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Jacob Spitzer edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

TQueryCrudExtensions Class

Use the fastest easiest way for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, Find by ID, bulk insert/update/delete even with Entity List.

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 TQueryCrudExtensions

GetAll<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Returns a list of all entities from table.
Find<Table>(DbEc<Table>, long, string) Returns a single entity by a single id from table. Id must be marked with [Key] attribute.
Find<Table>(DbEc<Table>, long[], string) Returns a list of entities from table by a list of given ids. Id must be marked with [Key] attribute.
Insert<Table>(DbEc<Table>, Table) Inserts an entity into table.
InsertAndReturnId<Table>(DbEc<Table>, Table) Inserts an entity into table and returns identity id.
InsertList<Table>(DbEc<Table>, List<Table>) Inserts a list of entities into table.
InsertListAndReturnIds<Table>(DbEc<Table>, List<Table>, string) Inserts a list of entities into table and returns a list of identity ids.
Update<Table>(DbEc<Table>, Expression<Func<Table,Table>>) Updates one or more columns on all records of the TQuery recordset to the database table by the predicate assignment(s).
Update<Table>(DbEc<Table>, Table, string) Updates an entity in table.
Update<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>, Expression<Func<Table,Table>>) Updates one or more columns on all records of the TQuery recordset to the database table by the predicate assignment(s).
UpdateList<Table>(DbEc<Table>, List<Table>, string) Updates a list of entities in table.
Delete<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Deletes all records of the TQuery recordset on the database table.
Delete<Table>(DbEc<Table>, Table, string) Deletes an entity from table.
Delete<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Deletes all records of the TQuery recordset on the database table.
DeleteList<Table>(DbEc<Table>, List<Table>, string) Deletes a list of entities from table.
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