⚠️ This Project is a modified school project and thus no students of CSE 13s should be looking at my source code.
This project is able to build two programs (the encoder and decoder). Both programs use Hamming codes to encode or decode messages. The user will need to pipe in desired files to encode or decode.
In order to compile this program you'll need the Makefile provided, encode.c and decode.c. You'll also need all the .h files as dependencies.
To build the program, you will need to run these commands.
Once inside the hamming directory, run:
$ make all
This will build all programs including encode.c, decode.c, error.c, and entropy.c
To run encode.c:
$ ./encode [-h] [-i infile] [-o outfile]
The arguments needed to run this program are:
-h Program usage and help.
-i infile Input data to encode.
-o outfile Output of encoded data.
To run decode.c:
$ ./decode [-h] [-v] [-i infile] [-o outfile]
The arguments needed to run this program are:
-h Program usage and help.
-v Print out statistics
-i infile Input data to encode.
-o outfile Output of encoded data.
To remove the binary files run:
$ make clean
- The C Programming Language - 2nd Edition - BitMatrix Inspiration
- Sample Files provided by my professor
- The internet of course