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1. transitfit5: fit a transit model to photometry

Jason Rowe edited this page Dec 17, 2015 · 3 revisions


transitfit5 uses a Levenberg-Marquardt style minimizer to fit a transit-model to photometry


transitfit5 <photfile> <rvfile> <fitpars> [kmag] [ttfiles]

<photfile> : Kepler photometry in three column ascii format (time, flux, flux error)
<rvfile> : radial velocity observations in three column ascii format (time, rv, rv error). If there are not radial velocity measurements enter null
<fitpars> : file containing initial guess for transit model parameters. File should be n1.dat style.
[kmag] : Kepler-magnitude (optional) - if you want the errors to be rescaled. Enter 0 to ignore.
[ttfiles] : transiting-timings file in three column ascii (expected time, O-C, O-C error). There should be one file for each planet.

On completion the time, flux and model are outputted to STDOUT and the updated model is stored in a file called newfit.dat. If newfit.dat already exists, it is overwritten.


Just Photometry

To fit photometry in a file called klc01234567.d.dat with a model based on n0_g.dat as input.

transitfit5 klc01234567.d.dat null n0_g.dat > tmodel.dat
mv newfit.dat n0.dat

The STDOUT is redirected to tmodel.dat and the updated fit parameters is moved to a file called n0.dat.

With transit-timing variations

To fit photometry in a file called klc01234567.d.dat with a 2-planet model based on n0_g.dat as input and two files, and containing the transit-timing results.

transitfit5 klc01234567.d.dat null n0_g.dat 0 \ > tmodel.dat
mv newfit.dat n0.dat

The STDOUT is redirected to tmodel.dat and the updated fit that uses transit-timing results is moved to n0.dat