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An IVCAP service providing the PaddlePadle Segmentation framework

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IVCAP Service for applying PaddlePaddle models to Images

This directory implements PaddleSeg, the development toolkit for image segmentation based on PaddlePaddle as an IVCAP service.

This service can then be requested to perform image segmentation for a specific image under a specific model. Both, image and model need to be first uploaded to IVCAP to become IVCAP artifacts.

As an example, the following image on the left is one taken of a seagrass quadrant, and the one of the right is the result of the segmentation produced by a particular model:

Usage: User Perspective

We assume that the service has already been deployed. To check that, we can use the ivcap cli tool.

% ivcap service list
| ID | NAME                     | PROVIDER                           |
| @1 | infer-with-paddle-paddle | urn:ivcap:provider:45a06508-...    |

To get more information on the service itself:

% ivcap service get @1

          ID  urn:ivcap:service:8773f79e-...                             
        Name  infer-with-paddle-paddle                                                            
 Description  A service which applies a PaddlePaddle model to a set of images                     
  Parameters  ┌───────────────────┬────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────┬─────────┐ 
              │ NAME              │ DESCRIPTION                    │ TYPE             │ DEFAULT │ 
              │             model │ Model to use (tgz archive of a │ artifact         │ ???     │ 
              │                   │ ll needed components)          │                  │         │ 
              │             image │ Image to analyse               │ artifact         │ ???     │ 
              │      max-img-size │ Reduce 'image' to this many pi │ int              │ 1000000 │ 
              │                   │ xels. If set to -1, leave unch │                  │         │ 
              │                   │ anged                          │                  │         │ 

We would also assume that one or more models have already been uploaded:

% ivcap metadata search -s urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.model.1

  Schema  urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.model.1                                                                    
 Records  ┌────┬─────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┐ 
          │ ID │ ENTITY                          │ SCHEMA                                 │ 
          │ @1 │ urn:ivcap:artifact:8c5f6ca6-... │ urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.model.1 │ 
          │ @2 │ urn:ivcap:artifact:145fdbdd-... │ urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.model.1 │ 

To find out more about the model and the ArtifactID (urn:ivcap:artifact:...) to the model data itself:

% ivcap metadata get @1
  "aspect": {
    "$schema": "urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.model.1",
    "name": "ocrnet_hrnetw48_seagrass_test",
    "artifact": "urn:ivcap:artifact:8c5f6ca6-...",
    "model": {
      "backbone": {
        "pretrained": "",
        "type": "HRNet_W48"
      "backbone_indices": [ 0 ],
      "num_classes": 2,
      "type": "OCRNet"

Finally, we need an image to process. Like the above model, images are also artifacts in IVCAP and can be 'created' with the ivcap cli tool.

% ivcap artifact create -f ./examples/GOPR0247.JPG 
Created artifact 'urn:ivcap:artifact:c0b3b4f7-...'
... uploading file 100% [==============================] (1.4 MB/s)         
Completed uploading 'urn:ivcap:artifact:c0b3b4f7-...'

         ID  urn:ivcap:artifact:c0b3b4f7-... 
     Status  ready                                                   
       Size  10 MB                                                   
  Mime-type  image/jpeg                                              

We now have everything in place; service-id (urn:ivcap:service:8773f79e-...), model artifact (urn:ivcap:artifact:8c5f6ca6-...), and image artifact (urn:ivcap:artifact:c0b3b4f7). To initiate processing, we need to create an order for the infer service (make sure you are using the service and artifact IDs from your own context)

% ivcap order create -n "seagrass test #1" urn:ivcap:service:8773f79e-... \  
      model=urn:ivcap:artifact:8c5f6ca6-... \
Order 'urn:ivcap:order:88983e97-...' with status 'pending' submitted.

To check progress on this order:

% ivcap order get urn:ivcap:order:88983e97-...

         ID  urn:ivcap:order:88983e97-...                                  
       Name  seagrass test #1                                                                      
     Status  executing                                                                             
    Ordered  4 minutes ago (26 May 23 09:58 AEST)                                                  
    Service  infer-with-paddle-paddle (@5)         

Which should finally change to something like:

% ivcap order get urn:ivcap:order:88983e97-...
         ID  urn:ivcap:order:88983e97-...                                  
       Name  seagrass test #1                                                                      
     Status  succeeded                                                                             
    Ordered  12 minutes ago (26 May 23 09:58 AEST)                                                 
    Service  infer-with-paddle-paddle (@10)                                                        
 Account ID  urn:ivcap:account:45a06508-...                               
 Parameters  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ 
             │             model =  @1 (urn:ivcap:artifact:8c5f6ca6-...)                         │ 
             │             image =  @2 (urn:ivcap:artifact:c0b3b4f7-...)                         │ 
             │      max-img-size =  1000000                                                      │ 
             │        batch-size =  1                                                            │ 
             │            device =  cpu                                                          │ 
             │         precision =  fp32                                                         │ 
             │ min-subgraph-size =  3                                                            │ 
             │       cpu-threads =  10                                                           │ 
   Products  ┌────┬────────────────────────┬────────────┐                                          
             │ @3 │ tmp0t4g6_1e.pseudo.png │ image/jpeg │                                          

The service produces a pseudo color image (tmp0t4g6_1e.pseudo.png) as well as some analytics related metadata attached to it. Let's first check out the image:

% ivcap artifact get @3

         ID  urn:ivcap:artifact:1ea046c7-...
       Name  tmp0t4g6_1e.pseudo.png                                  
     Status  ready                                                   
       Size  16 kB                                                   
  Mime-type  image/jpeg                                              
 Account ID  urn:ivcap:account:45a06508-...  
   Metadata  ┌────┬──────────────────────────────────────────┐       
             │ @1 │ urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.inference.1   │       
             │ @2 │ urn:ivcap:schema:artifact-usedBy-order.1 │       
             │ @3 │ urn:ivcap:schema:artifact.1              │       

and the analytics related metadata:

% ivcap metadata get @1
  "aspect": {
    "$schema": "urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.inference.1",
    "cover": 0.2563250227144464,
    "height": 1154,
    "image": "urn:ivcap:artifact:c0b3b4f7-...",
    "model": "urn:ivcap:artifact:8c5f6ca6-...",
    "order": "urn:ivcap:order:88983e97-...",
    "width": 866

which reports the cover as 25.6%.

To download the pseudo color image, use the artifact ID from the above tmp0t4g6_1e.pseudo.png (ID urn:ivcap:artifact:1ea046c7-...):

% ivcap artifact download urn:ivcap:artifact:1ea046c7-b997-4ab1-a966-98557d92b82d -f /tmp/pseudo.png
... downloading file 100% [==============================] (1.6 MB/s)

which may look like:

Build & Deployment

First, we need to setup a Python environment:

conda create --name ivcap_paddle python=3.7 -y
conda activate ivcap_paddle
pip install -r requirements.txt

To test if everything is in place, we first need to create a model file. Please refer to the README in the export_model directory.

When we have create a export_model/model.tgz file, we can run the service using the make run target.

% make run
mkdir -p ./DATA/run && rm -rf ./DATA/run/*
env PYTHON_PATH=../../ivcap-sdk-python/sdk_service/src \
        python \
          --device cpu \
          --model ./export_model/model.tgz \
                --image ./examples/GOPR0247.JPG \
                --ivcap:in-dir . \
                --ivcap:out-dir ./DATA/run
INFO 2023-05-26T14:42:08+1000 ivcap IVCAP Service 'infer-with-paddle-paddle' ?/? (sdk 0.1.0/#?) built on ?.
INFO 2023-05-26T14:42:08+1000 ivcap Starting order 'None' for service 'infer-with-paddle-paddle' on node 'None'

Finally build the docker container, publish it to the repository and register the service with the respective IVCAP deploymewnt.

make docker-publish

Submit the service description to an IVCAP cluster. This assumes that the ivcap-cli tool is installed and the user is properly logged into the respective service account.

make service-register

Please note the service ID (e.g. urn:ivcap:service:...) as we will need that when ordering an analysis of a set of images using a PaddlePaddle model.


This service is implemented across two files, and The former contains most of the IVCAP related code while the latter is taken with very little modifications from PaddleSeg's ''.

We therefore, focus on the content of It basically consists of the following parts:

  1. Service description
  2. Service entry point
  3. I/O and interface to Predictor
  4. Service registration

Service Description

The IVCAP SDK provides some convenience functions to describe the service and its parameters:

from ivcap_sdk_service import Service, Parameter, Option, Type, ServiceArgs

SERVICE = Service(
    name = "infer-with-paddle-paddle",
    description = "A service which applies a PaddlePaddle model to a set of images",
    parameters = [
            description='Model to use (tgz archive of all needed components)'),

Service Entrypoint

This function is called with a Dict containing all the service parameter settings according to the above SERVICE declaration.

def service(args: ServiceArgs, svc_logger: logging):
    """Called after the service has started and all paramters have been parsed and validated

        args (ServiceArgs): A Dict where the key is one of the `Parameter` defined in the above `SERVICE`
        svc_logger (logging): Logger to use for reporting information on the progress of execution

I/O and interface to Predictor

For this service the top-level entry point and coordinator for performing a prediction on an image using a particular model is the IOManager.

For instance, the model artifact provided via the --model parameter is actually a compressed tar file containing the actual model parameters, but also a few parameter files needed to configure the predictor accordingly.

In the following code segment, the args.model holds an ivcap_sdk_service.IOReadable on the respective artifact. However, the requires a path name to a local file, so we use the IOReadable#as_local_file method to return the path to a local file which will now contain the entire content of the entire artifact."Opening model '{}'.")
tf =, 'r|gz')

The images in the --images collection are accessed in similar fashion:

self.img_list = []
self.images = {}
for img in args.images:
    imgA = adjust_image(img, args.max_img_size)
    self.images[imgA] = img"Image list '{self.img_list}'")

This section also publishes the result of the predictor:

for i in range(results.shape[0]):
    result = results[i]
    img = self.images[imgs_path[i]]
    img_name =
    pseudo_img = get_pseudo_color_map(result, cm)
    stats = Stat(pseudo_img)
    logger.debug(f'... count: {stats.count} shape: {result.shape}')
    basename = os.path.basename(img_name)
    basename, _ = os.path.splitext(basename)
    basename = f'{basename}.pseudo.png'

    meta = create_metadata('urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.inference.1', {
        'image': img_name,
        'width': result.shape[0],
        'height': result.shape[1],
        'cover': self.get_cover(stats),
        'order-id': ivcap_config().ORDER_ID,
    url = deliver_data(basename, lambda f:, format='png'), SupportedMimeTypes.PNG, metadata=meta) 
    logger.debug(f"Saved pseudo colored image ({pseudo_img}) type as '{url}'")

In the first step, we retrieve a pseudo colored image of the prediction results and statistics on that image:

pseudo_img = get_pseudo_color_map(result, cm)
stats = Stat(pseudo_img)

We then define the relevant metadata tieing the result image to a cover calculation using its image properties:

meta = create_metadata('urn:ibenthos:schema:paddle.seg.inference.1', {
    'image': image,
    'width': result.shape[0],
    'height': result.shape[1],
    'cover': self.get_cover(stats),
    'order': ivcap_config().ORDER_ID,

with get_cover being defined as:

def get_cover(self, stats: Stat):
    cover = []
    count = stats.count[0]
    for i, cl in enumerate(self.classes):
        m = cl.copy()
        m['color'] = m.pop("def_color",  None)
        m['cover'] = 1.0 * stats.h[i] / count
    return cover

and finally we publish the image and it's metadata:

url = deliver_data(basename, lambda f:, format='png'), SupportedMimeTypes.JPEG, metadata=meta) 
logger.debug(f"Saved pseudo colored image ({pseudo_img}) type as '{url}'")

Service registration

Finally, we need to register the SERVICE description and the service(...) entry function with IVCAP

register_service(SERVICE, service)

Testing & Troubleshooting

Please refer to the various run... targets in the Makefile


An IVCAP service providing the PaddlePadle Segmentation framework






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