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Jacob Spitzer edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 18 revisions

DbEasyConnect Summary

Communicate with any database the fastest way with easiest configuration, and strongly typed written.
This Library was created to replace Entity Framework complexity, Slow-performing, diagnose issues, (Learn more here) and allows you to read/update the SQL string before executing.

It is based on the Dapper library, with the following advantages:

  • Use Dapper with most of Linq methods as an System.Linq.IQueryable object without downloading the records. see also Dapper.NET and IQueryable issue.

  • Use Code First feature, or/and modify the database from the code, with just one or two lines of code.

  • Use the fastest easiest way for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, Find by ID, bulk insert/update/delete even with Entity List.

  • Gives a strong typed coding experience, to querying the database similar to entity framework, which avoids spelling mistakes on table and field names.


Install with the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio (PowerShell)

PM> Install-Package DbEasyConnect

Install via Dotnet CLI

dotnet add package DbEasyConnect

Check out the 'Getting Started' wiki

Classes reference

Class Description
InitExtensions The start point of using this library.
Initialize a new DbEc<T> instanse, to query and/or modify the table with TQuery method extensions. Or DbEcExtended<T> instanse, for more advanced options.
Initialize a new DbEcDatabase instanse, to modify the Database table defenitions with TQuery method extensions. Or DbEcDatabaseExtended instanse, for more advanced options.
LinqExtensions Use Dapper with most of Linq methods as an System.Linq.IQueryable object without downloading the records. Dapper.NET and IQueryable issue.
CrudExtensions Use the fastest easiest way for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations, Find by ID, bulk insert/update/delete even with Entity List.
TableExtensions Handle table defenitions, create/modify/delete tables based on the code table classes, and compare between server database and code tables, and more.
Use Code First feature, or/and modify the database from the code, with just one or two lines of code.
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