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Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

How does Heritrix handle web forms?

Heritrix does not in general fill out web forms. However, it does include a facility for logging into sites, via either a form POST or HTTP Basic/Digest authentication, before collecting other URIs at that site.

Heritrix can also be configured to retrieve the URIs that are the target ACTION of forms (which in some cases simulates an empty-form submit) and to try strings that might plausibly be URIs found in form VALUE attributes (often consulted by client-side code or server-side scripts to dispatch form submits to a new URI). Each of these techniques sometimes finds valuable content, while other times generates invalid requests against a target site.

Forms submitted via GET (such as simple query forms) also have a fixed-URI representation, which the crawler may discover as outlinks from other pages, or the crawl operator may feed to the crawler as seed URIs. So in some cases the crawler collects content equivalent to a form submission, without actually composing a form intentionally.


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