Welcome to AI Video Boilerplate Pro! A free template to run scalable, cheap AI websites.
Hosted on Heroku for a live demo here: https://proAI.darefail.com
A single VPS running this codebase has so far proven to handle over 10,000 concurrent users, 1,000,000 views and 50 websites without issue.
RateLoaf.com - Rate how well cats sit like bread with OpenAI GPT4v, Roboflow workflows, and images uploaded to Amazon S3 in a celery task.
HandLand.lol - Create live AI multiplayer games using WebRTC, Websockets, and Roboflow for AI vision models.
AI Video Boilerplate Simple (quick frontend apps): https://github.com/DareFail/AI-Video-Boilerplate-Simple/
AI Video Boilerplate for Chrome Extensions: https://github.com/DareFail/AI-Video-Boilerplate-Chrome/
- Frontend: minimal HTML and javascript, roll your own
- Backend: Django, Docker, Postgres Database, Redis caching, Celery background tasks, Celery Beat scheduled tasks Django
- Preconfigured Libraries: Django Allauth authentication, AWS storage, Slack alerts and slack bots, Twilio texting, Sendgrid Email, Captcha spam detection, Sesame Magic Link passwordless signin, Hijack user impersonation
- Multiplayer: WebRTC and native Websockets with daphne and channels
- AI: Integrated with Roboflow (sponsored project), includes Stable diffusion, Flux, Roboflow installed.
- Scalable and Cheap to Host: Run hundreds of websites and millions of users into a heroku, digital ocean, or a VPS of your choice
This is a template for putting multiple django websites into a single codebase that can be deployed to any VPS for cheap. It is full of full deployed projects and templates for you to copy and modify.
- XXXXX_basic - Simple django webpage with shared components like favicons, navigation bar, footer, etc
- XXXXX_signedin - Flexible User to Group Sign up flow with django allauth, with teams, administrators, invitations, changing passwords, magic links, and a backend dashboard
- XXXXX_websockets - Live multiplayer django apps. This is a chatroom example.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/darefail/AI-Video-Boilerplate-Pro.git cd AI-Video-Boilerplate-Pro
Install Docker The easiest way to get up and running is with Docker.
Just install Docker and Docker Compose and then run:
Create .env Copy .env.example and rename the file .env Fill out the uncommented values Uncomment and fill out the other values if you want to use them
Build the container and run locally
docker compose up docker compose exec web python manage.py makemigrations docker compose exec web python manage.py migrate
Go to localhost:8000
Make a superuser (optional)
docker compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser
Check everything works by going to localhost:8000/admin and logging in
On a Mac: fn + f1
Dev Containers Reopen in Container
docker compose up
docker compose exec web python manage.py makemigrations
docker compose exec web python manage.py migrate
# sometimes have to run
docker compose exec web python manage.py makemigrations [app name]
docker compose exec web pip3 install --upgrade pip-tools
docker compose exec web pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel twine check-wheel-contents
docker compose exec web pip-compile requirements.in
docker compose build
docker compose up
# Simple python formatting
black .
# Python errors
flake8 .
# Django Templates / Javascript / HTML
djlint .
# Django Templates / Javascript / HTML formatting
djlint . --reformat
- Sign up or log in to Vercel.
- Create a new project from the Vercel dashboard.
- Connect your GitHub repository.
- Click "Deploy".
- Sign up or log in to Heroku.
- Create a new app from the Heroku dashboard.
- Fill out all the environment variables from .env.
In production:
Add Heroku Data for Redis and Heroku Postgres in the Add-ons
Connect your GitHub repository.
Click "Deploy Branch".
Set the heroku settings
heroku stack:set container
heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser
Under settings, Configure SSL and set to Automatic Certificate Management (ACM)
If an external domain and using cloudflare, point to heroku and change the SSL to Full
(If you don't, the url will have an infinite redirect)
app_directory = 'XXXXX'
name = XXXXX
docker compose exec web python manage.py makemigrations XXXXX
docker compose exec web python manage.py migrate
9. Add new logo files from https://realfavicongenerator.net into static/favicons
(If you don't, the url will have an infinite redirect)
Pre commit hooks for linters is not working
pre-commit install
Ignore precommmit hook
git commit --no-verify -m ""
List all docker containers
docker ps
Log into docker database
docker exec -it main-db-1 psql -U postgres
Inside database - (\l show schema, \c connect to schema, \dt list all tables)
\c main
Run Python in Heroku Shell
heroku run python
#when loaded
import django
Useful repeatable code changer
Static files not found
docker compose exec web python manage.py collectstatic
Thanks to Roboflow for sponsoring this project. Get your free API key at: Roboflow
Distributed under the APACHE 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Twitter: @darefailed
Youtube: How to Video coming soon
Project Link: https://github.com/darefail/AI-Video-Boilerplate-Pro