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Jacob Spitzer edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

TQueryTableExtensions Class

Handle table defenitions, create/modify/delete tables based on the code table classes, and compare between server database and code tables, and more.
Use Code First feature, or/and modify the database from the code, with just one or two lines of code.

Inheritance System.Object 🡒 TQueryTableExtensions

TQuery Extension Methods
CreateTable<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Creates a Table on the server database, based on the code table properties. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
CreateTableIfNotExists<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Creates a Table on the server database if not exists, based on the code table properties. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
DropTable<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Removes a Table from the server database.
DropTableIfExists<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Removes a Table from the server database if exists.
GetDiffServerTableToCodeTable<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Compares the server table and the code class with that table name, checks each field and their properties.
ModifyTable<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Modifies a table definition on the server database by altering, adding, or dropping columns and column datatypes, based on the code table properties. Available modifications: Add field, Remove field, Change field datatype.
OverrideTable<Table>(DbEc<Table>) Overrides a Table on the server database, based on the code table properties. Caution! This action will DELETE the current table on the Server with all the records, and then create a new blank Table with the current code properties. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
TQueryDb Extension Methods
CreateAllTables(TQueryDatabase) Creates all Tables on the server database, based on the code classes with [Table] attribute. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
CreateAllTablesIfNotExists(TQueryDatabase) Checks each table if exists on the database, and creates the non-exists Tables on the server database, based on the code classes with [Table] attribute. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
DropAllTables(TQueryDatabase) Removes all Tables on the server database, based on the code classes with [Table] attribute.
GetAllServerDbTablesType(TQueryDatabase) Returns a list of all table defenitions from the server database.
GetDiffServerDbToCodeDb(TQueryDatabase) Compares the server database and the code classes with [Table] attribute, checks each table and their fields and properties.
IsEqualServerDbToCodeDb(TQueryDatabase) Compares the server database and the code classes with [Table] attribute, checks each table and their fields and properties.
TQueryExtended Extension Methods
CreateTable<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Creates a Table on the server database, based on the code table properties. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
CreateTableIfNotExists<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Creates a Table on the server database if not exists, based on the code table properties. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
DropTable<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Removes a Table from the server database.
DropTableIfExists<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Removes a Table from the server database if exists.
ModifyTable<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Modifies a table definition on the server database by altering, adding, or dropping columns and column datatypes, based on the code table properties. Available modifications: Add field, Remove field, Change field datatype.
OverrideTable<Table>(DbEcExtended<Table>) Overrides a Table on the server database, based on the code table properties. Caution! This action will DELETE the current table on the Server with all the records, and then create a new blank Table with the current code properties. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
TQueryDbExtnded Extension Methods
CreateAllTables(TQueryDatabaseExtended) Creates all Tables on the server database, based on the code classes with [Table] attribute. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
CreateAllTablesIfNotExists(TQueryDatabaseExtended) Checks each table if exists on the database, and creates the non-exists Tables on the server database, based on the code classes with [Table] attribute. Supported attributes are: [Key] for Primary Key, [AutoIncrement] for Auto Increment property, [Required] for Not Null property.
DropAllTables(TQueryDatabaseExtended) Removes all Tables on the server database, based on the code classes with [Table] attribute.
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