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Magento2 Docker Development Magento2 Docker Development Magento2 Docker Development Magento2 Docker Development Magento2 Docker Development


  • Running Magento 2 project really fast on your machine.
  • Just a few steps to setup.
  • No extra step to deploy code from host to container.
  • Easy to modify PHP, MySQL, and Nginx configurations.
  • Works on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Default Official Images

  • php:7.2-fpm
  • mysql:5.7
  • nginx:1.19


All OS: Install Git

Linux: Install Docker and Docker-compose.

MacOS: Install Docker and Docker-compose.

Windows: Install Docker and Docker-compose.

Quick Start (new project)

1. Clone the project:
git clone [project_name]
cd [project_name]
2. Update m2dd/auth.json and fill its data with your credentials.
3. Run container & Get latest Magento 2 source code
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it app bash -c "rm .gitkeep && composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition:2.3 . --prefer-dist --no-interaction --dev"
4. Restart containers
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

You can now start to install your new Magento 2 site via Web Setup Wizard (will be removed in Magento 2.4) or Command Line (recommended).

Existing Project

1. Clone the project:
git clone [project_name]
cd [project_name]
2. Copy your magento 2 source code into src folder.
3. Run the containers:
docker-compose up -d
4. Import database:
docker exec -i db mysql -uroot -ppassword magento2 < your-database.sql
5. Modify the DB cofiguration in app/etc/env.php:
'db' => [
    'table_prefix' => '',
    'connection' => [
        'default' => [
            'host' => 'db',
            'dbname' => 'm2db',
            'username' => 'm2user',
            'password' => 'm2pw',
            'active' => '1',
            'driver_options' => [
6. Install dependencies:

Enter the app container TTY (to run any command without docker exec -i app prefix).

docker exec -it app bash

Run the composer installation:

composer install

Check magento command is working or not:

bin/magento --help
7. Add your [local_domain_name] (magento2.local for example) into hosts file.	magento2.local
::1             magento2.local
8. Set [local_domain_name] for your local site:
docker exec -i app bin/magento config:set web/unsecure/base_url http://magento2.local/
docker exec -i app bin/magento config:set web/unsecure/base_link_url http://magento2.local/
docker exec -i app bin/magento config:set web/secure/base_url https://magento2.local/
docker exec -i app bin/magento config:set web/secure/base_link_url https://magento2.local/
9. All done! Visit your [local_domain_name] (http://magento2.local for example) on your browser.


Restart containers (required when you want to apply the changes after modify .env or docker-composer.yml):
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d
Start containers with system-startup:

Modify .env, replace RESTART_CONDITION=no with RESTART_CONDITION=always.

Run bin/magento commands:
docker exec -i app bin/magento [parameters]


docker exec -it app bash
bin/magento [parameters]
Environment Variables

All the common variables are in .env.

Useful File Locations
  • src - your project root directory that contains composer.json and app folder.
  • m2dd/local.ini - PHP configuration file.
  • m2dd/my.cnf - MySQL configuration file.
  • m2dd/auth.json - Composer basic auth file.
  • m2dd/conf.d/ - Contains nginx configuration files.
  • m2dd/ssl/ - Contains SSL certs.
  • m2dd/crontabs/root - Crontab for root user.
  • m2dd/crontabs/www - Crontab for www user.


Feel free for submitting pull requests to this project.


This project is using SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.