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Releases: input-output-hk/daedalus

Release 0.8.1 - Cardano SL 1.0.0

07 Mar 09:07
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Release 0.8.1


  • Postpone Update Api call integration (PR 485)


  • Fix all features eslint warnings (PR 468)
  • Fix for disabled buttons on dark-blue theme (PR 473)
  • Remove maximum screen width and height in full-screen mode (PR 472)
  • Fix "label click" dropdown issue in react-polymorph (PR 479)
  • Fix error message text for A to A transaction error (PR 484)
  • Fix "label prop type" checkbox issue in react-polymorph (PR 487)
  • Remove all drag and drop instructions from UI (PR 495)
  • Preferences saved to local storage prefixed with network (PR 501)
  • Disable wallet import and export features for the mainnet (PR 503)


  • Update version in About dialog to 0.8.2 (PR 496)
  • Set Dark theme as default one for the mainnet (PR 497)

Release 0.8.0 - Cardano SL 0.6.0

12 Sep 11:30
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  • Opt-in mode for sending logs to the remote server
  • Added support for Cmd+H hotkey shortcut for hiding application window on OSX (PR 404)
  • Setup environment variable for testnet/mainnet mode (PR 400)
  • Export wallet to file (PR 426)
  • Add theming options in settings (PR 370)
  • About page, available from the system menu (PR 430)
  • Setup default themes for TN and MN and introduce new theme names (PR 451)
  • Transaction fees UX improvements on wallet sent screen (PR 449)


  • Implement MomentJs internationalization
  • Also quit whole app when last window is closed on osx
  • Daedalus and Cardano node update notification text messages change (PR 392)
  • Fixed brittle acceptance test steps (wallet latest transaction amount check) (PR 393)
  • Fixed Numeric component caret position bug on wallet send screen (PR 394)
  • Fixed all design implementation issues (PR 397)
  • Fixed eslint syntax warnings (PR 403)
  • Fixed wallet spending password fields error messages positioning on wallet create/restore/import dialogs (PR 407)
  • Fixed inline-editing success-messages on wallet settings screen (PR 408)
  • Fixed dialogs cut-off content on smaller screens (PR 370)
  • Fixed the issue of dialogs being closable while wallet import/creation/restoring is happening (PR 393)
  • Fixed calculation and display of transaction assurance levels (PR 390)
  • Fixes Transaction additional info showing/hiding affects all user's wallets (PR 411)
  • Fixed promise handling for unmounted wallet send form PR 412
  • Fixes Transaction toggle issue on active wallet change (PR 421)
  • Fixed missing 'used address' styling for default wallet address on wallet receive screen (PR 422)
  • Terms of service for the mainnet (PR 425)
  • Fixed failing acceptance tests (PR 424)
  • Show correct error message on sending money to Ada redemption address (PR 423)
  • Fixed ENOENT error on log file rotation (PR 428)
  • Fixed logging error (PR 431)
  • Add theming support on UI which was introduced after introduction of Theming feature (PR 434)
  • Speed-up About page opening time (PR 450)
  • Importing a wallet from a file updated-API integration (PR 439)
  • Exporting a wallet updated-API integration (PR 438)
  • Show correct error message for A -> A transaction error (PR 441)
  • Improved QR code colors on wallet send screen for dark themes (PR 448)
  • Fixed transaction fees flicker on wallet send screen form submit (PR 456)
  • Fixed failing acceptance-tests (PR 454)
  • Prevent application window auto focusing while running acceptance-tests (PR 458)
  • Limit and validate wallet's name maximum length (PR 465)


  • Added readme file for running acceptance tests (PR 395)
  • Improved webpack build performance (PR 402)
  • Updated README file "Development - network options" section (PR 410)
  • All CSS hardcoded values replaced with variables (PR 370)
  • Implemented sync progress and payment requests with new JS api as first step to remove the purescript api (PR 437)
  • Speed optimizations for page reloads while running tests by loading bundled up for one-time tests runs (PR 448)
  • Optimized structure and naming of theming files (PR 453)
  • Added testnet label, loaded from translations for release candidate (PR 460)

Release 0.7.0 - Cardano SL 0.5.1

23 Aug 10:25
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  • Sidebar is no longer auto-hiding if application window is width is greater than 1150px
  • When user opens or closes the sidebar using the hamburger icon it stays open or closed
  • Optionally setting a password during wallet creation
  • "Terms of use" screen on first application start
  • Spending password on "Send money" form
  • Optionally setting a password during wallet restore
  • Ada redemption disclaimer
  • “Terms of use” page in settings section
  • Change wallet password dialog UX improvements
  • New receive screen with support for HD wallets
  • Wallet rename
  • Multiple input and output addresses in transaction details
  • Ada redemption acceptance tests
  • Show BTC and ETC currencies as coming soon in create wallet dialog
  • Remove currencies dropdown on create wallet dialog
  • Spending password on wallet receive page
  • Prepared UI dialogs for exporting paper wallets
  • Prepared UI dialogs for importing paper wallets
  • Spending password on "Import wallet" dialog
  • Spending password on "Ada redemption" forms
  • Acceptance test for "Restore wallet with and without spending password" feature
  • Acceptance test for "Create wallet with spending password" feature
  • Acceptance test for "Import wallet with/without spending password" feature
  • Acceptance test for "Send money from a wallet with spending password" feature
  • Acceptance test for "Generate wallet address" feature
  • Acceptance test for "Wallet settings management" features
  • Final version of Daedalus logo added on the loading screen
  • Final version of Daedalus logo added in the top-bar
  • Receive page design update
  • Correct placeholder text for Ada redemption "Ada amount" input


  • Verification of mnemonic recovery phrase during wallet backup is not working if it contains duplicate words
  • Pending confirmation amounts split (incoming and outgoing)
  • Prevent wallet send form reset on submit
  • Prevent redemption key reset after unsuccessful redemption
  • Ghost boxes on "Loading" screen
  • Reset Ada redemption form values on page load and certificate add/remove events
  • Prevent sidebar auto-hiding feature and always show submenus on wallets page load
  • Apply grammatical fixes to redemption instructions
  • Prevent sidebar visual glitch on sidebar open
  • Added missing "Add wallet" button label translation key
  • Prevent "Delete wallet" dialog from closing until deletion is over
  • Improved error handling on "Set/Change wallet password" dialog
  • Improved API response errors handling
  • Update active wallet after wallet update actions
  • Last generated address was not being reset when switching wallets and it was shown on the receive screen for the wrong wallet
  • Improved API nextUpdate response errors handling
  • Improved active wallet data refresh after wallet balance/settings change
  • Fixed failing wallet add/restore/import acceptance tests
  • Polling for wallet data and system update should be disabled while node is syncing with the blockchain
  • Prevent syncing icon from being always stuck in syncing state by refactoring in-sync state calculation
  • Acceptance test for "Sending money" feature should check receiver wallet's balance
  • Improved spending password validation rules
  • Improved acceptance tests for generating new addresses
  • Removed temporary workaround for creating new accounts during wallet create and wallet restore
  • Prevent React key duplicates in transaction from/to addresses lists
  • Show more specific error messages on "Change password" dialog
  • Update password fields placeholders to match latest designs
  • Prevent selected wallet reset on "Ada redemption" screen on tab or certificate change
  • Fixed sending amount maximum value validation
  • Use correct styling for used addresses marking on wallet receive screen


  • Prevent logging of harmless error messages to the terminal
  • Purge "translation/messages/app" as a part of npm dev script
  • Use markdown for "Terms of use" content
  • Added manually written Flow types for API responses
  • Testnet version on the testnet label bumped from 0.3 to 0.5
  • Temporary workaround for missing Japanese translations for Terms of Use that allows users to accept them in English

Release 0.6.3 - Cardano SL 0.4.4

27 Apr 12:04
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  • Fixed build failure caused by write access issues.

Release 0.6.2 - Cardano SL 0.4

21 Apr 12:13
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  • Disclaimer for Ada redemption on the testnet on Ada redemption pages

Release 0.6.1 - Cardano SL 0.4

20 Apr 09:52
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  • Wallet name on the send screen was hardcoded in Japanese translation
  • Button on the wallet send screen is too large
  • Hamburger button" and wallet's name are present on the "Ada redemption" and "Settings" screens
  • Ada redemption button is not enabled as soon as inputs are valid
  • Prevent navigation on file drop event in the application window


  • Logging improved by stringifying API requests and responses being logged
  • Added system information to logs: OS, OS version, CPU and total RAM information

Release 0.6.0 - Cardano SL 0.4

18 Apr 03:21
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  • Ada redemption with certificate decryption and parsing to extract the redemption key
  • Transaction assurance level with color coding for transactions and settings for a normal or strict mode
  • Wallet settings page with wallet deletion and transaction assurance level settings
  • User interface language option on application start and in settings with English and Japanese translations
  • Ada amounts formatting with thousands separator for displaying and entering amounts
  • Application header updated to show wallet name and amount of money in the wallet
  • Copy wallet address to the clipboard with UI notification
  • Testnet label
  • Application level settings page with language choice option
  • Wallet summary page
  • Showing absolute percentage with two decimals on the blockchain sync page
  • File logging and sending logs to Papertrail logging service without sensitive user data


  • Toggling the application bar not working properly
  • UI glitch when quickly typing in Ada amounts on the send money form
  • “Add wallet” dialog does not disappear immediately after wallet creation
  • Clearing correctly entered backup recovery phrase should not be possible
  • Sidebar “randomly” closes/opens when navigating
  • Ada redemption overlay should also cover the wallet navigation
  • No transactions message is not vertically centered on Transactions page
  • Transactions ordering
  • Smaller UI improvements and fixes

Release 0.5.0

24 Nov 12:30
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  • Infinite loading for transaction list, testable with “Main wallet”
  • Simple transaction search by title
  • Adding new personal wallet via sidebar menu
  • Profile settings screen
  • “No transactions” message for wallets with no transactions
  • “No transactions found” message when transaction search returns no results
  • Loading indicator on application startup


  • Improved sidebar UX when there is no sub-menu
  • Transaction icons updated to design specs
  • Improved transaction list page styling
  • Active input field styled to design specs


  • Fixed and improved first acceptance test, made api data configurable for future test cases


16 Nov 19:18
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  • Sidebar with "Wallets" and "Settings" categories and list of dummy wallets
  • Switch between wallets via the sidebar
  • Selected wallet is highlighted in sidebar
  • New transactions list design
  • Transactions are grouped by date
  • Click on transaction title toggles the details


  • Fixed many styling issues
  • Improved font rendering


  • First version of the backend api
  • Improved and simplified mobx state management


02 Nov 16:33
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  • Added wallet creation screen that appears when there is no wallet yet
  • Updated to the latest design specs and refactor to
    react-toolbox instead of
    material-ui for the UI components. This gives us much better style
    customization and theming options.
  • Cleaned up the boilerplate app menus
  • Added basic form validations using mobx-react-form
  • Added i18n support with react-intl
  • Added wallet send / receive / transactions screens
  • Form submitting UX updated to the design specifications with introduction of button loading spinners
    and support for submitting the form with enter key
  • Added cut, copy & paste application menu items and keyboard shortcuts


  • Fixed problems with the form validations
  • Fixed the electron build process & ensured that it worked


  • Updated to react-router v4
  • Testing setup with cucumber & spectron