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A1. OS X Installation Notes.

Jason Rowe edited this page Dec 17, 2015 · 1 revision

Using homebrew is probably the least painful way to get the FORTRAN software working on your Mac.

Install gfortran
brew install gfortran

Install pgplot
brew install pgplot
after installing pgplot add the following to your .bash_profile
export PGPLOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/pgplot/5.2.2/share/
export PGPLOT_DEV=/xserve

Install cfitsio
brew install cfitsio

Instal XQuartz to get X11 libraries Grab the install file from

At this point you should be able to run the configure script and make.
make all
The configure script will bomb out if a package is missing. If successful then the bin directory should contain all the binaries.