Minimalistic (and experimental) CLI-tool to convert MySQL/MariaDB dumps (TSV-Format) to line-wise json documents (e.g., jsonlines, ndjson).
tsv2jsonl [-h header_names] [-a] [in_file] [out_file]
-a autodetect types
-h define column names (default is X1, X2, ...)
There are some shortcomings:
- Right now non-ascii characters are not escaped. This is not required by the JSON standard, however, common practice.
For example, we can trasform a mysql dump ./inc/example.tsv
to jsonl and store it in ./inc/example.jsonl
tsv2jsonl -a ./inc/example.tsv ./inc/example.jsonl
Columnnames automatically begin with a X and are followed by the colum number (X1, X2, X3). Alternatively, one can provide the header names of the tsv:
cat inc/example.tsv | tsv2jsonl -a -n id,hashtags,created_at,text,lang,retweets,coords,a_username,a_followers,a_friends,a_statuses,a_description,a_location,observation_date,geo,place,quotes,replies,favs,source
First you have to download and compile the source:
git clone
cd tsv2jsonl && make
With the following command you can install it on your system:
sudo make install
- C++17 copiler & build tools (i.e., make)
- should work on most POSIX compatible systems