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3. transitsn5: estimate SNR of a transit based on transit model and lightcurve

Jason Rowe edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 1 revision


transitsn5 - estimates the Signal-to-Noise (SNR) of a transit based on transit-model and photometry.


transitfit5 <photfile> <fitpars> <planetnumber> [ttfiles]

<photfile> : Kepler photometry in three column ascii format (time, flux, flux error)
<fitpars> : file containing initial guess for transit model parameters.
<planetnumber> : Which planet to compute the SNR [ttfiles] : transiting-timings file in three column ascii (expected time, O-C, O-C error). There should be one file for each planet.

Upon completion the SNR and standard deviation are output to standard out.


Just Photometry

To generate the SNR for planet #2 with fitted parameters contained in the file n0.dat using photometry found in klc01234567.dct.dat.

../bin/transitsn5 klc01234567.dct.dat n0.dat 2

With transit-timing variations

To calculate the SNR for planet #2 with photometry in a file called klc01234567.d.dat with a 2-planet model based on n0_g.dat as input and two files, and containing the transit-timing results.

../bin/transitsn5 klc01234567.dct.dat n0.dat 2 \ > mcmc.n0.dat