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Either represents a value of two possible types. An Either is either a Left or a Right. If the given Either is a Right and projected to a Left, the Left operations have no effect on the Right value. If the given Either is a Left and projected to a Right, the Right operations have no effect on the Left value. If a Left is projected to a Left or a Right is projected to a Right, the operations have an effect.

Note that Try<T> is isomorphic to Either<Throwable, T>.

By convention the success case is Right and the failure is Left.

project description

We provide description and tests for Either's methods.

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static methods

  • <L,R> Either<L,R> left(L left) - Constructs a Either.Left
  • <L,R> Either<L,R> right(R right) - Constructs a Either.Right
  • <L,R> Either<L,R> narrow(Either<? extends L,? extends R> either) - Narrows a widened Either<? extends L, ? extends R> to Either<L, R> by performing a type-safe cast.
  • <L,R> Either<Seq<L>,Seq<R>> sequence(Iterable<? extends Either<? extends L,? extends R>> eithers) - Reduces many Eithers into a single Either by transforming an Iterable<Either<L, R>> into a Either<Seq<L>, Seq<R>>.
  • <L,R> Either<L,Seq<R>> sequenceRight(Iterable<? extends Either<? extends L,? extends R>> eithers) - Reduces many Eithers into a single Either by transforming an Iterable<Either<L, R>> into a Either<L, Seq<R>>.

instance methods

  • Either<X,Y> bimap(Function<? super L,? extends X> leftMapper, Function<? super R,? extends Y> rightMapper) - Maps either the left or the right side of this disjunction.
  • boolean equals(Object o)
  • Option<Either<L,R>> filter(Predicate<? super R> predicate)
    • if Left returns Option.of(this)
    • if Right and predicate is satisfied returns Option.of(this)
    • if Right and predicate is not satisfied returns Option.none()
  • Either<L,U> flatMap(Function<? super R,? extends Either<L,? extends U>> mapper)
    • if Right flatMaps
    • if Left returns this
  • U fold(Function<? super L,? extends U> leftMapper, Function<? super R,? extends U> rightMapper)
    • if Right maps right value with rightMapper
    • if Left maps left value with leftMapper
  • R get()
    • if Right returns value
    • if Left throws NoSuchElementException
  • L getLeft()
  • R getOrElseGet(Function<? super L,? extends R> other)
    • if Right returns value
    • if Left returns other
  • <X extends Throwable> R getOrElseThrow(Function<? super L,X> exceptionFunction)
    • if Right returns value
    • if Left throws exception
  • int hashCode()
  • boolean isEmpty() ` @Override default boolean isEmpty() { return isLeft(); }
  • boolean isLeft()
  • boolean isRight()
  • Either.LeftProjection<L,R> left()
  • Either.RightProjection<L,R> right()
  • Either<L,U> map(Function<? super R,? extends U> mapper)
    • if Right maps right value with mapper
    • if Left returns this
  • Either<U,R> mapLeft(Function<? super L,? extends U> leftMapper)
  • Either<L,R> orElse(Either<? extends L,? extends R> other)
    • if Right returns this
    • if Left returns left mapped by other
  • Either<L,R> orElse(Supplier<? extends Either<? extends L,? extends R>> supplier)
  • void orElseRun(Consumer<? super L> action) - if Left runs action
  • Either<L,R> peek(Consumer<? super R> action) - if Right runs action
  • Either<L,R> peekLeft(Consumer<? super L> action) if Left runs action
  • Either<R,L> swap() Converts a Left to a Right and vice versa by wrapping the value in a new type.


Overview of vavr Either API.






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