goget lets you download files from the internet with checksum verification for md5 and sha256.
If md5/sha256 don't match it will not save it to local drive. It does the verifcation before placing it in local storage.
I will be adding more crpyto support. :)
**Think wget but cross platform w/ verification
package main
import (
// gogetter -url=http://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1602-src.7z -dst=7zip.7z -md5=8523200928a577cd1747d8575c4ecacf
// gogetter -url=https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.7.src.tar.gz -dst=go.src.tar.gz -sha256=72680c16ba0891fcf2ccf46d0f809e4ecf47bbf889f5d884ccb54c5e9a17e1c0
func main() {
// arguments accepted
proxy := flag.String("proxy", "", "Proxy i.e http://company.proxy.com:8080")
md5Check := flag.String("md5", "", "If md5 is passed it will check it before saving file.")
sha256chk := flag.String("sha256", "", "Same as md5 but using sha256")
url := flag.String("url", "", "url to file")
dest := flag.String("dst", "", "the output filename")
// make variables for future use
var (
hash string
hashtype string
pproxy string
if *url == "" || *dest == "" {
fmt.Println(" Insufficient amount of arguments! Please check if dst and url were passed!")
// if md5 and sha256 are passed then exit
if fmt.Sprintf("%s", *md5Check) != "" && fmt.Sprintf("%s", *sha256chk) != "" {
fmt.Println("\tPlease choose 1. Either sha256 or md5.")
//if no proxy is defined then bypass it
if *proxy == "" {
pproxy = "proxy is undefined"
} else {
pproxy = fmt.Sprintf("%s", *proxy)
//Sprintf formats %x to a %s
if fmt.Sprintf("%s", *md5Check) == "" && fmt.Sprintf("%s", *sha256chk) == "" {
//just downloads
fmt.Printf("\tProxy:%s\n", pproxy)
gogetter.SaveIt(gogetter.GoTo(*url, *proxy), *dest)
} else {
//checks the hash passed and runs gogetter
if fmt.Sprintf("%s", *md5Check) != "" {
hash = fmt.Sprintf("%s", *md5Check)
hashtype = "md5"
if len(hash) != 32 {
fmt.Println("\tPlease pass a valid md5 value!")
} else if fmt.Sprintf("%s", *sha256chk) != "" {
hash = fmt.Sprintf("%s", *sha256chk)
hashtype = "sha256"
if len(hash) != 64 {
fmt.Println("\tPlease pass a valid sha256 value!")
input := gogetter.GoTo(*url, *proxy)
gogetter.SaveIt(gogetter.HashCheck(input, hash, gogetter.Hash2str(input, hash, hashtype)), *dest)