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Streamlined Checkpointing Design Details

Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions


Avoid full, slow pause

  • split URI processing into two phases: that which is transient (can be thrown away as long as URI is retried) and that which changes persistent stats or structures (which should complete to consistency before checkpoint proceeds)
  • step right after laggy network fetch is threshold between phases
  • initiating checkpoint requires exclusive lock on a frontier-atomic-mutation-lock that is usually available to multiple threads
  • allow holding URIs after fetch - semi-paused crawler - so checkpoint can occur as soon as all needing-persistence processing finishes (but without waiting for any fetches to complete)

Improve Speed

  • using running on-disk structures that can just be frozen/bookmarked, rather than requiring fresh dump/copy. (eg: like LVM snapshots)
  • move as much simply copying outside crawler process: checkpoint is mostly manifest of files to restore crawl; it's up to operator to copy those elsewhere if desired

Improve Robustness across code changes

  • each object responsible for own checkpointing
  • deemphasize serialization; perform most component-state-saving to a loose textual format (JSON or XML) for easier restore-to-altered-code or offline hand-editting
  • optional Checkpoint component in config; if present all components should restore from it
  • wiring is transient – always comes from configuration

General approach

Each crawler component with checkpointable state will implement a distinguished interface that both allows a request they checkpoint their state, and an (optional) startState property.

When a checkpoint is triggered/requested, they will write their state to the provided location (possibly including pointers to pre-existing in-crawl files that make up part of their state).

When a crawl is started, if the startState property is configured, they will perform an additional load-from-disk of their state.


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