This is the accompanied code of submission of Training a General Spiking Neural Network with Improved Efficiency and Minimum Latency:
- Note:due to the size of the model, please download the
file and follow the instructions below to complete the training and verification :).
If you are using Anaconda, you might want to use virtual environment.
conda create -n SNN python=3.7 -y
conda activate SNN
This work are based on Pytorch 1.13.1, download instructions can be found on the official website.
You can install the required dependencies using pip/conda.
pip install -r requirements.txt
from models.layers_ecml_cnn_10 import Sequencer2DBlock, PatchEmbed, Downsample2D,SNN2D,PatchMerging
parser.add_argument('--sched', default='cosine', type=str, metavar='SCHEDULER',
help='LR scheduler (default: "step"')
parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.05, metavar='LR',
help='learning rate (default: 0.05)')
To prove our research, we provide the pre-train file of two versions (CNN-SNN/LSTM-SNN) on the dataset CIFAR10 and CIFAR100. Please download the related datasets for validation and load the corresponding model.
from models.layers_ecml_cnn_10 import Sequencer2DBlock, PatchEmbed, Downsample2D,SNN2D,PatchMerging
'--dataset', default='torch/cifar10', help='dataset type cifar10 or cifar100'
'--load-model', default=None, help='Path of pre training weights' #set 'output\CIFAR10\CNN\model_best.pth.tar' for this case.
'--num-classes', default=10, help='number of label classes'
The operation is consistent with CNN-SNN except for the path of the model file
set 'output\CIFAR10\CNN\cifar_10_not_best_model_best.pth.tar' in this case.
The training results are automatically output when training finishes and the .csv
file can be found.
The Validation results are presented in your own IDE console.
Example as:
If you find our work helpful for your research, please consider citing our paper:
author={Yao, Yunpeng and Wu, Man and Chen, Zheng and Zhang, Renyuan},
booktitle = {The 15th Asian Conference on Machine Learning},
title={Training a General Spiking Neural Network with Improved Efficiency and Minimum Latency},
series = {ACML '23}}