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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

For. this project I build code that scrapes data from a webpage and displays the information in a HTML page.

Applied Technologies

  • Python
  • BeautifulSoup
  • SQL (PostgreSQL)
  • JSON
  • JavaScript
  • D3


  • Step 1 - Scraping

    • Wesbsite scraped: Transfermarkt
    • Using BeautifulSoup scrape the website and save the data in a .csv file.
  • Step 2 - SQL and JSON

    • With SQLAlchemy to store all the data scraped from the URL above into in a single Database.
    • Create a JSON file with all the data and used it to build the dashboard.
  • Step 3 - HTML and JavaScript

    • Build a webpage to present the information.
    • Making use of JavaScript and D3 parse the JSON file and display the data.

Some Visualizations