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Response to Audit Report for the Marlowe Specification and for Marlowe on Cardano

Executive Summary

Marlowe is a domain-specific language (DSL) for multi-party financial contracts. Operational semantics are formalized in the Isabelle proof-assistant and an interpreter for Marlowe for the Cardano blockchain is provided as Plutus validator script. Early in 2023 the Marlowe specification, the on-chain implementation and the validator test-suite were audited by Tweag's High Assurance Software Group. The report is available online. It categorizes findings of either high, medium or low severity. The present document summarizes the subsequent changes made to the Marlowe specification, the implementation of the validator and the property-based tests for the validator. All of the high-severity findings have been remedied or mitigated through changes to the specification, the proofs in Isabelle or the implementation. Nearly all of the medium-severity and low-severity findings have also been addressed, otherwise justification for not addressing a finding has been provided.

The high-severity findings comprise handling of negative deposits, prevention of "double satisfaction", enforcement of state invariants, an implementation difference between the formal specification versus the Plutus implementation and the proof of money preservation in Isabelle. The Marlowe validator has been altered to resolve these first three findings so that it correctly prevents negative deposits from altering the balance of internal accounts, it only allows other Plutus scripts to run during transactions that do not make Marlowe payments and it rigorously enforces invariants for initial and final states. The fourth finding regarding the Plutus implementation was mitigated via code analysis and property-based testing. The fifth finding about the proof of the money preservation theorem was remedied by revising the Isabelle code.

The medium-severity findings typically suggested improvements to the Isabelle proofs, addition of more extensive property-based testing, correction of infelicities in the implementation or safe-coding improvements. The low-severity findings generally centered on the usefulness of code comments, naming of variable bindings, omissions in specifications and correction of typographical errors. All of the findings that affect the clarity of the specifications, the coverage of testing or the robustness of implementation were made. Numerous additional property-based tests were added to the test suite as a result of the audit findings.

The changes outlined here have not been re-audited. The alterations to the Marlowe validator (detailed in the Appendix) have been kept to the minimum needed to address exclusively the audit findings.

Finally, please note that the scope of the audit included the Marlowe language and interpreter, but not individual Marlowe contracts or off-chain code. Although the Marlowe language and its implementation on Cardano aim to make smart contracts safer, it is nevertheless still possible to design individual instances of Marlowe contracts that exhibit unwanted behavior. Such undesirable behavior may result either from poor contract design or lack of testing and analysis of the contract. A best-practices guide and a security guide provide advice for the safe and secure design and testing of individual Marlowe contracts which can themselves be subject to audit or certification.


We thank the High Assurance Software Group at Tweag for their diligent and expert analyses of the Marlowe specifications, proofs, implementations and tests and their clear and thorough communication of their findings.

Overview of Isabelle Changes

The audit report's main and high-severity concerns for the Isabelle Proofs were:

  • 2.1.6 Missing description of Merkleization
  • 2.1.4 Inaccurate formulation of Money preservation

We did not mention merkleization in the specification document as it was considered an implementation detail. This does lessen the applicability of the Isabelle proofs to the different implementations (Marlowe on Cardano, Marlowe in PureScript, etc). To check that an implementation is compliant with the specification we use the spec-test tool, which uses property based tests to check that a custom implementation behaves equally to the Isabelle implementation. Without the proper formalization, the tool can only test for the non-merkleized cases. In practice this gives us confidence that the merkleized interpreter works the same for non-merkleized cases. To test the correctness of merkleized cases, the marlowe-cardano repository has specific tests. The formalization of merkleization will be introduced in a future version of the specification (initial work started in PR-171).

The Money preservation theory had only taken into account the amount of assets and not the type. This meant that the proof was not considering a case where a contract could receive 20 ada, 15 djed and pay back 20 djed and 15 ada. We added a new MultiAssets type and refactored the Isabelle code (without modifying the interpreter) to prove that the Assets are preserved.

Other medium and low priorities findings regarding documentation and legibility of the specification were also addressed.

Overview of Changes to Marlowe-Cardano Specification and Haskell (Plutus) Implementation

The audit report's main and high-severity concerns for the Plutus validators for Marlowe on Cardano fell into four clusters:

  1. Incorrect handling of negative deposits
    • "2.1.1 Negative deposits allow stealing funds"
  2. Incomplete prevention of double satisfaction
    • "2.1.2 Contracts vulnerable to double satisfaction attacks"
  3. Lax enforcement of invariants in Marlowe state
    • "2.1.7 Positive balances are not checked for the output state"
    • "2.1.8 Non-validated Marlowe states"
    • "2.1.9 Total balance of ending state uncomputed"
    • "2.1.10 Unchecked ending balance"
  4. Difference semantics of association lists in Isabelle and Plutus
    • "2.1.12 Different insertion functions used in Isabelle and Haskell code"

Incorrect handling of negative deposits (item 1 above) was mitigated by the addition of a guard against this behavior in Marlowe's Plutus validator so that its behavior is consistent with Marlowe semantics. Property-based tests were also added to check the correctness of the mitigation.

Although the Marlowe validator had prevented double-satisfaction among multiple copies of the Marlowe validator script running in the same transaction, it did not prevent double-satisfaction in cases where the Marlowe validator ran alongside another Plutus validator in the same transaction (item 2 above). Double satisfaction is now prevented by enforcing that the Marlowe validator is the only Plutus script that runs during transactions that make payments to parties. This allows Marlowe contracts to coordinate with other Plutus scripts, but only under conditions where double satisfaction is impossible. Once again, property-based tests were added to check the correctness of this mitigation.

The Marlowe validator had made optimistic assumptions about its own correct operation and hence did not check certain invariants in order to reduce Plutus execution costs (item 3 above). The Marlowe semantics validator has now been thoroughly hardened against corruption of initial or final state so that it ensures that the three state-invariants of positive accounts, non-duplication of state entries (accounts, choices, and bound values), and a total internal value matching the script UTxO's value. This hardening was completed without unduly increasing the size (in bytes) of the validator or its Plutus execution cost: such was verified with simulated and on-chain measurement of execution costs for a library of real-life Marlowe contracts. Notably, the enforcement of the final invariants protects against funds becoming permanently locked in a Marlowe contract due to a garbled state: even in cases where the implementation of Marlowe semantics or parts of the Plutus validator were flawed, at least some of the execution paths of a Marlowe contract might remain viable, so funds could be released even under nominally impossible but catastrophic difficulties. The property-based test suite was significantly enhanced to check double-satisfaction situations.

Mitigation of the difference between association lists (item 4 above) in Isabelle (MList) and Plutus (AssocMap) was handled by the aforementioned enforcement of invariants, by line-by-line code inspection and annotation, and by thoroughly enhanced property-based testing. Work is in progress on a formal proof of the equivalence of MList and AssocMap under pre-conditions that hold within Marlowe semantics. Note that porting Isabelle's MList implementation to Plutus would have enlarged the Marlowe semantics validator by at least 2000 bytes and rendered it too costly to execute within the Cardano ledger's present execution-cost limits.

The audit report for Marlowe on Cardano was based on the commit hash 523f3d56. The revisions and mitigations discussed here apply to ac65eba1 of that repository. The appendix to this report list the differences between pre- and post-audit validator code for Marlowe on Cardano.

The medium-severity concerns in the audit report center around missing tests or name shadowing. These have all been remedied either by code changes (in the case of the shadowing) or by the implementation of a significant augmentation of the property-based test suite. The audit's low-severity concerns generally relate to insufficiently detailed text in the Marlowe Cardano specification, the need for more elaborate comments in the code, naming of variable bindings, or typographical errors. Nearly all of these finds have been addressed, with only the exception of a few cosmetic recommendations that were not adopted.

2 Responses to Specific Findings

2.1 Main concerns

2.1.1 Negative deposits allow stealing funds (Severity: High)

File, Constraint 6

The income from deposits is computed by adding up the deposit inputs, regardless of whether they are negative, while the semantics considers them as zero deposits. Combined with the absence of a balance check on the ending Marlowe state, this allows the ending balance to differ from the value paid to the Marlowe validator.

This disagreement can be exploited to steal money from a flawed Marlowe contract that allows a negative deposit. The issue is demonstrated in […].

This vulnerability was mitigated in commit 68791fac by adding a guard against negative deposits in the Marlowe semantics validator. That guard ensures that the validator's semantics for negative deposits matches Marlowe's Isabelle semantics: namely a deposit of a negative quantity is treated as a deposit of zero. Thus a negative deposit will not decrement any of the account balances in the Plutus datum and the total of the internal balances will match the value held in the UTxO output to the Marlowe semantics script address.

A new golden test for negative deposits was added in commit bbb9b8fc and property-based tests for negative deposits were added in commits bbb9b8fc, 9d5443c5, 4b81ee96, and 15446073.

2.1.2 Contracts vulnerable to double satisfaction attacks (Severity: High)

File, Constraint 15

No datum is required for outputs fulfilling payments to addresses generated by the evaluation of a Marlowe contract. This implies that these outputs are vulnerable to double satisfaction in transactions involving other contracts that pay to the same wallets. An example is discussed in […].

One way to strengthen the implementation is for the Marlowe validator to demand that outputs paid to addresses contain a datum that identifies the contract instance, like the TxOutRef of the validator UTxO being spent. Then cooperation with other contracts is possible without double satisfaction if the validators of the other contracts demand a different datum for their outputs.

The Marlowe semantics validator had prevented a limited form of double-satisfaction attack by preventing two Marlowe validators to execute in the same transaction. The audit report correctly highlights that such an attack could be feasible in cases where another Plutus validator (not the selfsame version of the Marlowe semantics validator) executes in a transactions where a payment to an address or to the Marlowe role-payout validator satisfies both the Marlowe semantics validator and the other validator.

Although the audit report's suggestion of including a unique datum for each payment (such as that identifying the contract instance) in any output payment from the contract would likely prevent double satisfaction, implementing such a change in the Marlowe validators would have entailed such extensive changes to the specification and implementation that the overall applicability of the audit findings might subsequently be called into question. Instead, a minimal change to the specification and implementation mitigates this vulnerability: the specification was amended with a "Constraint 20. Single satisfaction" that requires the Marlowe semantics validator be the only Plutus script running in the transaction if payments to parties are being made in the transaction. Thus, only allowing one script to validate in case of external payments completely eliminates the possibility that one payment would satisfy two scripts. Other contracts are permitted to cooperate with Marlowe in cases such as deposits, choices, and notifications where Marlowe is not making payments.

Commits 4adf115d and 5f673c47 augment the Marlowe-Cardano specification and the implementation of the Marlowe semantics validator. Commits 3f222bc3, 6f6331b4, 39fcc8aa, 435ac680, and 9f4fc9cd implement property-based tests for the new single-satisfaction constraint.

2.1.3 Missing constructor in equality instance (Severity: High)

File Semantics.hs, Class instance Eq ReduceWarning, line 845

The constructor ReduceAssertionFailed is not mentioned and compares False against itself. This might cause validators to fail checking the presence of this particular warning.

Although this Eq instance is not used by the Marlowe validators (so it does not have implications for validator security), the equality test has been fixed because it is a liability for off-chain code and for potential future versions of validators that might perform such an equality test. Commit 84d65a70 fixes this and commit 04805a39 hardens all of the other Eq instances to prevent similar problems re-arising if sum types are augmented in the future.

2.1.4 Inaccurate formulation of Money preservation (Severity: High)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3.1 Money preservation, page 29

As the property stands, it is permitted to make deposits in one currency and return payments in a different currency. As long as the sums of the amounts match, the equality is satisfied. Yet it is unlikely that the participants of the contract would agree that money has been preserved.

Money preservation is a property stated with an equality. The left hand side is the sum of the deposits done by a list of transactions. The right hand side of the equality is the sum of all the payments done in the same list of transactions. Each sum, in turn, is represented as a single integer which aggregates the amounts of the various payments and deposits, irrespective of what currencies correspond to these amounts.

To address this, a new MultiAssets.thy Isabelle theory was created. This theory defines a new type that ties together the number of tokens and the type of token, and it implements some type classes to be able to work with normal addition and subtraction. Also, the MoneyPreservation was refactored into AssetsPreservation, addressing issue 2.1.4 among others.

These changes can be found in PR-161

2.1.5 Insufficient documentation of Money preservation (Severity: Medium)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3.1 Money preservation, page 29

Money preservation is formulated in terms of functions that are not discussed in the specification. It is necessary to explain the meaning of these functions in sufficient detail so readers can understand the property.

The theory was completely refactored in PR-161, adding the necessary documentation.

2.1.6 Missing description of Merkleization (Severity: High)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Merkleization

There is no property about merkleization, but merkleization is implemented in the Cardano integration.

Some relevant properties could be:

  1. The merkleized contract produces the same payments as the analogous regular contract.
  2. If a merkleized case input is applied successfully, it implies that the contract hash in the input corresponds to the continuation of the contract.
  3. Merkleizing and unmerkleizing a contract gives back the original contract.

We did not mention merkleization in the specification document as it was considered an implementation detail. This does lessen the applicability of the Isabelle proofs to the different implementations (Marlowe on Cardano, Marlowe on PureScript, etc). To check that an implementation is compliant to the specification we use the spec-test tool, which uses property based tests to check that a custom implementation behaves equally to the Isabelle implementation. Without the proper formalization, the tool can only test for the non-merkleized cases. In practice this gives us confidence that the merkleized interpreter works the same for non-merkleized cases. To test the correctness of merkleized cases, the marlowe-cardano repository has specific tests.

The Merkleization formalization will be introduced in a future version of the specification, the initial formulation started in PR-171.

2.1.7 Positive balances are not checked for the output state (Severity: High)

File, Constraint 13

Positive balances are only checked for the input, not for the output Marlowe state. If the semantics are flawed, a transaction can produce an unspendable output that does not satisfy this constraint.

If such a transaction is accepted, no further evaluation will be possible since all subsequent transactions will be rejected due to the very same Constraint 13. This is an hypothetical attack vector, where a malicious actor could send a transaction to block a contract.

The Plutus code for the Marlowe semantics validator had been implemented with the optimistic assumption that semantics would not be flawed and that the additional execution cost of checking the output state was not warranted. However, as the audit report points out, such a flaw would result in the contract being forever blocked from further execution. Adding a check on the final output's validity now prevents a contract from ever reaching a fully blocked state. Even if the semantics or Plutus code were flawed, at least some execution paths in the contract might remain viable, so that the contract could eventually terminate and would not permanently lock funds.

Commits 0a890845, 8855feae, 26f024e8, and 201c5df9 augment the Marlowe Cardano specification to require positive balances upon output and implements the corresponding check in the Marlowe Semantics validator. Commit d514bcd0, 7f562545, and ebab31d9 adds a property-based test for this.

2.1.8 Non-validated Marlowe states (Severity: High)

File, Missing constraint

The validator is not specified to check that the Marlowe states in the input and output datums are valid. This condition is necessary for the lemmas about the Marlowe semantics to be applicable. The Marlowe state could become invalid if there is a flaw in the implementation of the semantics.

It also could be possible for the Marlowe state to be invalid if someone pays an output to the Marlowe validator with an invalid Marlowe state. Though this problem could be addressed with off-chain checks that prevent sending transactions that spend outputs with invalid Marlowe states. If off-chain checks are used, a note in the specification about how this is handled would be helpful.

An example showing betrayed user expectations is discussed in […].

For a valid Marlowe state, the association lists for bound values, accounts, and choices have keys sorted and without duplicates.

Prompted by this finding in the audit report, the Marlowe semantics validator has been altered to enforce all invariants (positive accounts; non-duplication of accounts, choices, and bound values; a total internal account balance that exactly matches the value in the script's UTxO) on both the initial and final states. This prevents execution of a Marlowe contract that was inadvertently or purposefully created by off-chain code with an invalid initial state. It also prevents transactions that corrupt the final state; such corruption could only happen if there were a flaw in the Plutus validator or Marlowe semantics implementation, in which case that particular execution-path of the contract would be blocked. The Marlowe Best Practices Guide and Marlowe Security Guide warn of the importance of off-chain code creating valid initial state for Marlowe contracts.

Commits 0a890845, 8855feae, 26f024e8, and 201c5df9 enforce that both the initial and final states in the respective incoming and outgoing datum obey the aforementioned three invariants of total value, non-duplication, and positivity. That commit also adds "Constraint 19. No duplicates" to the Marlowe Cardano specification. Property-based tests in commit d514bcd0, 7f562545, and ebab31d9 check the implementation.

2.1.9 Total balance of ending state uncomputed (Severity: High)

File, Constraint 6

The constraint says

The beginning balance plus the deposits equals the ending balance plus the payments.

However, the Marlowe validator never computes the total balance of the accounts in the ending Marlowe state. Instead, the ending balance is assumed to be whatever value is paid by the transaction to the Marlowe validator. The natural language should describe precisely what is being checked.

The mitigation of the previous audit-report finding ("2.1.8 Non-validated Marlowe states") also mitigates this finding: in the validator, checkOwnOutputConstraint marloweData finalBalance ensures that the computed final balance of accounts matches the value output to the script's UTxO and checkState "o" finalBalance txOutState ensures that it matches the sum of value in the internal accounts.

Again as previously, the relevant commits are 0a890845, 8855feae, 26f024e8, and 201c5df9 for specification and implementation and d514bcd0, 7f562545, and ebab31d9 for property-based tests.

2.1.10 Unchecked ending balance (Severity: High)

File, Constraint 5

The balance of the starting Marlowe state is checked to match the value in the input. However, the validator does not check that the ending balance matches the value in the output paid to the Marlowe validator. Similarly to Issue […], if there are flaws in the semantics that cause the ending balance to differ from the actual value paid to the validator, this constraint would prevent any transaction from spending the output.

The specification should at least discuss why the check is absent together with the other similar checks that are not implemented (checking that ending accounts have positive balances, checking that the ending Marlowe state is valid).

As the audit report recognizes, this concern is closely related to the three previous concerns. The revised validator's enforcement of the three invariants for the final state ensures that the ending balance of the internal accounts in the state matches the actual output paid to the script.

Again as previously, the relevant commits are 0a890845, 8855feae, 26f024e8, and 201c5df9 for specification and implementation and d514bcd0, 7f562545, and ebab31d9 for property-based tests.

2.1.11 Partial functions used outside their domain (Severity: Medium)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, various functions ``

moneyInRefundOneResult, moneyInApplyResult, moneyInApplyAllResult, moneyInTransactionOutput, and moneyInPlayTraceResult have strange meanings when the result is an error. Arguably, on error there is no money to retrieve, so the return type should be (Token \times int) option instead.

Some lemmas rely on this behavior to have equalities hold even in cases of errors, but the cost is that the meaning is so surprising that the reader may be confused by it. It would be more reliable to have explicit and weaker lemmas that assert equalities only when there are no errors.

This module was refactored in PR-161 and these functions were no longer needed.

2.1.12 Different insertion functions used in Isabelle and Haskell code (Severity: High)

File Semantics.hs, Several functions

Where MList.insert is used in the Isabelle semantics, AssocMap.insert is used in the Cardano implementation. However, the functions are not equivalent as demonstrated by the following examples: […]

This renders the Isabelle lemmas inapplicable for the Cardano integration. The lemmas need to demand some properties of an insert function without fully spelling it out, or the Cardano integration needs to use MList.insert instead of AssocMap.insert.

Similarly, functions AssocMap.delete and MList.delete differ in behavior when the input map is not sorted: […]

Functions AssocMap.lookup and MList.lookup also differ in behavior when the input map is not sorted: […]

The following usage places were found:

  • Line 395, evalValue depends on moneyInAccount which depends on AssocMap.lookup.
  • Line 413, evalValue depends on AssocMap.lookup.
  • Line 428, evalObservation depends on AssocMap.member.
  • Line 456, function updateMoneyInAccount relies on AssocMap.delete and AssocMap.insert.
  • Line 482, function reduceContractStep relies on AssocMap.insert.
  • Line 567, function applyAction relies on AssocMap.insert.

The porting of MList from Isabelle to Plutus would have increased the size and execution cost of the Marlowe semantics validator beyond the present limits of the Cardano ledger. Work is underway to modify the Isabelle semantics and proofs to make obvious that no assumptions about the implementation of association maps are made. Instead of modifying the Marlowe semantics validator to address this finding, all usages of AssocMap were manually reviewed to verify that no vulnerability was introduced by its use (as compared to MList) provided that the precondition of no duplicate entries in the AssocMap held: the source code was annotated with informal reasoning documenting the safety of AssocMap's use. That manual review was augmented by a comprehensive set of property-based tests to check the behavior of MList (under the precondition that it was ordered and contained no duplicates) against AssocMap (under the precondition that it contained not duplicates) for all functions used in Marlowe semantics or in the Marlowe validator.

Commit a2ff6aa3 annotates the Marlowe semantics validator with reasoning as to the safe use of AssocMap. Commits af380a29, e2277677, a95a616a, b65ccfec, and 9e068b6a implement the property-based tests for the behavior of the Plutus AssocMap against the Isabelle MList.

2.1.13 Missing specification tests (Severity: Medium)

File Spec/Marlowe/Semantics/Compute.hs

There are no tests for the properties in Section 3 of specification-v3-rc1.pdf. Besides checking that there are no translation mistakes, these properties would also help contrasting the assumptions in the Isabelle and the Haskell sides, like the meaning of validity of an association list, which is focused in the previous issue.

Subsequent to the commencement of the audit, a "test oracle" (called test-spec) was developed that checks implementations of Marlowe semantics (such as the Plutus validator) against a reference implementation generated directly from the Isabelle specification. That generated Haskell implementation is backed by Isabelle proofs of the correctness of Haskell code generation by Isabelle. The test oracle is now applied to the Marlowe semantics implementation in Plutus that the validator use. The test oracle uses the reference implementation to generate test cases to challenge the Plutus implementation and then it checks the Plutus result against its own result. This oracle provides sufficient coverage to address this audit-reports concern regarding the lack of property-based tests for Section 3 of the Marlowe specification.

2.2 Marlowe specification

2.2.1 Lack of explanation regarding changing choices (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.1.4 Choices, page 10

Choices can only be changed when evaluating When statements. This is something only evident after looking at the implementation of computeTransaction. It needs to be discussed when first introducing choices and the When contract.

We improved documentation regarding choices in PR-168 and PR-182.

2.2.2 Undefined reference (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.1.7 Contracts, page 13

There is an undefined reference.

We fixed this in PR-182.

2.2.3 Lack of explanation for necessity of Environment type (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.1.8 State and Environment, page 14

An Environment type is introduced, but it is unclear why it is needed as it is defined as a synonym for time intervals.

We added more documentation regarding the environment in PR-182.

2.2.4 Unclear meaning of execution environment (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.1.8 State and Environment, page 14

The meaning of the execution environment of the transaction is unclear. This is due to the concept of transaction being assumed by the specification and never formally introduced.

The specification reads

The execution environment of a Marlowe contract simply consists of the (inclusive) time interval within which the transaction is occurring.

One has to infer that evaluating a Marlowe contract is undefined if it does not happen within a transaction, as otherwise the description of the execution environment would not make sense. It would be necessary to establish more explicitly the relationship between the contract evaluation and the notion of transaction.

We added more documentation regarding the execution environment in PR-182.

2.2.5 Unexplained interval data types (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.1.8 State and Environment, page 14

The meaning of the data types IntervalError and IntervalResult needs to be explained.

These types were properly documented in PR-182.

2.2.6 Incomplete explanation for TransactionOutput (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.1 Compute Transaction, page 15

The meaning of the data type TransactionOutput needs to be explained. More generally, the meaning of the return types of most functions has to be explained. Currently, the meaning can only be inferred from looking at how the types are used, which makes it harder to identify if they are used as intended.

The purpose of these types needs to be made explicit so it can be checked if the code is doing what is intended.

This type was properly documented in PR-182.

2.2.7 Code snippets switch languages (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.1 Compute Transaction, page 15

The specification changes from using Isabelle to using Haskell henceforth. Making the reader aware of the criteria for the language change would help maintaining the document.

The cause of this problem was that initially we had the Isabelle code separated from the documentation generation and we could not find a way to display the Isabelle code, so we showed the exported Haskell instead. We agree that it is confusing so we refactored to a literate programming style in PR-182.

2.2.8 Repeated definition of IntervalResult (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Sections 2.1.8 State and Environment, 2.2.2 Fix Interval, pages 14, 16

The IntervalResult type is defined twice in the specification. One should be removed.

We removed the extra definition in PR-168.

2.2.9 Poorly named variable newAccount (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.6 Reduce Contract Step, page 19

In the implementation of the function reduceContractStep, the variable newAccount should be named newAccounts.

We renamed as suggested in PR-182.

2.2.10 Poorly named variable acc in specification (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.8 Apply Cases, page 22

On the last equation of applyCases, acc should be named input.

We renamed as suggested in PR-182.

2.2.11 Inaccurate specification of giveMoney (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.9 Utilities, page 22

It says

The giveMoney function transfers funds internally between accounts.

which is not accurate. It should say instead

The giveMoney function deposits funds to an internal account.

This function is confusing in that it takes the account identifier of the paying account which is not used for anything other than filling a field in the returned value.

This function is confusing, we will likely remove it in a future release.

2.2.12 Redundant evaluation in addMoneyToAccount (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.9 Utilities, page 22

addMoneyToAccount is redundantly evaluating money <= 0 when invoking updateMoneyInAccount. The else branch could be replaced instead with insert (accId, token) money accountsV.

We disagree with this observation. The function updateMoneyInAccount checks if its money parameter is non-positive, so as to always have accounts with positive balance. The addMoneyToAccount function calls updateMoneyInAccount with balance + money and checks that money is positive. This ensures that addMoneyToAccount always increases the assets.

2.2.13 Redundant statement regarding addition (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, page 24

It says that addition is associative and commutative. This is true but it is already implied by the equation preceding the statement. Maybe change to

Note that addition is associative and commutative.

or remove the redundant statement.

The statement was removed in PR-168.

2.2.14 Missing implementation for negation case of evalValue (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, page 24

Negation for evalValue does not show the implementation, just one lemma about NegValue, which is inconsistent with how other operations are presented.

The way we document evalValue was modified in PR-182.

2.2.15 Missing parentheses in div specification (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, page 25

On page 25 formula $$c \neq 0 \Rightarrow c \mathbin{∗} a \mathbin{\mathrm{div}} (c \mathbin{∗} b) = a \mathbin{\mathrm{div}} b$$ needs additional parentheses around the term $c \mathbin{∗} a$, otherwise it can be parsed as $$c \neq 0 \Rightarrow c \mathbin{∗} (a \mathbin{\mathrm{div}} (c \mathbin{∗} b)) = a \mathbin{\mathrm{div}} b$$ which does not hold (Counter-example: $c=2, a=3, b=2$). The lemma divMultiply in the file Semantics.thy does use extra parentheses around $c \mathbin{∗} a$.

This lemma was removed from the specification and replaced with lemmas that use evalValue instead.

2.2.16 Unclear division explanation (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, page 25

It says

Division is a special case because we only evaluate to natural numbers.

The meaning of this statement needs to be further explained, since the arguments of DivValue could evaluate to negative numbers.

This was corrected to use integer instead of natural and further rephrased in PR-182.

2.2.17 Discrepancy with evalValue (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, pages 23--26

The order of some cases for evalValue is different in the specification text and in the actual Isabelle code, and several cases (for example, NegValue) are missing from the specification entirely.

Moreover, the definition of evalValue is juxtaposed with some lemmas about its behavior (for example, AddValue being associative and commutative), making it harder to match the specification text with the Isabelle code.

The way we document evalValue was modified in PR-182.

2.2.18 Missing evalValue lemmas in specification (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, pages 23--26

Not all lemmas about evalValue are listed in the specification. The absent lemmas include evalDoubleNegValue, evalMulValue, evalSubValue, and all division lemmas.

This section was rewritten and only the Division lemmas are now present, as they are the most relevant ones.

2.2.19 Typo in Use Value case of evalValue (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2.2.10 Evaluate Value, page 26

The Use Value case mentions TimeIntervalEnd instead of UseValue.

This section was rewritten and the issue was fixed.

2.2.20 Unexplained parameters of playTrace (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3 Marlowe Guarantees, page 28

The parameters of the function playTrace need to be explained.

The function playTrace was documented in PR-182 in section 2.2.7.

2.2.21 Type parameter discrepancy in playTrace (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3 Marlowe Guarantees, page 28

The first parameter of playTrace in the specification is int, while it is POSIXTime in the code. Even though the latter is an alias for the former, it is beneficial to use the POSIXTime name both for consistency and readability.

This happened because we were using a type alias, which gets fully expanded when being referenced by the documentation. PR-182 addresses this by making the whole theory in literate programming mode.

2.2.22 Money preservation on failing transactions not specified (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3.1 Money preservation, page 29

Money preservation is expressed with an equality. This equality, however, only ensures money preservation for those lists of transactions that produce no error. In other words, there is no guarantee that money will be preserved for those lists of transactions that fail.

This is not a concern in practice because the lists of transactions that fail to evaluate are not accepted in the blockchain. However, this should be made explicit in the explanation of the property.

This was taken into account in the new Asset preservation theory and a paragraph was added to explain the case.

2.2.23 Complicated definition of allAccountsPositive (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3.3 Positive Accounts, page 30

The definition of\ allAccountsPositive is complicated and can be refactored as all ((_, money) -> money > 0).

The proposed definition is simpler and it is likely to be implemented in the future.

2.2.24 Discrepancy with Isabelle code for allAccountsPositive (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Sections 3.3 Positive Accounts, page 30

The allAccountsPositive function is defined differently in the specification and in the Isabelle code, although both definitions show the same behavior. These definitions need to be consolidated.

The definition in the specification is the exported Haskell code of the Isabelle code. This is a limitation that Isabelle has when importing code from other theories. A possible solution is to change the Accounts positive theory to be literal programming.

2.2.25 Misleading or incorrect formula for contract not holding funds (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3.6.3 Contract Does Not Hold Funds After it Closes, page 32

The statement in natural language looks unconnected from the proposed formula. Otherwise, it is unclear how not holding funds forever is a consequence of producing no warnings.

The statement was indeed unconnected from the description. In PR-186 we refactored the guarantees section and now the section "3.2 Finite contracts" includes the theorem timedOutTransaction_closes_contract which shows that after closing a timed-out contract, the accounts are emptied.

2.2.26 Different format for lemma statement (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Sections 3.6.2 All Contracts Have a Maximum Time, page 32

The lemma is stated using the proof derivation tree format as opposed to the rest of the specification and the Isabelle code.

This was addressed in PR-168.

2.2.27 Function isClosedAndEmpty is unexplained (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 3.6.2 All Contracts Have a Maximum Time, page 32

The function isClosedAndEmpty needs to be explained.

In PR-186 we added a small explanation; in the future, we will probably expand on this by refactoring the guarantees as literate programming.

2.2.28 Top-down definitions (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Section 2

In Section 2, the order of definitions is reversed, and the reader is thus faced with functions which call other functions that have not been introduced yet, despite the claim in Section 1.3 that the definitions will be presented bottom-up.

This section was redone in PR-182.

2.2.29 No mention of Isabelle lemmas in specification (Severity: Low)

File specification-v3-rc1.pdf, Multiple sections ``

Generally, readability can be improved by mentioning the Isabelle lemma names alongside their statements. This way, it would be much easier to search for the actual Isabelle code and proofs matching the informal specification text, and compare the two.

In PR-186 we added the names of the theories in the specification.

2.3 Lemmas and proofs

2.3.1 Unnecessarily large proofs (Severity: Medium)

Several Isabelle files, several lemmas

Some Isabelle proofs are written with long apply-scripts, where Isar would document the proof better. Proofs could also be split using more auxiliary lemmas.

As the proofs stand, it is hard to figure out why a proof step fails, after changes elsewhere required a proof to be updated. Since the newly-failing proof step was designed with specific goals in mind, and changes in the code may lead to it facing a different set of goals, the maintainer might need to reconstruct the whole structure of the proof from an older version to infer state that Isabelle produces at each step.

What Isar brings is making the intention of the author explicit at every step of the proof. This helps the maintainer of the proofs and fixes the concerns mentioned above.

 will likely have to update the proofs. We conjecture that it will happen at least every time they target a new platform. In the case of Cardano, they need to extend the semantics to explain Merkleization. Another action that would make long proofs easier to understand is to split them using more auxiliary lemmas, thus feeding the information to the reader in smaller chunks.

Some examples of large proofs:

  • in MoneyPreservation.thy, lemmas reduceContractStep_preserves_money and\ reductionLoop_preserves_money
  • in SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemmas applyAllInputsPrefix_aux,\ computeTransactionIterative, and computeTransactionStepEquivalence_error

We agree with this observation. New lemmas and theories are proven with this recommendation in mind, and some theories were refactored (like the Asset preservation). It will take some time until all theories are in this format.

2.3.2 Long lines in lemmas (Severity: Low)

Several Isabelle files, several lemmas

Lines are sometimes long which makes it difficult to understand the lemmas. Lemmas need to be formulated expressing one hypothesis per line and the conclusion on a separate line. Complex hypotheses need to be indented using several lines to expose their structure.

Besides the effort of scrolling the text horizontally, the hypotheses are hard to separate visually, and so is the conclusion. Furthermore, when a hypothesis is a nested implication it is difficult to see where it ends without further indentation.

Some examples of lemmas with long lines or non-trivial hypothesis follow.

  • in CloseSafe.thy, lemmas closeIsSafe_reduceContractUntilQuiescent, and closeIsSafe_reductionLoop
  • in MoneyPreservation.thy, lemmas reductionLoop_preserves_money_Payment_not_ReduceNoWarning, reductionLoop_preserves_money_Payment and reduceContractStep_preserves_money_acc_to_party
  • in SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemma applyAllLoop_longer_doesnt_grow
  • in TimeRange.thy, lemmas reduceStep_ifCaseLtCt and reduceLoop_ifCaseLtCt
  • in ValidState.thy, lemma reductionLoop_preserves_valid_state_aux

We agree with this observation. New lemmas and theories are proven with this recommendation in mind, and some theories were refactored (like the Asset preservation). It will take some time until all theories are in this format.

2.3.3 Confusing auxiliary lemmas (Severity: Low)

Several Isabelle files, several lemmas

Some Isabelle proofs resort to declaring auxiliary lemmas with names suffixed with _aux. Sometimes these lemmas are not expressed succinctly, and look more like a punctual copy of the state of some particular proof that is later developed. For the sake of maintaining the proofs, it would be necessary to structure them in a way that presents the information piecewise to the reader. More generally, even auxiliary lemmas should have a well-defined meaning.

We found this problem at least in the following:

  • in QuiescentResult.thy, lemmas reduceContractStepPayIsQuiescent, reductionLoopIsQuiescent_aux, and applyAllInputsLoopIsQuiescent_loop
  • in PositiveAccounts.thy, lemma positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccountImpliesAllPositive_aux2
  • in SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemma applyAllInputsPrefix_aux

We agree with this observation. New lemmas and theories are proven with this recommendation in mind, and some theories were refactored (like the Asset preservation). It will take some time until all theories are in this format.

2.3.4 Undescriptive variable names (Severity: Low)

Several Isabelle files, several lemmas

Many Isabelle proof statements and proofs use uninformative variable names. The most common example occurs with variables named $\mathit{x11}, \mathit{x12}$, etc. These inhibit the reader from easily understanding the lemma statements, and often require looking back at constructors to understand what these variables represent.

Some examples of lemmas with these uninformative variable names follow:

  • in QuiescentResult.thy, lemma reductionLoopIsQuiescent_aux
  • in SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemmas beforeApplyAllLoopIsUseless and\ applyAllInputsPrefix_aux
  • in ValidState.thy, lemma reductionLoop_preserves_valid_state_aux
  • in TimeRange.thy, lemmas resultOfReduceIsCompatibleToo, resultOfReductionLoopIsCompatibleToo, resultOfReduceUntilQuiescentIsCompatibleToo, reduceLoop_ifCaseLtCt, and\ reduceContractUntilQuiescent_ifCaseLtCt

We agree with this observation. New lemmas and theories are proven with this recommendation in mind, and some theories were refactored (like the Asset preservation). It will take some time until all theories are in this format.

2.3.5 Involved proof of insert_valid (Severity: Low)

File MList.thy, theorem insert_valid, line 66

The proof of insert_valid sprouts three other lemmas of difficult characterization: insert_valid_aux, insert_valid_aux2, and insert_valid_aux3. These lemmas make assumptions with implications that get in the way of understanding them in isolation.

An alternative to make the proof pieces more reusable is to use instead the following set of lemmas, which also offers insight on how function insert interacts with predicates sorted and distinct:

[. . .]

which then can be combined in the proof of insert_valid as follows:

[. . .]

The proofs of the lemmas can be found in […].

We agree that the proposed proof is easier, but the lemma will become obsolete once we replace the custom MList with HOL-Library/finiteMap, which addresses other problems found in the report.

2.3.6 Repeated verbose expression (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma removeMoneyFromAccount_preservation, line 202

The expression

    (Party p)
    (updateMoneyInAccount accId tok (balance - paidMoney) accs)

is large and used in other lemmas as well. It would need to be moved to a separate function to save the effort of reading it repeteadly.

The MoneyPreservation was refactored into Asset preservation and now there is a single reference to giveMoney. As mentioned in observation 2.2.11, giveMoney is likely to be removed in the future.

2.3.7 Inconsistent variable name valTrans (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves_aux, line 257

The lemma uses a variable valTrans where other proofs use the name paidMoney. To convey the meaning of the variable faster, the same name should be used consistently in all places.

This theory was refactored in PR-161 and the lemma was no longer needed.

2.3.8 Unused binding interAccs (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves_aux, line 263

The binding interAccs was probably intended to be used on this line. It should either be used or removed from the premise.

This theory was refactored in PR-161 and the lemma was no longer needed.

2.3.9 Undescriptive variable name acc (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves, line 295

This lemma has a variable acc that is used together with tok2. It would be more descriptive to call it accId2.

This theory was refactored in PR-161 and the lemma was no longer needed.

2.3.10 Misleading indentation (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemmas reductionLoop_preserves_money_NoPayment_not_ReduceNoWarning, reductionLoop_preserves_money_NoPayment, lines 430, 439

The indentation is misleading: the premises on these lines are indented as if they are a part of the previous functional premise.

This theory was refactored in PR-161 and the lemma was no longer needed.

2.3.11 Missing theorem regarding playTrace (Severity: Low)

File PositiveAccounts.thy, playTrace preserves valid and positive state

There is no theorem that playTrace keeps the state valid and positive when given a state which is valid and positive. This trivially follows from playTraceAux_preserves_validAndPositive_state but no such theorem is present.

The valid and positive preservation is needed in lower-level functions so that higher-level functions can use that fact when proving other properties. This makes playTrace not needing that proof as it is the highest-level function. The theorem could be useful on its own and might be added in the future.

2.3.12 Unconcise goal in reduceContractStepPayIsQuiescent (Severity: Low)

File QuiescentResult.thy, lemma reduceContractStepPayIsQuiescent, line 8

This lemma does not express its goal concisely, as it makes no mention of reduceContractStep in the formulation. Changing the first assumption to $\texttt{reduceContractStep}\ \mathit{env}\ \mathit{sta}\ (\texttt{Pay}\ \mathit{x21}\ \mathit{x22}\ \mathit{tok}\ \mathit{x23}\ \mathit{x24})$ makes more explicit in which contexts this lemma can be useful. Modifying this assumption requires an additional apply simp to be added to the proof (before line 30) for the lemma to go through. Further, an additional apply simp will need to be added in lemmas reduceContractStepIsQuiescent (before line 44) and timedOutReduce_only_quiescent_in_close (Timeout.thy, before line 128) as well.

We agree on this observation and it will be addressed in a future refactor of the theory file.

2.3.13 Misleading lemma names (Severity: Low)

File PositiveAccounts.thy, lemma reduceOne_gtZero, line 80

This lemma should be renamed as refundOne_gtZero.

File QuiescentResult.thy, lemma reduceOneIsSomeIfNotEmptyAndPositive, line 32

This lemma should be renamed as refundOneIsSomeIfNotEmptyAndPositive.

File TransactionBound.thy, lemma computeTransaction_decreases_maxTransaction_aux, line 240

This lemma should be renamed as applyAllInputs_decreases_maxTransactions or applyAllInputs_reduced_decreases_maxTransactions.

We agree on these observations and they will likely be addressed when we refactor the corresponding files.

2.3.14 Misleading variable name reduced (Severity: Low)

File QuiescentResult.thy, lemmas reductionLoop_reduce_monotonic, reduceContractUntilQuiescent_ifDifferentReduced, lines 138, 153

The boolean variable name reduce would be better named reduced as it is signifying that the contract has been reduced.

We agree on this observation and it will be addressed in a future refactor of the theory file.

2.3.15 Undescriptive name beforeApplyAllLoopIsUseless (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemma beforeApplyAllLoopIsUseless, line 270

This lemma seems to say that reduceContractUntilQuiescent has no effect when composed with applyAllLoop, because applyAllLoop evaluates reduceContractUntilQuiescent, and reduceContractUntilQuiescent is idempotent.

A more descriptive name for this lemma could be reduceContractUntilQuiescent_hasNoEffect_before_applyAllLoop

We agree on this observation and it will addressed in a future refactor of the theory file.

2.3.16 Unused and undocumented lemmas (Severity: Low)

Several Isabelle files, several lemmas

Some lemmas are never used, and they would need comments motivating their presence:

  1. In file MoneyPreservation.thy, line 257, lemma transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves_aux.
  2. In file QuiescentResult.thy
    1. Line 5, lemma reduceOne_onlyIfNonEmptyState
    2. Line 153, lemma reduceContractUntilQuiescent_ifDifferentReduced
  3. In file PositiveAccounts.thy, line 66, lemma positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccount_sublist_gtZero. Furthermore, it is identical to positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccount_gtZero_preservation, but with an additional assumption money > 0.
  4. In file ValidState.thy
    1. Line 9, lemma valid_state_valid_choices
    2. Line 13, lemma valid_state_valid_valueBounds
  5. In file SingleInputTransactions.thy, line 1214, lemma traceListToSingleInput_isSingleInput. It is mentioned in a commented out line in StaticAnalysis.thy. Furthermore, the lemma can be expressed more concisely as $$\llparenthesis \mathit{interval} = \mathit{inte}, \mathit{inputs} = \mathit{inp\_h}\ \#\ \mathit{inp\_t} \rrparenthesis\ \#\ t = \mathit{traceListToSingleInput}\ \mathit{t2} % \mathrel{% \mbox{\fontfamily{cmr}\fontencoding{OT1}\selectfont=}}% \joinrel\Rightarrow\mathit{inp\_t} = []$$
  • Lemma transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves_aux was removed in PR-161.
  • Lemma reduceOne_onlyIfNonEmptyState, valid_state_valid_choices were removed in PR-168.
  • Lemma reduceContractUntilQuiescent_ifDifferentReduced was promoted to a theorem with an explanation in PR-168.
  • Lemma positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccount_gtZero_preservation was removed in favor of positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccount_gtZero_preservation in PR-168.

2.3.17 Redundant reduceContractStep lemmas (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma reduceContractStep_preserves_money_acc_to_acc_aux, line 310

This lemma is weaker than transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves. If we replace its usage at line 351 with transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves, the proof goes through.

This lemma was removed in PR-161.

2.3.18 Redundant transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma reduceContractStep_preserves_money_acc_to_acc, line 332

This lemma is weaker than transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves. We can replace its usage site in line 376

   by blast


  using transferMoneyBetweenAccounts_preserves validAndPositive_state.simps by auto

This lemma was removed in PR-161.

2.3.19 Duplicated lemmas (Severity: Low)

File PositiveAccounts.thy, theorems computeTransaction_gtZero, accountsArePositive, lines 257, 369

These theorems are identical (modulo variable names), and one of them should be removed.

File PositiveAccounts.thy, ValidState.thy, lemma valid_state_valid_accounts, lines 381, 5

This lemma is defined twice, once in each of these files. One of them should be removed.

Lemma accountsArePositive was removed in favor of computeTransaction_gtZero in PR-168.

2.3.20 Redundant computeTransaction lemmas (Severity: Low)

File ValidState.thy, lemmas computeTransaction_preserves_valid_state_aux, computeTransaction_preserve_valid_state, lines 160, 176

If computeTransaction_preserves_valid_state_aux is rewritten to have the same formulation as computeTransaction_preserves_valid_state, then the lemma (with the exact same proof) is still accepted, and these lemmas become duplicates of each other. Thus, no auxiliary lemma is needed.

Lemma computeTransaction_preserves_valid_state_aux was removed and computeTransaction_preserve_valid_state simplified in PR-168.

2.3.21 Complicated formulation of updateMoneyInAccount_money2_aux (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma updateMoneyInAccount_money2_aux, line 159

updateMoneyInAccount_money2_aux could be expressed simpler by removing the hypothesis moneyToPay >= 0, leaving


The proof of updateMoneyInAccount_money2 can then in turn be trivially adjusted so it still works, by changing the step cases




This lemma was removed in PR-161.

2.3.22 Complicated proofs that can be simplified (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma moneyInInput_is_positive, line 53

The proof could be more general with apply (cases x; simp) instead of using metis.

File MoneyPreservation.thy, lemma reductionLoop_preserves_money_NoPayment_not_ReduceNoWarning, line 434

This lemma can be proved directly with metis reductionLoop_preserves_money_NoPayment, and reversing the order in which the lemmas are defined.

File TimeRange.thy, lemma inIntervalIdempotentToIntersectInterval, line 5

The lemma can use a shorter proof: apply (cases min2;cases max2;auto) done.

File TimeRange.thy, lemma inIntervalIdempotency1, inIntervalIdempotency2, lines 20, 36

These lemmas use the smt tactic and metis where a simpler Isar proof would work, for example:


File SemanticsGuarantees.thy, Various lemmas/instantiations

Multiple lemmas and linorder instantiations in this file repeat auxiliary facts within the proof that are not necessary. For example, in the linorder instantiation for Party, lines 51--53 state


This can be rewritten to avoid repeating the fact as


This pattern appears many times in this file. For example, in the Party instantation alone, it is present on lines 51 -- 53, 56 -- 57, 77 -- 80, and 83 -- 84.

These issues were resolved in PR-168 and PR-169

2.3.23 Inconsistent style when applying constructor (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemmas beforeApplyAllLoopIsUseless, fixIntervalOnlySummary, lines 275, 398

The lines mentioned in these lemmas display the resulting constructor before the function application, which differs from the general style in the rest of the codebase.

These observations regarding readability will be addressed when we refactor the theory.

2.3.24 Unsimplified boolean formulas (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemma computeTransactionIterative_aux2, lines 708, 710

In multiple places, this lemma formulation includes top-level negation in front of nontrivial conjunctions and disjunctions. These negations should be distributed. Otherwise, the reader is taxed with the chore to mentally distribute the negation to understand the lemma.

These observation regarding readability will be addressed when we refactor the theory.

2.3.25 Typo with "independet" in multiple lemmas (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemmas applyAllLoop_independet_of_acc_error1, applyAllLoop_independet_of_acc_error2, lines 977, 987

In both of these lemmas, there is a typo with the word "independet".

This issue was resolved in PR-168.

2.3.26 Poorly named acc lemmas (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemmas applyAllLoop_independet_of_acc_error1, applyAllLoop_independet_of_acc_error2, lines 977, 987

It is unclear what acc refers to in these lemma names, as the lemmas are about the independence of warnings and payments, not accounts.

This observation regarding readability will be addressed when we refactor the theory.

2.3.27 Verbose lemma statement playTraceAuxIterative_base_case (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, lemma playTraceAuxIterative_base_case, line 1063

The statement of this lemma is very verbose. A more natural (and slightly stronger) formulation could be $$\begin{aligned} &\mathit{playTraceAux}\ \mathit{txOut}\ [\ \llparenthesis \mathit{interval} = \mathit{inte}, \mathit{inputs} = [h] \rrparenthesis, \llparenthesis \mathit{interval} = \mathit{inte}, \mathit{inputs} = t \rrparenthesis \ ] \\ =\ &\mathit{playTraceAux}\ \mathit{txOut}\ [\ \llparenthesis \mathit{interval} = \mathit{inte}, \mathit{inputs} = h\ \#\ t \rrparenthesis \ ]\end{aligned}$$

This observation regarding readability will be addressed when we refactor the theory.

2.3.28 playTrace_only_accepts_maxTransactionsInitialState not written as theorem (Severity: Low)

File TransactionBound.thy, lemma playTrace_only_accepts_maxTransactionsInitialState, line 316

This lemma seems like the main result of this file. Assuming it is an important result, we recommend writing it as a theorem rather than a lemma.

We agree on the observation, and will likely promote it to a theorem in the future.

2.3.29 Inconsistent style with assumptions (Severity: Low)

File Timeout.thy, lemmas timedOutReduceContractUntilQuiescent_closes_contract, timedOutReduceContractStep_empties_accounts, lines 201/204, 211/214

These lemmas use the hypothesis $\mathit{minTime}\ \mathit{sta} \leq \mathit{iniTime}$ and build a state $\mathit{sta}\ \llparenthesis \mathit{minTime} := \mathit{iniTime} \rrparenthesis)$ while other lemmas simply say $\mathit{minTime}\ \mathit{sta} = \mathit{iniTime}$. Readability would be improved by presenting these lemmas in the same style as the others, or documenting the need for these distinct presentations via code comments.

This observation regarding readability will be addressed when we refactor the theory.

2.3.30 Function validTimeInterval unnecessarily unfolded in lemma (Severity: Low)

File TimeRange.thy, lemma reduceStep_ifCaseLtCt_aux, line 234

For consistency, $a \leq b$ should be replaced by $\texttt{validTimeInterval}$.

This observation regarding readability will be addressed when we refactor the theory.

2.3.31 Overly specific auxiliary lemma (Severity: Low)

File ValidState.thy, lemma reductionLoop_preserves_valid_state_aux, line 73

This lemma on its own is very specific, and is only used in reductionLoop_preserves_valid_state. If possible, we recommend this lemma to be generalized or broken down into smaller lemmas, in order to present the arguments to the reader in smaller pieces.

We agree on this observation and it will be addressed in a future refactoring of the theory file.

2.3.32 playTrace_preserves_valid_state not written as theorem (Severity: Low)

File ValidState.thy, lemma playTrace_preserves_valid_state, line 194

This lemma seems like the main result of this file. Assuming it is an important result, we recommend writing it as a theorem instead.

The lemma was promoted to a theorem in PR-168.

2.3.33 Unnecessary assumptions (Severity: Low)

File PositiveAccounts.thy, lemmas addMoneyToAccountPositive_match, addMoneyToAccountPositive_noMatch, lines 12, 23

The assumptions $$\forall x\ \mathit{tok}.\ \mathit{positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccount}\ x\ \mathit{tok}\ \mathit{accs}$$ in addMoneyToAccountPositive_match and $$\mathit{money > 0}$$ in addMoneyToAccountPositive_noMatch are unnecessary.

File PositiveAccounts.thy, lemma reduceContractStep_gtZero_Refund, line 93

The lemma has an assumption that is mostly redundant.


A stronger lemma would be valid, which results from eliminating the assumption and changing the conclusion to positiveMoneyInAccountOrNoAccount y tok3 newAccount.

File QuiescentResult.thy, lemma reduceContractStepPayIsQuiescent, line 17

The assumption $\mathit{cont} = \texttt{Pay}\ \mathit{x21}\ \mathit{x22}\ \mathit{tok}\ \mathit{x23}\ \mathit{x24}$ is unnecessary.

File Timeout.thy, lemma timedOutReduce_only_quiescent_in_close_When, line 43

The assumption $\mathit{minTime}\ \mathit{sta} \leq \mathit{iniTime}$ is unnecessary.

File Timeout.thy, lemma timedOutReduce_only_quiescent_in_close, line 122

The assumption\ $\mathit{minTime}\ \mathit{sta} \leq \mathit{iniTime}$ is unnecessary. However, removing it will require the later proof timedOutReduceContractLoop_closes_contract to be adjusted.

File Timeout.thy, lemma timedOutReduceContractLoop_closes_contract, lines 170, 173

The assumptions $\mathit{minTime}\ \mathit{sta} \leq \mathit{iniTime}$ and $\mathit{minTime} \mathit{sta} = \mathit{iniTime}$ are both present. The former is redundant.

File TimeRange.thy, lemma reduceStep_ifCaseLtCt_aux, line 234

The assumption [...] is unnecessary.

File ValidState.thy, lemma reductionStep_preserves_valid_state_Refund, line 29

The assumption [...] is unnecessary.

We removed the unnecessary assumptions in PR-168.

2.4 Isabelle implementation

2.4.1 Variable shadowing in applyAllLoop (Severity: Medium)

File Semantics.thy, function applyAllLoop, line 575

The $\texttt{cont}$ variable introduced by the pattern match shadows another $\texttt{cont}$ variable, coming from the pattern match of an outer case expression, making the function harder to follow while also making it more error-prone to future changes.

The variable was renamed in PR-168.

2.4.2 Undescriptive name moneyInPayment (Severity: Low)

File MoneyPreservation.thy, function moneyInPayment, line 5

The name of the function can be more precise. Perhaps moneyInPaymentToParty or moneyInExternalPayment would work.

The theory was refactored into AssetsPreservation and the function is now called assetsInExternalPayment.

2.4.3 Typo in section name (Severity: Low)

File OptBoundTimeInterval.thy, line 37

Typo in section name: "Interval intesection".

The typo was fixed in PR-168.

2.4.4 Typo in comment (Severity: Low)

File OptBoundTimeInterval.thy, line 42

Typo in comment: "endpoits".

The typo was fixed in PR-168.

2.4.5 Unclear need for multiple formulations for positive accounts (Severity: Low)

File PositiveAccounts.thy, Throughout

It is unclear what the use is for multiple formulations (and lemmas about) positive accounts. The first formulation (with the theorems playTraceAux_gtZero and playTrace_gtZero) is not used in any other modules but the alternative formulation is used instead. If both formulations are relevant, then it should be explained why.

We agree that it is confusing, and it will be refactored in the future.

2.4.6 Variable name discrepancy in reductionLoop (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.thy, function reductionLoop

When comparing this function against specification-v3-rc1.pdf, different names are used for a let-bound variable. It is a in the pdf and newPayments in the file Semantics.thy. There are similar issues in the function reduceContractStep in the equation for the If case, and in the function giveMoney.

This was an artifact of showing the exported haskell code. It is resolved in PR-182.

2.4.7 Typo in constructor (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.thy, function applyCases, line 505

Apparent typo in the error message constructor: the party mentioned should be $\texttt{party2}$.

The typo was fixed in PR-168.

2.4.8 Unclear function name calculateNonAmbiguousInterval (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.thy, function calculateNonAmbiguousInterval, line 725

The meaning of the function is not obvious. It needs a comment to explain it.

This function was documented in PR-168 and moved to TimeRange.thy in PR-182. The function is not part of the Marlowe spec yet: it is a helper we hope will be useful in the future to construct the transactions.

2.4.9 Non-modularized file SingleInputTransactions.thy (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, Splitting File

This file is very long, and it covers more than just single-input transactions. For instance, about 530 lines at the beginning are rather dedicated to idempotence of certain operations. Then, the lemmas around lines 530 -- 700 focus on "well-foundedness" of the recursion on contract steps. Then there is also a clear block of lemmas about "distributivity" of semantics over transaction lists.

Splitting the module, grouping the related lemmas, would help understanding the relationships between the groups.

We agree with the observation and it will be addressed in a future refactoring.

2.4.10 Misleading function names (Severity: Low)

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, function inputsToTransactions, line 9

This function name is not very descriptive of its meaning. It takes a transaction (both a time interval and a list of inputs) and returns a list of transactions at the same interval containing a single input each. A name like splitTransactionIntoSingleInputTransactions would convey better what the input and the output are.

Moreover, the code would be cleaner if the function takes a single argument of type Transaction, instead of asking the caller to rip apart its fields.

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, function traceListToSingleInput, line 18

This function name is not descriptive of what it does. Perhaps a more telling name could be splitTransactionsIntoSingleInputTransactions.

File SingleInputTransactions.thy, function isSingleInput, line 1222

This function should be renamed or repurposed. If renamed, allAreSingleInput more accurately reflects the meaning of the function. If repurposed, it should check that a single transaction has a single input, and all isSingleInput can be used to express the current behavior.

We agree on the observations, for the moment some simple refactoring and comments were added as part of PR-180. Further refactoring and optional renaming might happen in the future.

2.4.11 Unused parameter in maxTransactionCaseList (Severity: Low)

File TransactionBound.thy, function maxTransactionCaseList, line 16

This function has a parameter of type State that is completely unused and can be removed.

We agree on this observation and it will addressed in a future refactoring of the theory file.

2.4.12 Duplicated isValidInterval function (Severity: Low)

File TimeRange.thy, function isValidInterval, line 231

This function duplicates $\texttt{validTimeInterval}$ from $\texttt{OptBoundTimeInterval.thy}$, and the latter has certain additional properties proven about it specifically, so it makes sense to use the latter in both cases.

The function isValidInterval was removed in favor of validTimeInterval in PR-168

2.5 marlowe-cardano specification

2.5.1 Lack of guidelines for creating cooperating contracts (Severity: Medium)

File, Section Life Cycle of a Marlowe Contract

Given that transactions are expected to work with Marlowe and non-Marlowe contracts simultaneously, it would be helpful to offer some guidelines for other contracts to avoid double satisfaction. Some degree of cooperation between the contracts that can appear in the same transaction is unavoidable.

One measure could be to ask every cooperating contract to refrain from paying to the payout validator. In this way, double satisfaction can not affect the payments of the Marlowe contract, if the Marlowe contract only pays to roles rather than addresses.

Another alternative would be to demand other contracts' outputs to use datums that are different from the roles used by the Marlowe contract for payments.

Commit 00010ea4 adds a paragraph of guidance to the Marlowe Cardano specification. The mitigation above for 2.1.2 implements validator changes to address this.

2.5.2 No reference to creating a minting policy (Severity: Low)

File, Section Monetary Policy for Role Tokens

The minting policy is not specified, but a reference needs to be offered to explain how to create one.

The monetary policy is not a concern of the Marlowe validator, but commit fe00af7d adds a sentence referencing the discussion of monetary policies for role tokens in the Marlowe Best Practices Guide.

2.5.3 Argument for Contract in txInfoData not specified (Severity: Low)

File, Section Types

The argument by which the Contract in the txInfoData list corresponds to the given hash needs to be made explicit.

Commit b6366efc makes this hash correspondence explicit in the Marlowe Cardano specification and adds a code snippet concretizing it, namely that the hash and continuation must be present in the script context datum map.

2.5.4 Merkleization section not detailed enough (Severity: Low)

File, Section Merkleization

This section is too terse. It needs to explain what Merkleization is, and to motivate why it is needed.

When explaining how it works, it needs to make explicit that only the Case type is modified, and that in the semantics, only the Input type is modified. It needs to explain why the Input type needs to carry a hash and a contract, and why the evaluation of the contract is changed as described.

Commit a9d40432 adds to the Marlowe Cardano specification a paragraph elaborating on mechanics and motivation for Merkleization, namely the ability to handle Marlowe contract that are too large to store in a datum.

2.5.5 Unnecessary constraint (Severity: Low)

File, Constraint 12. Merkleized continuations

This constraint is unnecessary to have in the Marlowe validator, since the construction of the arguments for evaluation of the Marlowe contract would fail. However, it would be useful to have it appear in the specification for users to be aware of it when crafting transactions. A note to motivate the presence of the constraint could be helpful.

Commit fda1d3e8 to the Marlowe Cardano specification clarifies that the constraint is supplementary (informational) in nature.

2.5.6 Asymmetry between role and wallet payouts (Severity: Low)

**File, Constraint 15, **

The marlowe validator allows multiple outputs to be paid to a wallet, but it demands that a single output exists when paying to a role instead. The motivation to use different approaches needs to be documented. This is implemented in Scripts.hs at line 371, in function payoutConstraints.

The asymmetry is a convenience and practicality related to the manner in which coin selection and transaction balancing typically occurs nowadays in wallets. Commit 4e81470d adds to the Marlowe Cardano specification a paragraph justifying this asymmetry in payout style and a comment to the Marlowe semantics validator along the same lines.

2.5.7 Incorrect description of rolePayoutValidator (Severity: Low)

File, Section Plutus Validator for Marlowe Payouts

The description of the Marlowe payout validator in the specification states that it is parameterized by the currency symbol. However, this is not correct as the validator is unparameterized; rather, the datum type of the validator includes the currency symbol (as well as token name). The description should be modified to reflect this.

This incorrect signature is fixed in commit 1d16de1f.

2.5.8 Unspecified initial state (Severity: Low)

File, Section Life Cycle of a Marlowe Contract

The specification should say what the initial state of a Marlowe contract should be. In particular, creating a contract requires giving the minimum Ada to some account in the Marlowe state. Otherwise, Constraint 5 will reject the transactions that try to spend the output.

Commit e150e308 details the three invariants that the initial state must satisfy: positivity of accounts, non-duplication of state entries (accounts, choices, bound values), and matching the total value in the internal state to the value of the script's UTxO.

2.5.9 Unspecified behavior when multiple cases can apply (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, Function applyCases, line 597

If multiple cases in a case list can apply, the first one is taken. This behavior should be better communicated in the specification.

Although this behavior is required by the Isabelle specification and implemented in the Plutus validator, the comment on applyCases has been edited in commit 08d6f34a to reinforce that the first applicable Case is taken for a When.

2.6 Haskell implementation

2.6.1 Name shadowing in applyAllInputs (Severity: Medium)

File Semantics.hs, Function applyAllInputs, line 658

The binding cont from the Applied constructor shadows the cont variable coming from the pattern match in an enclosing case expression. This makes the code error-prone to subsequent changes and refactorings.

The binding of cont has been renamed to cont' in commit 1c96edfe.

2.6.2 Non-isomorphic types in playTraceAux (Severity: Medium)

File Semantics.hs, Function playTraceAux, line 710

The function in the Isabelle code takes a TransactionOutputRecord while the Haskell version takes a TransactionOutput. This means TransactionError cannot be an input to playTraceAux in Isabelle, possibly invalidating proofs about its properties.

The playTrace and playTraceAux functions are not used by the Marlowe validators, so no mitigation was made for this audit-report finding.

2.6.3 Variable names differ from Isabelle code (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, Several functions

Different variable names in Isabelle and Haskell make comparison harder. It is less of an issue when only one variable has been renamed in a function, but multiple variable renames require carefully mapping between the names to avoid confusion. For example, the code of reduceContractStep in line 482 (Pay case) is hard to compare.

Other name changes include:

  • Line 456, function updateMoneyInAccount uses variable money where the Isabelle code uses amount and omits naming the last parameter.
  • Line 473, function giveMoneyToPay uses variables amount and accounts instead of money and accountsV as in the Isabelle code.
  • Line 541, function reductionLoop uses variable con instead of ncontract.
  • Line 300, the data type TransactionInput corresponds to the type Transaction in the Isabelle code.
  • Line 313, the data type TransactionOutput is isomorphic but not identical to the homonymous data type in the Isabelle code.
  • Line 439, function refundOne uses a variable balance where the Isabelle code uses money.
  • Line 463, function addMoneyToAccount uses variable accounts where the Isabelle code uses accountsV.

These cosmetic recommendations of the audit report have not been implemented in the Marlowe semantics validator, as the discrepancies do not strongly impact comparison.

2.6.4 Naming of functions and variables (Severity: Low)

File Several files, Several functions

Several functions or variables could have more descriptive or precise names, for example:

  • Scripts.hs:193: validateBalances could be called allBalancesArePositive.
  • Scripts.hs:206: validateInputs could be called allInputsAreAuthorized.
  • Scripts.hs:324: checkScriptOutputAny could be called noOutputPaysToOwnAddress, as it checks that no outputs pay to the script address.
  • Semantics.hs:439: refundOne is named somewhat confusingly, and understanding the name requires the context of reduceContractStep where the function is called. Perhaps a better name would be dropWhileNonPositiveAndUncons.
  • Semantics.hs:597: the binding tailCase should rather be named tailCases.

The aforementioned bindings validateBalances, validateInputs, and tailCase have been renamed to allBalancesArePositive, allInputsAreAuthorized, and tailCases in commit 1c96edfe. For historical reasons, refundOne has not been renamed. The function checkScriptOutputAny is no longer present due to other mitigations made to the validator.

2.6.5 Unused functions (Severity: Low)

File Several files, Several functions

Several functions are unused and perhaps should be removed:

  • Semantics.hs:741: contractLifespanUpperBound does not seem to be used anywhere, including tests.
  • Semantics.hs:680: isClose is not used in the rest of the codebase (besides checking its behavior via testing). It should either be removed, or comments justifying its existence should be included.

In addition to that, the functions validateBalances and totalBalance (defined at Semantics.hs:755 and :762) are only used in Scripts.hs and never reused, so they should probably be moved to Scripts.hs.

Although the validator does not use these functions, off-chain code in other Haskell modules does. For the time being, the contractLifespanUpperBound and isClose have been retained in Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics. They will be relocated in the future if validator and non-validator code are separated into different modules.

2.6.6 Comments (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, Function refundOne, line 439

The comment describing the function is overly concise, as it does not mention the function removing all non-positive accounts before the first positive one, and effectively uncons-ing the list.

Commit ac65eba1 elaborates the documentation for refundOne.

File Semantics.hs, Function addMoneyToAccount, line 461

There is a typo in the comment: accoun is written instead of account.

Commit 1c96edfe fixes this typo.

2.6.7 Record updates in playTraceAux (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, Function playTraceAux, line 710

The function could have followed the Isabelle code more closely if it used a record update instead of creating a new TransactionOutput record from scratch.

The playTrace and playTraceAux functions are not used by the Marlowe validators, so no mitigation was made for this audit-report finding.

2.6.8 Potential simplifications (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, Function totalBalance, line 755

The function uses foldMap f . AssocMap.toList. Here, AssocMap.toList is redundant.

Actually, the PlutusTx.AssocMap.Map's implementation of foldMap does not permit this: type checking fails for this proposed change.

File Types.hs, Class instance Eq Contract, line 873

The equality of cases for the When constructor would be simplified by using cases1 == cases2. If there is a reason for the more verbose equality condition, it should be outlined in a comment.

A comment explaining the rationale for this equality test has been added in commit faaae175.

2.6.9 computeTransaction differs from the Isabelle implementation (Severity: Low)

Helper function evalValue, evalObservation, lines 391 (Semantics.hs), 34 (Semantics.thy)

evalValue and evalObservation differ from the Isabelle implementation in the introduction of auxiliary variables to abbreviate the recursive calls. The comparison would be simpler if both definitions were consolidated.

The Plutus implementation differs slightly from the Isabelle for efficiency and to conform to Plutus's different restrictions on recursive calls.

Helper function evalValue, lines 395 (Semantics.hs), 35 (Semantics.thy)

The Isabelle implementation should use the helper function moneyInAccount instead of inlining its definition, so as to maintain consistency with the Haskell implementation.

This was addressed in PR-182

Helper function applyCases, lines 596 (Semantics.hs), 498 (Semantics.thy)

The structure of function applyCases differs between the Haskell and Isabelle files. Specifically, the Haskell implementation has an additional function applyAction where the Isabelle implementation does not. A comment motivating the discrepancy would be needed. This is likely due to the lack of Merkleization in the Isabelle implementation.

Commit d0a3834a adds a comment that the Plutus implementation differs from the Isabelle one due to the former's support for merkleization.

Helper function convertReduceWarnings, lines 617 (Semantics.hs), 537 (Semantics.thy)

The Haskell function is implemented using foldr, while the Isabelle function uses explicit recursion, making a one-to-one comparison less obvious. If there is a reason for this discrepancy, such as foldr yielding some optimizations, this should be outlined in a comment.

Commit d1477610 adds a comment that the use of foldr in the Plutus implementation is for efficiency.

2.6.10 Constraint implementations differ from description (Severity: Low)

File, Section Plutus Validator for Marlowe Semantics

Some constraints mentioned in the specification are written in a different structure than the corresponding constraint in Scripts.hs. While such a discrepancy may be useful to minimize verbosity, a unified structure when possible would alleviate a side-by-side comparison. Examples of these differing structures include Constraint 6 and Constraint 14.

The discrepancies of implementation between the constraints in the specification and the Plutus code result from the emphasis on readability in the specification and of efficiency in the implementation. The need to minimize the validator size and execution cost in the implementation has sometimes resulted in less concise or less readable code. Note that the Plutus compiler can be quite sensitive to the precise expression of a constraint as Haskell code.

2.6.11 Missing argument of computeTransaction (Severity: Low)

File, Section Relationship between Marlowe Validator and Semantics

The specification mentions the output datum as the (fifth) argument for the computeTransaction function, while it is not an argument to it.

Commit 00a0c240 moves the comment about the non-existent fifth argument to a separate sentence following the list of arguments.

2.6.12 Missing smallMarloweValidator (Severity: Low)

File, Various sections

The specification mentions smallMarloweValidator in a few places, but it is never mentioned in the source code.

This reference is changed to marloweValidator in commit 87cf548d.

2.6.13 Incorrect constraint reference (Severity: Low)

File Scripts.hs, Function mkRolePayoutValidator, line 150

This line should refer to Constraint 17 rather than Constraint 16.

This incorrect reference is fixed in commit 3fac0d17.

2.6.14 MarloweParams differs from the specification (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, type MarloweParams, line 355

The specification defines MarloweParams to contain just the payout validator hash, while the definition in the Haskell code contains just the roles currency symbol.

This misstatement is remedied in commit 8691f335.

2.6.15 Timeout boundary differs from the specification (Severity: Low)

File Semantics.hs, type reduceContractStep, line 518

The specification mentions

If a valid Transaction is computed with a TimeInterval with a start time bigger than the Timeout t, the contingency continuation c is evaluated.

where "bigger" implies strict inequality, while the code makes non-strict comparison. This difference needs to be acknowledged and further explained in the specification.

This misstatement is remedied in PR-182

2.7 Haskell tests

2.7.1 More precise failure checks (Severity: Medium)

File Spec/Marlowe/Plutus/Specification.hs, Various tests

The tests use the functions checkSemanticsTransaction and checkPayoutTransaction to verify that various error conditions cause transactions to be rejected. These functions test that a transaction passes or fails, but when it fails, the functions do not consider the error cause. Checking the exact cause is necessary to ensure the transaction is rejected because of the intended reason and not because of some other error condition arising in a particular test case by coincidence.

The absence of this information makes it easier to accidentally produce a test that is not testing what is intended.

Commit 8d18385b to the Marlowe test suite for checkSemanticsTransaction instruments Plutus scripts for the Marlowe validator so that the precise cause of the test failure is verified.

2.7.2 Missing tests (Severity: Medium)

File Spec/Marlowe/Semantics/Compute.hs, ``

The following properties could additionally be tested for computeTransaction:

  • payment subtracts from an account,
  • deposit adds to an account,
  • INotify input produces the expected continuation,
  • IChoice input produces the expected continuation,
  • the hash of a successfully applied merkleized input matches the hash of the merkleized case.

Some of these are tested in Spec/Marlowe/Semantics/Functions.hs already for auxiliary functions.

Commit ee2e5222 adds a property-based test that choice and deposit continue as expected; commit 333eee29 tests that choice produces expected continuation; commit 477284c7 tests that that deposits add to an account; commit d241669b tests that payout subtracts from an account; and commit f33fc720 tests that merkleization continues as expected.

File Spec/Marlowe/Semantics/Functions.hs, Missing merkleization tests

The properties in this module do not seem to be tested with merkleized contracts or inputs except for checkGetContinuation. More merkleization tests should be added.

Commits 2a936bf1 and 8f8183d7 significantly increase the coverage of merkleization in validator tests by utilizing a much larger set of test contracts and adding a probability that almost any test will involve a merkleized contract.

File Spec/Marlowe/Semantics/Compute.hs, function checkFixInterval, lines 100-102

The test checkFixInterval is never instantiated with an invalid interval that is in the past, meaning the function fixInterval is never tested for that case.

Commit 811f048b adds a property-based test for an invalid interval in the past.

Appendix: Post-Audit Changes in Marlowe Validator

git diff 523f3d56f22bf992ddb0b0c8a52bb7a5a188f9e9 ac65eba119b4eec8febc3723527edcd99914fdac marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/{Core/V1/Semantics*,Scripts.hs}
diff --git a/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics.hs b/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics.hs
index e31b8c478..0d7e94a20 100644
--- a/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics.hs
+++ b/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics.hs
@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@ module Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics
   , TransactionError(..)
   , TransactionWarning(..)
     -- * Utility Functions
+  , allBalancesArePositive
   , contractLifespanUpperBound
   , isClose
   , notClose
   , paymentMoney
   , totalBalance
-  , validateBalances
     -- * Serialisation
   , currencySymbolFromJSON
   , currencySymbolToJSON
@@ -217,6 +217,26 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen (comma, hang, lbrace, line, rbrace, space, text,
 data Payment = Payment AccountId Payee Token Integer
   deriving stock (Haskell.Eq, Haskell.Show)

+instance ToJSON Payment where
+  toJSON (Payment accountId payee token amount) =
+    object
+      [
+        "payment_from" .= accountId
+      , "to" .= payee
+      , "token" .= token
+      , "amount" .= amount
+      ]
+instance FromJSON Payment where
+  parseJSON =
+    withObject "Payment"
+      $ \o ->
+        Payment
+          <$> o .: "payment_from"
+          <*> o .: "to"
+          <*> o .: "token"
+          <*> o .: "amount"

 -- | Extract the money value from a payment.
 paymentMoney :: Payment -> Money
@@ -293,7 +313,28 @@ data TransactionError = TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError
                       | TEUselessTransaction
                       | TEHashMismatch
   deriving stock (Haskell.Show, Generic, Haskell.Eq)
-  deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
+instance ToJSON TransactionError where
+  toJSON TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError = JSON.String "TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError"
+  toJSON TEApplyNoMatchError = JSON.String "TEApplyNoMatchError"
+  toJSON (TEIntervalError intervalError) = object ["error" .= JSON.String "TEIntervalError", "context" .= intervalError]
+  toJSON TEUselessTransaction = JSON.String "TEUselessTransaction"
+  toJSON TEHashMismatch = JSON.String "TEHashMismatch"
+instance FromJSON TransactionError where
+  parseJSON (JSON.String s) =
+    case s of
+      "TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError" -> return TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError
+      "TEApplyNoMatchError" -> return TEApplyNoMatchError
+      "TEUselessTransaction" -> return TEUselessTransaction
+      "TEHashMismatch" -> return TEHashMismatch
+      _ -> "Failed parsing TransactionError"
+  parseJSON (JSON.Object o) = do
+                                err <- o .: "error"
+                                if err Haskell.== ("TEIntervalError" :: Haskell.String)
+                                  then TEIntervalError <$> o .: "context"
+                                  else "Failed parsing TransactionError"
+  parseJSON _ = "Failed parsing TransactionError"

 -- | Marlowe transaction input.
@@ -319,6 +360,31 @@ data TransactionOutput =
     | Error TransactionError
   deriving stock (Haskell.Show)

+instance ToJSON TransactionOutput where
+  toJSON TransactionOutput{..} =
+    object
+      [
+        "warnings" .= txOutWarnings
+      , "payments" .= txOutPayments
+      , "state" .= txOutState
+      , "contract" .= txOutContract
+      ]
+  toJSON (Error err) = object ["transaction_error" .= err]
+instance FromJSON TransactionOutput where
+  parseJSON =
+    withObject "TransactionOutput"
+      $ \o ->
+        let
+          asTransactionOutput =
+            TransactionOutput
+              <$> o .: "warnings"
+              <*> o .: "payments"
+              <*> o .: "state"
+              <*> o .: "contract"
+          asError = Error <$> o .: "transaction_error"
+        in
+          asTransactionOutput <|> asError

 -- | Parse a validator hash from JSON.
 validatorHashFromJSON :: JSON.Value -> Parser ValidatorHash
@@ -404,12 +470,22 @@ evalValue env state value = let
                                    then 0
                                    else n `Builtins.quotientInteger` d
         ChoiceValue choiceId ->
+            -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `choices` contains no
+            -- duplicate entries, this lookup behaves identically to
+            -- Marlowe's Isabelle semantics given the precondition that
+            -- the initial state's `choices` in Isabelle was sorted and
+            -- did not contain duplicate entries.
             case Map.lookup choiceId (choices state) of
                 Just x  -> x
                 Nothing -> 0
         TimeIntervalStart    -> getPOSIXTime (fst (timeInterval env))
         TimeIntervalEnd      -> getPOSIXTime (snd (timeInterval env))
         UseValue valId       ->
+            -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `boundValues` contains
+            -- no duplicate entries, this lookup behaves identically to
+            -- Marlowe's Isabelle semantics given the precondition that
+            -- the initial state's `boundValues` in Isabelle was sorted
+            -- and did not contain duplicate entries.
             case Map.lookup valId (boundValues state) of
                 Just x  -> x
                 Nothing -> 0
@@ -425,6 +501,11 @@ evalObservation env state obs = let
         AndObs lhs rhs          -> evalObs lhs && evalObs rhs
         OrObs lhs rhs           -> evalObs lhs || evalObs rhs
         NotObs subObs           -> not (evalObs subObs)
+                                   -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `choices` contains no
+                                   -- duplicate entries, this membership test behaves identically
+                                   -- to Marlowe's Isabelle semantics given the precondition that
+                                   -- the initial state's `choices` in Isabelle was sorted and did
+                                   -- not contain duplicate entries.
         ChoseSomething choiceId -> choiceId `Map.member` choices state
         ValueGE lhs rhs         -> evalVal lhs >= evalVal rhs
         ValueGT lhs rhs         -> evalVal lhs > evalVal rhs
@@ -435,10 +516,16 @@ evalObservation env state obs = let
         FalseObs                -> False

--- | Pick the first account with money in it.
+-- | Pick the first account with money in it, discarding any accounts prior to that if they have a non-positive balance.
 refundOne :: Accounts -> Maybe ((Party, Token, Integer), Accounts)
 refundOne accounts = case Map.toList accounts of
     [] -> Nothing
+    -- SCP-5126: The return value of this function differs from
+    -- Isabelle semantics in that it returns the least-recently
+    -- added account-token combination rather than the first
+    -- lexicographically ordered one. Also, the sequence
+    -- `Map.fromList . tail . Map.toList` preserves the
+    -- invariants of order and non-duplication.
     ((accId, token), balance) : rest ->
         if balance > 0
         then Just ((accId, token, balance), Map.fromList rest)
@@ -447,18 +534,30 @@ refundOne accounts = case Map.toList accounts of

 -- | Obtains the amount of money available an account.
 moneyInAccount :: AccountId -> Token -> Accounts -> Integer
-moneyInAccount accId token accounts = case Map.lookup (accId, token) accounts of
-    Just x  -> x
-    Nothing -> 0
+moneyInAccount accId token accounts =
+    -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `accounts` contains
+    -- no duplicate entries, this lookup behaves identically to
+    -- Marlowe's Isabelle semantics given the precondition that
+    -- the initial state's `accounts` in Isabelle was sorted and
+    -- did not contain duplicate entries.
+    case Map.lookup (accId, token) accounts of
+      Just x  -> x
+      Nothing -> 0

 -- | Sets the amount of money available in an account.
 updateMoneyInAccount :: AccountId -> Token -> Integer -> Accounts -> Accounts
 updateMoneyInAccount accId token amount =
+    -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `accounts` contains
+    -- no duplicate entries, this deletion or insertion behaves
+    -- identically (aside from internal ordering) to Marlowe's
+    -- Isabelle semantics given the precondition that the initial
+    -- state's `accounts` in Isabelle was sorted and did not
+    -- contain duplicate entries.
     if amount <= 0 then Map.delete (accId, token) else Map.insert (accId, token) amount

--- | Add the given amount of money to an accoun (only if it is positive).
+-- | Add the given amount of money to an account (only if it is positive).
 --   Return the updated Map.
 addMoneyToAccount :: AccountId -> Token -> Integer -> Accounts -> Accounts
 addMoneyToAccount accId token amount accounts = let
@@ -482,6 +581,14 @@ giveMoney accountId payee token amount accounts = let
 reduceContractStep :: Environment -> State -> Contract -> ReduceStepResult
 reduceContractStep env state contract = case contract of

+    -- SCP-5126: Although `refundOne` refunds accounts-token combinations
+    -- in least-recently-added order and Isabelle semantics requires that
+    -- they be refunded in lexicographic order, `reduceContractUntilQuiescent`
+    -- ensures that the `Close` pattern will be executed until `accounts`
+    -- is empty. Thus, the net difference between the behavior here and the
+    -- Isabelle semantics is that the `ContractQuiescent` resulting from
+    -- `reduceContractUntilQuiescent` will contain payments in a different
+    -- order.
     Close -> case refundOne (accounts state) of
         Just ((party, token, amount), newAccounts) -> let
             newState = state { accounts = newAccounts }
@@ -522,7 +629,17 @@ reduceContractStep env state contract = case contract of
     Let valId val cont -> let
         evaluatedValue = evalValue env state val
         boundVals = boundValues state
+        -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `boundValues` contains
+        -- no duplicate entries, this insertion behaves identically
+        -- (aside from internal ordering) to Marlowe's Isabelle semantics
+        -- given the precondition that the initial state's `boundValues`
+        -- in Isabelle was sorted and did not contain duplicate entries.
         newState = state { boundValues = Map.insert valId evaluatedValue boundVals }
+        -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `boundValues` contains
+        -- no duplicate entries, this lookup behaves identically to
+        -- Marlowe's Isabelle semantics given the precondition that the
+        -- initial state's `boundValues` in Isabelle was sorted and did
+        -- not contain duplicate entries.
         warn = case Map.lookup valId boundVals of
               Just oldVal -> ReduceShadowing valId oldVal evaluatedValue
               Nothing     -> ReduceNoWarning
@@ -575,6 +692,11 @@ applyAction env state (IDeposit accId1 party1 tok1 amount) (Deposit accId2 party
     else NotAppliedAction
 applyAction _ state (IChoice choId1 choice) (Choice choId2 bounds) =
     if choId1 == choId2 && inBounds choice bounds
+    -- SCP-5126: Given the precondition that `choices` contains no
+    -- duplicate entries, this insertion behaves identically (aside
+    -- from internal ordering) to Marlowe's Isabelle semantics
+    -- given the precondition that the initial state's `choices`
+    -- in Isabelle was sorted and did not contain duplicate entries.
     then let newState = state { choices = Map.insert choId1 choice (choices state) }
          in AppliedAction ApplyNoWarning newState
     else NotAppliedAction
@@ -592,18 +714,20 @@ getContinuation (MerkleizedInput _ inputContinuationHash continuation) (Merkleiz
     else Nothing
 getContinuation _ _ = Nothing

--- | Try to apply an input to a list of cases.
+-- | Try to apply an input to a list of cases, accepting the first match.
 applyCases :: Environment -> State -> Input -> [Case Contract] -> ApplyResult
-applyCases env state input (headCase : tailCase) =
+applyCases env state input (headCase : tailCases) =
     let inputContent = getInputContent input :: InputContent
         action = getAction headCase :: Action
         maybeContinuation = getContinuation input headCase :: Maybe Contract
     in case applyAction env state inputContent action of
          AppliedAction warning newState ->
+           -- Note that this differs from Isabelle semantics because
+           -- the Cardano semantics includes merkleization.
            case maybeContinuation of
              Just continuation -> Applied warning newState continuation
              Nothing           -> ApplyHashMismatch
-         NotAppliedAction -> applyCases env state input tailCase
+         NotAppliedAction -> applyCases env state input tailCases
 applyCases _ _ _ [] = ApplyNoMatchError

@@ -615,7 +739,7 @@ applyInput _ _ _ _                          = ApplyNoMatchError

 -- | Propagate 'ReduceWarning' to 'TransactionWarning'.
 convertReduceWarnings :: [ReduceWarning] -> [TransactionWarning]
-convertReduceWarnings = foldr (\warn acc -> case warn of
+convertReduceWarnings = foldr (\warn acc -> case warn of  -- Note that `foldr` is used here for efficiency, differing from Isabelle.
     ReduceNoWarning -> acc
     ReduceNonPositivePay accId payee tok amount ->
         TransactionNonPositivePay accId payee tok amount : acc
@@ -655,12 +779,12 @@ applyAllInputs env state contract inputs = let
                 (input : rest) -> case applyInput env curState input cont of
-                    Applied applyWarn newState cont ->
+                    Applied applyWarn newState cont' ->
-                            cont
+                            cont'
                             (warnings' ++ convertApplyWarning applyWarn)
@@ -759,8 +883,8 @@ totalBalance accounts = foldMap

 -- | Check that all accounts have positive balance.
-validateBalances :: State -> Bool
-validateBalances State{..} = all (\(_, balance) -> balance > 0) (Map.toList accounts)
+allBalancesArePositive :: State -> Bool
+allBalancesArePositive State{..} = all (\(_, balance) -> balance > 0) (Map.toList accounts)

 instance FromJSON TransactionInput where
@@ -845,20 +969,26 @@ instance Eq Payment where
 instance Eq ReduceWarning where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     ReduceNoWarning == ReduceNoWarning = True
-    (ReduceNonPositivePay acc1 p1 tn1 a1) == (ReduceNonPositivePay acc2 p2 tn2 a2) =
+    ReduceNoWarning == _ = False
+    ReduceNonPositivePay acc1 p1 tn1 a1 == ReduceNonPositivePay acc2 p2 tn2 a2 =
         acc1 == acc2 && p1 == p2 && tn1 == tn2 && a1 == a2
-    (ReducePartialPay acc1 p1 tn1 a1 e1) == (ReducePartialPay acc2 p2 tn2 a2 e2) =
+    ReduceNonPositivePay{} == _ = False
+    ReducePartialPay acc1 p1 tn1 a1 e1 == ReducePartialPay acc2 p2 tn2 a2 e2 =
         acc1 == acc2 && p1 == p2 && tn1 == tn2 && a1 == a2 && e1 == e2
-    (ReduceShadowing v1 old1 new1) == (ReduceShadowing v2 old2 new2) =
+    ReducePartialPay{} == _ = False
+    ReduceShadowing v1 old1 new1 == ReduceShadowing v2 old2 new2 =
         v1 == v2 && old1 == old2 && new1 == new2
-    _ == _ = False
+    ReduceShadowing{} == _ = False
+    ReduceAssertionFailed == ReduceAssertionFailed = True
+    ReduceAssertionFailed == _ = False

 instance Eq ReduceEffect where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     ReduceNoPayment == ReduceNoPayment           = True
+    ReduceNoPayment == _                         = False
     ReduceWithPayment p1 == ReduceWithPayment p2 = p1 == p2
-    _ == _                                       = False
+    ReduceWithPayment _ == _                     = False

 -- Lifting data types to Plutus Core
diff --git a/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics/Types.hs b/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics/Types.hs
index a333b8fbb..bf495773b 100644
--- a/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics/Types.hs
+++ b/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Core/V1/Semantics/Types.hs
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ import PlutusTx.Lift (makeLift)
 import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (encodeUtf8, mapM, (<$>), (<*>), (<>))
 import Prelude (mapM, (<$>))
 import qualified Prelude as Haskell
-import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen (text)
+import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen (parens, text)

 -- Functions that used in Plutus Core must be inlinable,
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ data Party =
   deriving stock (Generic,Haskell.Eq,Haskell.Ord)

 instance Pretty Party where
-  prettyFragment (Address network address) = text $ "Address " ++ (serialiseAddressBech32 network address)
-  prettyFragment (Role role)               = text $ "Role "    ++ role
+  prettyFragment (Address network address) = parens $ text "Address " Haskell.<> prettyFragment (serialiseAddressBech32 network address)
+  prettyFragment (Role role)               = parens $ text "Role "    Haskell.<> prettyFragment role

 instance Haskell.Show Party where
   showsPrec _ (Address network address) = Haskell.showsPrec 11 $ (serialiseAddressBech32 network address)
@@ -307,6 +307,13 @@ data State = State { accounts    :: Accounts
 newtype Environment = Environment { timeInterval :: TimeInterval }
   deriving stock (Haskell.Show,Haskell.Eq,Haskell.Ord)

+instance FromJSON Environment where
+  parseJSON = withObject "Environment"
+    (\v -> Environment <$> (posixIntervalFromJSON =<< v .: "timeInterval"))
+instance ToJSON Environment where
+  toJSON Environment{..} = object
+    [ "timeInterval" .= posixIntervalToJSON timeInterval]

 -- | Input for a Marlowe contract. Correspond to expected 'Action's.
 data InputContent = IDeposit AccountId Party Token Integer
@@ -389,23 +396,24 @@ data IntervalError = InvalidInterval TimeInterval
                    | IntervalInPastError POSIXTime TimeInterval
   deriving stock (Haskell.Show, Generic, Haskell.Eq)

 instance ToJSON IntervalError where
   toJSON (InvalidInterval (s, e)) = A.object
-    [ ("invalidInterval", toJSON (posixTimeToJSON s, posixTimeToJSON e)) ]
+    [ ("invalidInterval", A.object [("from", posixTimeToJSON s), ("to", posixTimeToJSON e)]) ]
   toJSON (IntervalInPastError t (s, e)) = A.object
-    [ ("intervalInPastError", toJSON (posixTimeToJSON t, posixTimeToJSON s, posixTimeToJSON e)) ]
+    [ ("intervalInPastError", A.object [("minTime", posixTimeToJSON t), ("from", posixTimeToJSON s), ("to", posixTimeToJSON e)]) ]

 instance FromJSON IntervalError where
   parseJSON (JSON.Object v) =
       parseInvalidInterval = do
-        (s, e) <- v .: "invalidInterval"
-        InvalidInterval <$> ((,) <$> posixTimeFromJSON s <*> posixTimeFromJSON e)
+        o <- v .: "invalidInterval"
+        InvalidInterval <$> posixIntervalFromJSON o
       parseIntervalInPastError = do
-        (t, s, e) <- v .: "intervalInPastError"
+        o <- v .: "intervalInPastError"
-          <$> posixTimeFromJSON t
-          <*> ((,) <$> posixTimeFromJSON s <*> posixTimeFromJSON e)
+          <$> (posixTimeFromJSON =<< o .: "minTime")
+          <*> posixIntervalFromJSON o
       parseIntervalInPastError <|> parseInvalidInterval
   parseJSON invalid =
@@ -422,11 +430,18 @@ posixTimeFromJSON = \case
   invalid ->
       JSON.prependFailure "parsing POSIXTime failed, " (JSON.typeMismatch "Number" invalid)

+posixIntervalFromJSON :: A.Object -> Parser TimeInterval
+posixIntervalFromJSON o = (,) <$> (posixTimeFromJSON =<< o .: "from") <*> (posixTimeFromJSON =<< o .: "to")

 -- | Serialise time as a JSON value.
 posixTimeToJSON :: POSIXTime -> JSON.Value
 posixTimeToJSON (POSIXTime n) = JSON.Number $ scientific n 0

+posixIntervalToJSON :: TimeInterval -> JSON.Value
+posixIntervalToJSON (from, to) = object
+  [ "from" .= posixTimeToJSON from
+  , "to" .= posixTimeToJSON to
+  ]

 -- | Result of 'fixInterval'
 data IntervalResult = IntervalTrimmed Environment State
@@ -778,23 +793,24 @@ instance ToJSON Contract where
 instance Eq Party where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     Address n1 a1 == Address n2 a2 = n1 == n2 && a1 == a2
+    Address _ _   == _             = False
     Role r1       == Role r2       = r1 == r2
-    _             == _             = False
+    Role _        == _             = False

 instance Eq ChoiceId where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
-    (ChoiceId n1 p1) == (ChoiceId n2 p2) = n1 == n2 && p1 == p2
+    ChoiceId n1 p1 == ChoiceId n2 p2 = n1 == n2 && p1 == p2

 instance Eq Token where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
-    (Token n1 p1) == (Token n2 p2) = n1 == n2 && p1 == p2
+    Token n1 p1 == Token n2 p2 = n1 == n2 && p1 == p2

 instance Eq ValueId where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
-    (ValueId n1) == (ValueId n2) = n1 == n2
+    ValueId n1 == ValueId n2 = n1 == n2

 instance Pretty ValueId where
@@ -804,78 +820,107 @@ instance Pretty ValueId where
 instance Eq Payee where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     Account acc1 == Account acc2 = acc1 == acc2
+    Account{}    == _            = False
     Party p1 == Party p2         = p1 == p2
-    _ == _                       = False
+    Party{}  == _                = False

 instance Eq a => Eq (Value a) where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
-    AvailableMoney acc1 tok1 == AvailableMoney acc2 tok2 =
-        acc1 == acc2 && tok1 == tok2
+    AvailableMoney acc1 tok1 == AvailableMoney acc2 tok2 = acc1 == acc2 && tok1 == tok2
+    AvailableMoney _    _    == _                        = False
     Constant i1 == Constant i2 = i1 == i2
+    Constant{}  == _           = False
     NegValue val1 == NegValue val2 = val1 == val2
+    NegValue{}    == _             = False
     AddValue val1 val2 == AddValue val3 val4 = val1 == val3 && val2 == val4
+    AddValue{}         == _                  = False
     SubValue val1 val2 == SubValue val3 val4 = val1 == val3 && val2 == val4
+    SubValue{}         == _                  = False
     MulValue val1 val2 == MulValue val3 val4 = val1 == val3 && val2 == val4
+    MulValue{}         == _                  = False
     DivValue val1 val2 == DivValue val3 val4 = val1 == val3 && val2 == val4
+    DivValue{}         == _                  = False
     ChoiceValue cid1 == ChoiceValue cid2 = cid1 == cid2
+    ChoiceValue{}    == _                = False
     TimeIntervalStart == TimeIntervalStart = True
-    TimeIntervalEnd   == TimeIntervalEnd   = True
+    TimeIntervalStart == _                 = False
+    TimeIntervalEnd == TimeIntervalEnd = True
+    TimeIntervalEnd == _               = False
     UseValue val1 == UseValue val2 = val1 == val2
-    Cond obs1 thn1 els1 == Cond obs2 thn2 els2 =  obs1 == obs2 && thn1 == thn2 && els1 == els2
-    _ == _ = False
+    UseValue{}    == _             = False
+    Cond obs1 thn1 els1 == Cond obs2 thn2 els2 = obs1 == obs2 && thn1 == thn2 && els1 == els2
+    Cond{}              == _                   = False

 instance Eq Observation where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     AndObs o1l o2l == AndObs o1r o2r           = o1l == o1r && o2l == o2r
+    AndObs{}       == _                        = False
     OrObs  o1l o2l == OrObs  o1r o2r           = o1l == o1r && o2l == o2r
+    OrObs{}        == _                        = False
     NotObs ol == NotObs or                     = ol == or
+    NotObs{}  == _                             = False
     ChoseSomething cid1 == ChoseSomething cid2 = cid1 == cid2
+    ChoseSomething _    == _                   = False
     ValueGE v1l v2l == ValueGE v1r v2r         = v1l == v1r && v2l == v2r
+    ValueGE{}       == _                       = False
     ValueGT v1l v2l == ValueGT v1r v2r         = v1l == v1r && v2l == v2r
+    ValueGT{}       == _                       = False
     ValueLT v1l v2l == ValueLT v1r v2r         = v1l == v1r && v2l == v2r
+    ValueLT{}       == _                       = False
     ValueLE v1l v2l == ValueLE v1r v2r         = v1l == v1r && v2l == v2r
+    ValueLE{}       == _                       = False
     ValueEQ v1l v2l == ValueEQ v1r v2r         = v1l == v1r && v2l == v2r
+    ValueEQ{}       == _                       = False
     TrueObs  == TrueObs                        = True
+    TrueObs  == _                              = False
     FalseObs == FalseObs                       = True
-    _ == _                                     = False
+    FalseObs == _                              = False

 instance Eq Action where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     Deposit acc1 party1 tok1 val1 == Deposit acc2 party2 tok2 val2 =
         acc1 == acc2 && party1 == party2 && tok1 == tok2 && val1 == val2
+    Deposit{}       == _ = False
     Choice cid1 bounds1 == Choice cid2 bounds2 =
         cid1 == cid2 && length bounds1 == length bounds2 && let
             bounds = zip bounds1 bounds2
             checkBound (Bound low1 high1, Bound low2 high2) = low1 == low2 && high1 == high2
             in all checkBound bounds
+    Choice{}   == _ = False
     Notify obs1 == Notify obs2 = obs1 == obs2
-    _ == _ = False
+    Notify{} == _ = False

 instance Eq a => Eq (Case a) where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     Case acl cl == Case acr cr                       = acl == acr && cl == cr
+    Case{}      == _                                 = False
     MerkleizedCase acl bsl == MerkleizedCase acr bsr = acl == acr && bsl == bsr
-    _ == _                                           = False
+    MerkleizedCase{}       == _                      = False

 instance Eq Contract where
     {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
     Close == Close = True
+    Close == _ = False
     Pay acc1 payee1 tok1 value1 cont1 == Pay acc2 payee2 tok2 value2 cont2 =
         acc1 == acc2 && payee1 == payee2 && tok1 == tok2 && value1 == value2 && cont1 == cont2
+    Pay{} == _ = False
     If obs1 cont1 cont2 == If obs2 cont3 cont4 =
         obs1 == obs2 && cont1 == cont3 && cont2 == cont4
-    When cases1 timeout1 cont1 == When cases2 timeout2 cont2 =
+    If{} == _ = False
+    When cases1 timeout1 cont1 == When cases2 timeout2 cont2 =  -- The sequences of tests are ordered for efficiency.
         timeout1 == timeout2 && cont1 == cont2
         && length cases1 == length cases2
         && and (zipWith (==) cases1 cases2)
+    When{} == _ = False
     Let valId1 val1 cont1 == Let valId2 val2 cont2 =
         valId1 == valId2 && val1 == val2 && cont1 == cont2
+    Let{} == _ = False
     Assert obs1 cont1 == Assert obs2 cont2 = obs1 == obs2 && cont1 == cont2
-    _ == _ = False
+    Assert{}  == _ = False

 instance Eq State where
diff --git a/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Scripts.hs b/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Scripts.hs
index 6027202b5..aa397d5fa 100644
--- a/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Scripts.hs
+++ b/marlowe/src/Language/Marlowe/Scripts.hs
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ module Language.Marlowe.Scripts
   , alternateMarloweValidator
   , alternateMarloweValidatorHash
   , marloweValidator
+  , marloweValidatorCompiled
   , marloweValidatorHash
+  , mkMarloweValidator
     -- * Payout Validator
   , TypedRolePayoutValidator
   , rolePayoutValidator
@@ -61,8 +63,9 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
 import Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics as Semantics
 import Language.Marlowe.Core.V1.Semantics.Types as Semantics
 import Language.Marlowe.Pretty (Pretty(..))
+import Ledger.Typed.Scripts (unsafeMkTypedValidator)
 import qualified Plutus.Script.Utils.Typed as Scripts
-import Plutus.Script.Utils.V2.Typed.Scripts (mkTypedValidator, mkUntypedValidator)
+import Plutus.Script.Utils.V2.Typed.Scripts (mkTypedValidator)
 import qualified Plutus.Script.Utils.V2.Typed.Scripts as Scripts
 import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Address as Address (scriptHashAddress)
 import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value as Val
@@ -92,11 +95,22 @@ import PlutusTx (makeIsDataIndexed, makeLift)
 import qualified PlutusTx
 import qualified PlutusTx.AssocMap as AssocMap
 import PlutusTx.Plugin ()
-import PlutusTx.Prelude as PlutusTxPrelude
+import PlutusTx.Prelude as PlutusTxPrelude hiding (traceError, traceIfFalse)
 import qualified Prelude as Haskell
 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

+-- Suppress traces, in order to save bytes.
+{-# INLINABLE traceError #-}
+traceError :: BuiltinString -> a
+traceError _ = error ()
+{-# INLINABLE traceIfFalse #-}
+traceIfFalse :: BuiltinString -> a -> a
+traceIfFalse _ = id
 -- | Input to a Marlowe transaction.
 type MarloweInput = [MarloweTxInput]

@@ -136,7 +150,7 @@ rolePayoutValidator = mkTypedValidator @TypedRolePayoutValidator
   $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkRolePayoutValidator ||])
   $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
-    wrap = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator @(CurrencySymbol, TokenName) @()
+    wrap = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator @_ @(CurrencySymbol, TokenName) @()

 {-# INLINABLE rolePayoutValidator #-}
@@ -147,7 +161,7 @@ mkRolePayoutValidator :: (CurrencySymbol, TokenName)  -- ^ The datum is the curr
                       -> Bool                         -- ^ Whether the transaction validated.
 mkRolePayoutValidator (currency, role) _ ctx =
     -- The role token for the correct currency must be present.
-    -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "16. Payment authorized".]
+    -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "17. Payment authorized".]
     Val.singleton currency role 1 `Val.leq` valueSpent (scriptContextTxInfo ctx)

@@ -188,12 +202,10 @@ mkMarloweValidator
             case closeInterval $ txInfoValidRange scriptContextTxInfo of
                 Just interval' -> interval'
                 Nothing        -> traceError "a"
-    -- The incoming balance of each account must be positive.
-    -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
-    let positiveBalances = traceIfFalse "b" $ validateBalances marloweState

     -- Find Contract continuation in TxInfo datums by hash or fail with error.
     let inputs = fmap marloweTxInputToInput marloweTxInputs
     {-  We do not check that a transaction contains exact input payments.
         We only require an evidence from a party, e.g. a signature for PubKey party,
         or a spend of a 'party role' token.  This gives huge flexibility by allowing
@@ -201,22 +213,19 @@ mkMarloweValidator
         Then, we check scriptOutput to be correct.
     let inputContents = fmap getInputContent inputs
     -- Check that the required signatures and role tokens are present.
     -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 14. Inputs authorized".]
-    let inputsOk = validateInputs inputContents
-    -- Since individual balances were validated to be positive,
-    -- the total balance is also positive.
-    let inputBalance = totalBalance (accounts marloweState)
+    let inputsOk = allInputsAreAuthorized inputContents

     -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 5. Input value from script".]
-    -- The total incoming balance must match the actual script value being spent.
-    let balancesOk = traceIfFalse "v" $ inputBalance == scriptInValue
-    let preconditionsOk = positiveBalances && balancesOk
+    -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
+    -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 19. No duplicates".]
+    -- Check that the initial state obeys the Semantic's invariants.
+    let preconditionsOk = checkState "i" scriptInValue marloweState

-    -- Package the inputs to be applied in the semantics.
     -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 0. Input to semantics".]
+    -- Package the inputs to be applied in the semantics.
     let txInput = TransactionInput {
             txInterval = interval,
             txInputs = inputs }
@@ -246,16 +255,25 @@ mkMarloweValidator

                 checkContinuation = case txOutContract of
                     -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 4. No output to script on close".]
-                    Close -> traceIfFalse "c" checkScriptOutputAny
+                    Close -> traceIfFalse "c" hasNoOutputToOwnScript
                     _ -> let
                         totalIncome = foldMap collectDeposits inputContents
                         totalPayouts = foldMap snd payoutsByParty
-                        finalBalance = inputBalance + totalIncome - totalPayouts
-                        -- The total account balance must be paid to a single output to the script.
-                        -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 3. Single Marlowe output".]
-                        -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 6. Output value to script."]
-                        in checkOwnOutputConstraint marloweData finalBalance
+                        finalBalance = scriptInValue + totalIncome - totalPayouts
+                        in
+                             -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 3. Single Marlowe output".]
+                             -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 6. Output value to script."]
+                             -- Check that the single Marlowe output has the correct datum and value.
+                             checkOwnOutputConstraint marloweData finalBalance
+                             -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 18. Final balance."]
+                             -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
+                             -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 19. No duplicates".]
+                             -- Check that the final state obeys the Semantic's invariants.
+                          && checkState "o" finalBalance txOutState
             preconditionsOk && inputsOk && payoutsOk && checkContinuation
+              -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "20. Single satsifaction".]
+              -- Either there must be no payouts, or there must be no other validators.
+              && traceIfFalse "z" (null payoutsByParty || noOthers)
         Error TEAmbiguousTimeIntervalError -> traceError "i"
         Error TEApplyNoMatchError -> traceError "n"
         Error (TEIntervalError (InvalidInterval _)) -> traceError "j"
@@ -274,24 +292,73 @@ mkMarloweValidator
         find (\TxInInfo{txInInfoOutRef} -> txInInfoOutRef == txOutRef) txInfoInputs
     findOwnInput _ = Nothing

-    -- The inputs being spent by this script.
     -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "2. Single Marlowe script input".]
+    -- The inputs being spent by this script, and whether other validators are present.
     ownInput :: TxInInfo
-    ownInput@TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=ownAddress}} =
+    noOthers :: Bool
+    (ownInput@TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=ownAddress}}, noOthers) =
         case findOwnInput ctx of
-            Just ownTxInInfo ->
-                case filter (sameValidatorHash ownTxInInfo) (txInfoInputs scriptContextTxInfo) of
-                    [i] -> i
-                    _   -> traceError "w" -- Multiple Marlowe contract inputs with the same address are forbidden.
+            Just ownTxInInfo -> examineScripts (sameValidatorHash ownTxInInfo) Nothing True (txInfoInputs scriptContextTxInfo)
             _ -> traceError "x" -- Input to be validated was not found.

+    -- Check for the presence of multiple Marlowe validators or other Plutus validators.
+    examineScripts
+      :: (ValidatorHash -> Bool)  -- Test for this validator.
+      -> Maybe TxInInfo           -- The input for this validator, if found so far.
+      -> Bool                     -- Whether no other validator has been found so far.
+      -> [TxInInfo]               -- The inputs remaining to be examined.
+      -> (TxInInfo, Bool)         -- The input for this validator and whehter no other validators are present.
+    -- This validator has not been found.
+    examineScripts _ Nothing _ [] = traceError "x"
+    -- This validator has been found, and other validators may have been found.
+    examineScripts _ (Just self) noOthers [] = (self, noOthers)
+    -- Found both this validator and another script, so we short-cut.
+    examineScripts _ (Just self) False _ = (self, False)
+     -- Found one script.
+    examineScripts f mSelf noOthers (tx@TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=Ledger.Address (ScriptCredential vh) _}} : txs)
+      -- The script is this validator.
+      | f vh = case mSelf of
+                 -- We hadn't found it before, so we save it in `mSelf`.
+                 Nothing -> examineScripts f (Just tx) noOthers txs
+                 -- We already had found this validator before
+                 Just _ -> traceError "w"
+      -- The script is something else, so we set `noOther` to `False`.
+      | otherwise = examineScripts f mSelf False txs
+    -- An input without a validator is encountered.
+    examineScripts f self others (_ : txs) = examineScripts f self others txs
     -- Check if inputs are being spent from the same script.
-    sameValidatorHash:: TxInInfo -> TxInInfo -> Bool
-    sameValidatorHash
-        TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=Ledger.Address (ScriptCredential vh1) _}}
-        TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=Ledger.Address (ScriptCredential vh2) _}} = vh1 == vh2
+    sameValidatorHash:: TxInInfo -> ValidatorHash -> Bool
+    sameValidatorHash TxInInfo{txInInfoResolved=TxOut{txOutAddress=Ledger.Address (ScriptCredential vh1) _}} vh2 = vh1 == vh2
     sameValidatorHash _ _ = False

+    -- Check a state for the correct value, positive accounts, and no duplicates.
+    checkState :: BuiltinString -> Val.Value -> State -> Bool
+    checkState tag expected State{..} =
+      let
+        positiveBalance :: (a, Integer) -> Bool
+        positiveBalance (_, balance) = balance > 0
+        noDuplicates :: Eq k => AssocMap.Map k v -> Bool
+        noDuplicates am =
+          let
+            test [] = True           -- An empty list has no duplicates.
+            test (x : xs)            -- Look for a duplicate of the head in the tail.
+              | elem x xs = False    -- A duplicate is present.
+              | otherwise = test xs  -- Continue searching for a duplicate.
+          in
+            test $ AssocMap.keys am
+      in
+           -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 5. Input value from script".]
+           -- and/or
+           -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 18. Final balance."]
+           traceIfFalse ("v"  <> tag) (totalBalance accounts == expected)
+           -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 13. Positive balances".]
+        && traceIfFalse ("b"  <> tag) (all positiveBalance $ AssocMap.toList accounts)
+           -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 19. No duplicates".]
+        && traceIfFalse ("ea" <> tag) (noDuplicates accounts)
+        && traceIfFalse ("ec" <> tag) (noDuplicates choices)
+        && traceIfFalse ("eb" <> tag) (noDuplicates boundValues)
     -- Look up the Datum hash for specific data.
     findDatumHash' :: PlutusTx.ToData o => o -> Maybe DatumHash
     findDatumHash' datum = findDatumHash (Datum $ PlutusTx.toBuiltinData datum) scriptContextTxInfo
@@ -301,7 +368,7 @@ mkMarloweValidator
     checkOwnOutputConstraint ocDatum ocValue =
         let hsh = findDatumHash' ocDatum
         in traceIfFalse "d" -- "Output constraint"
-        $ checkScriptOutput ownAddress hsh ocValue getContinuingOutput
+        $ checkScriptOutput (==) ownAddress hsh ocValue getContinuingOutput

     getContinuingOutput :: TxOut
     getContinuingOutput = case filter (\TxOut{txOutAddress} -> ownAddress == txOutAddress) allOutputs of
@@ -309,20 +376,14 @@ mkMarloweValidator
         _     -> traceError "o" -- No continuation or multiple Marlowe contract outputs is forbidden.

     -- Check that address, value, and datum match the specified.
-    checkScriptOutput :: Ledger.Address -> Maybe DatumHash -> Val.Value -> TxOut -> Bool
-    checkScriptOutput addr hsh value TxOut{txOutAddress, txOutValue, txOutDatum=OutputDatumHash svh} =
-                    txOutValue == value && hsh == Just svh && txOutAddress == addr
-    checkScriptOutput _ _ _ _ = False
-    -- Check that address and datum match the specified, and that value is at least that required.
-    checkScriptOutputRelaxed :: Ledger.Address -> Maybe DatumHash -> Val.Value -> TxOut -> Bool
-    checkScriptOutputRelaxed addr hsh value TxOut{txOutAddress, txOutValue, txOutDatum=OutputDatumHash svh} =
-                    txOutValue `Val.geq` value && hsh == Just svh && txOutAddress == addr
-    checkScriptOutputRelaxed _ _ _ _ = False
+    checkScriptOutput :: (Val.Value -> Val.Value -> Bool) -> Ledger.Address -> Maybe DatumHash -> Val.Value -> TxOut -> Bool
+    checkScriptOutput comparison addr hsh value TxOut{txOutAddress, txOutValue, txOutDatum=OutputDatumHash svh} =
+                    txOutValue `comparison` value && hsh == Just svh && txOutAddress == addr
+    checkScriptOutput _ _ _ _ _ = False

     -- Check for any output to the script address.
-    checkScriptOutputAny :: Bool
-    checkScriptOutputAny = all ((/= ownAddress) . txOutAddress) allOutputs
+    hasNoOutputToOwnScript :: Bool
+    hasNoOutputToOwnScript = all ((/= ownAddress) . txOutAddress) allOutputs

     -- All of the script outputs.
     allOutputs :: [TxOut]
@@ -339,8 +400,8 @@ mkMarloweValidator
     marloweTxInputToInput (Input input) = NormalInput input

     -- Check that inputs are authorized.
-    validateInputs :: [InputContent] -> Bool
-    validateInputs = all validateInputWitness
+    allInputsAreAuthorized :: [InputContent] -> Bool
+    allInputsAreAuthorized = all validateInputWitness
         validateInputWitness :: InputContent -> Bool
         validateInputWitness input =
@@ -356,8 +417,10 @@ mkMarloweValidator

     -- Tally the deposits in the input.
     collectDeposits :: InputContent -> Val.Value
-    collectDeposits (IDeposit _ _ (Token cur tok) amount) = Val.singleton cur tok amount
-    collectDeposits _                                     = zero
+    collectDeposits (IDeposit _ _ (Token cur tok) amount)
+      | amount > 0    = Val.singleton cur tok amount  -- SCP-5123: Semantically negative deposits
+      | otherwise     = zero                          -- do not remove funds from the script's UTxO.
+    collectDeposits _ = zero

     -- Extract the payout to a party.
     payoutByParty :: Payment -> AssocMap.Map Party Val.Value
@@ -374,12 +437,17 @@ mkMarloweValidator
         payoutToTxOut :: (Party, Val.Value) -> Bool
         payoutToTxOut (party, value) = case party of
+            -- [Marlowe-Cardano Specification: "Constraint 15. Sufficient Payment".]
+            -- SCP-5128: Note that the payment to an address may be split into several outputs but the payment to a role must be
+            -- a single output. The flexibily of multiple outputs accommodates wallet-related practicalities such as the change and
+            -- the return of the role token being in separate UTxOs in situations where a contract is also paying to the address
+            -- where that change and that role token are sent.
             Address _ address  -> traceIfFalse "p" $ value `Val.leq` valuePaidToAddress address  -- At least sufficient value paid.
             Role role -> let
                 hsh = findDatumHash' (rolesCurrency, role)
                 addr = Address.scriptHashAddress rolePayoutValidatorHash
                 -- Some output must have the correct value and datum to the role-payout address.
-                in traceIfFalse "r" $ any (checkScriptOutputRelaxed addr hsh value) allOutputs
+                in traceIfFalse "r" $ any (checkScriptOutput Val.geq addr hsh value) allOutputs

     -- The key for the address must have signed.
     txSignedByAddress :: Ledger.Address -> Bool
@@ -402,7 +470,7 @@ marloweValidator :: Scripts.TypedValidator TypedMarloweValidator
 marloweValidator =
     mkUntypedMarloweValidator :: ValidatorHash -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
-    mkUntypedMarloweValidator rp = mkUntypedValidator (mkMarloweValidator rp)
+    mkUntypedMarloweValidator rp = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator (mkMarloweValidator rp)

     untypedValidator :: Scripts.Validator
     untypedValidator = mkValidatorScript $
@@ -410,10 +478,20 @@ marloweValidator =
         `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode rolePayoutValidatorHash

     typedValidator :: Scripts.TypedValidator Scripts.Any
-    typedValidator = Scripts.unsafeMkTypedValidator untypedValidator
+    typedValidator = unsafeMkTypedValidator (Scripts.Versioned untypedValidator Scripts.PlutusV2)
     unsafeCoerce typedValidator

+marloweValidatorCompiled :: PlutusTx.CompiledCode (ValidatorHash -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData -> ())
+marloweValidatorCompiled =
+  let
+    mkUntypedMarloweValidator :: ValidatorHash -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData -> ()
+    mkUntypedMarloweValidator rp = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator (mkMarloweValidator rp)
+  in
+    $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkUntypedMarloweValidator ||])
 -- | The hash of the Marlowe semantics validator.
 marloweValidatorHash :: ValidatorHash
 marloweValidatorHash = Scripts.validatorHash marloweValidator
@@ -432,7 +510,7 @@ alternateMarloweValidator = Scripts.mkTypedValidator
           $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkMarloweValidator ||])
               PlutusTx.liftCode rolePayoutValidatorHash
-        mkArgsValidator = mkUntypedValidator @MarloweData @MarloweInput
+        mkArgsValidator = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator @_ @MarloweData @MarloweInput
         compiledArgsValidator =
           $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkArgsValidator ||])