #37 * 1 hour Project catch-up & planning
* 0.5 hour Issue #37
* 2 hours Issue #37 * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 13 * 5 hours Issue #13 * 5 hours Issue #13
* 1 hour Issue #37
* 8 hours Issue #33
* 2 hours Planning & research
* 5 hours Issue #34 * 4 hours Issue #53
* 3 hours Issue #54
* 2 hours Issue #55
Week 14 Time taken off to unwind and relax for Christmas and New Year.
Week 15 * 3 hours Issue #59 * 1.5 hours Issue #68
* 2 hours Issue #70
* 3 hours Issue #70 * 8 hours Issue #67 * 10 hours Issue #67
Week 16 * 1 hour Issue #75
* 1 hour Issue #77
* 4 hours Issue #71
* 2 hours Issue #52
* 0.5 hours Issue #52 * 3 hours Issue #81 * 3 hours Issue #81
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 17 * 3 hours Issue #73
* 3 hours Issue #86
* 2 hours Issue #41
* 1 hours Issue #44
* 2 hours Issue #88
* 2 hours Issue #90
* 3 hours Issue #60 * 5 hours Issue #60 * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
* 2 hours Issue #93
Week 18 * 10 hours Issue #93 * 5 hours Issue #49 * 3 hours Issue #97 * 2 hours Issue #41
* 4 hours Issue #100
* 1 hour Issue #103
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes (also closing #41)
Week 19 * 2 hours Issue #99
* 2 hours Issue #48
* 1 hour Issue #107
* 8 hours Issue #99 * 2 hours Issue #109 * 2 hours Issue #47
* 1 hour Issue #112
* 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 20 * 4 hours Issue #114 * 1 hour Issue #114 * 1 hour Issue #118 * 0.5 hours Issue #114 * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 21 * 0.5 hours Issue #118 * 0.5 hours Issue #114 * 1 hour Issue #114 * 2 hours Issue #114 * 3 hours Issue #118
Week 22 * 3 hours Issue #116 * 0.5 hours Issue #115 * 0.5 hours Issue #115
* 2 hours Issue #64
* 5 hours Issue #115 * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 23 * 2 hours Issue #11
* 5 hours Issue #64
* 1 hour Evaluation survey polishing, formalising
* 0.5 hours Evaluations sharing
* 1 hour Planning & research * 0.5 hours Polishing & planning * 1 hour Dissertation section planning * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes
Week 24 * 1 hour Dissertation environment setup (references, LaTeX)
* 0.5 hours Final evaluation and closing
* 0.5 hours Dissertation research * 0.5 hours Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes * 3 hours Issue #40
* 3 hours Issue #123
* 1 hour Dissertation research
Week 25 * 2 hours Dissertation writing * 3 hours Dissertation writing * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes * 3 hours Dissertation writing * 2 hours Dissertation writing
Week 26 * 4 hours Dissertation writing * 5 hours Dissertation writing * 1 hour Scheduled meet with supervisor and compiled notes * 3 hours Timelog parsing & updating wiki docs
* 4 hours Dissertation writing
* 1 hour Issue #73
* 4 hours Issue #133
Week 27 * 6 hours Dissertation writing * 8 hours Dissertation writing * 8 hours Dissertation writing * 10 hours Dissertation writing
* 4 hours Presentation planning
* 5 hours Dissertation polishing and review
* 2 hours Presentation recording
* 1 hour Preparing submission in format, uploading and submitting
* 0.5 hours Celebration :)
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