News99 is an android news application built with Jetpack compose and the latest android libraries. Empowered with a robust search and a bookmark feature, ensuring the ability to explore and find stories tailored to your specific interests.
- Minimum SDK level 24
- 100% Kotlin based
- Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous tasks
- Hilt for dependency injection.
- JetPack
- Compose - A modern toolkit for building native Android UI.
- Lifecycle - dispose observing data when lifecycle state changes.
- ViewModel - UI related data holder, lifecycle aware.
- Room Persistence - Construct database.
- Datastore Preferences - Deals with app settings and user preferences.
- Paging3 - Helps to load small chunks of data at at time.
- Architecture
- MVVM Architecture (Model - Declarative View - ViewModel)
- Repository pattern
- Material Design & Animations
- Accompanist - A collection of extension libraries for Jetpack Compose.
- Retrofit2 - construct the REST APIs and paging network data.