Bundle for interfacing UFS applications with JEDI interfaces
This bundle requires loading the jedi-ufs-env
, sp/2.5.0
and awscli-v2/2.13.22
modules of spack-stack-1.7.0, or any equivalent installation providing the following modules:
> module li
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) stack-apple-clang/13.1.6 17) pkg-config/0.29.2 33) cmake/3.27.0 49) eigen/3.4.0 65) libxt/1.3.0 81) py-h5py/3.8.0 97) py-pycodestyle/2.11.0 113) sigio/2.3.2
2) pmix/5.0.1 18) hdf5/1.14.3 34) git/2.32.0 50) eckit/1.24.5 66) libxmu/1.1.4 82) py-cftime/ 98) py-pyhdf/0.10.4 114) w3nco/2.4.1
3) zlib-ng/2.1.5 19) netcdf-c/4.9.2 35) libbacktrace/2020-02-19 51) fftw/3.3.10 67) libxpm/3.5.17 83) py-netcdf4/1.5.8 99) libyaml/0.2.5 115) jedi-ufs-env/1.0.0
4) openmpi/5.0.1 20) netcdf-fortran/4.6.1 36) nccmp/ 52) fckit/0.11.0 68) libxaw/1.0.15 84) py-bottleneck/1.3.7 100) py-pyyaml/6.0 116) py-awscrt/0.16.16
5) stack-openmpi/5.0.1 21) parallel-netcdf/1.12.3 37) py-pip/23.1.2 53) fiat/1.2.0 69) udunits/2.2.28 85) py-numexpr/2.8.4 101) py-scipy/1.11.4 117) py-colorama/0.4.6
6) gettext/0.21.1 22) parallelio/2.6.2 38) libc/1.0 54) ectrans/1.2.0 70) ncview/2.1.9 86) py-et-xmlfile/1.0.1 102) py-packaging/23.1 118) py-cryptography/38.0.1
7) libxcrypt/4.4.35 23) esmf/8.6.0 39) wget/1.21.2 55) qhull/2020.2 71) netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1 87) py-openpyxl/3.1.2 103) py-xarray/2023.7.0 119) py-distro/1.8.0
8) sqlite/3.43.2 24) llvm-openmp/16.0.0 40) base-env/1.0.0 56) atlas/0.36.0 72) json/3.10.5 88) py-six/1.16.0 104) jedi-base-env/1.0.0 120) py-docutils/0.19
9) python/3.10.13 25) fms/2023.04 41) boost/1.84.0 57) git-lfs/3.3.0 73) json-schema-validator/2.1.0 89) py-python-dateutil/2.8.2 105) gftl/1.11.0 121) py-jmespath/1.0.1
10) stack-python/3.10.13 26) libjpeg/2.1.0 42) openblas/0.3.24 58) sp/2.5.0 74) odc/1.4.6 90) py-pytz/2023.3 106) gftl-shared/1.6.1 122) py-wcwidth/0.2.7
11) bacio/2.4.1 27) jasper/2.0.32 43) py-setuptools/63.4.3 59) gsibec/1.2.1 75) py-attrs/21.4.0 91) py-pyxlsb/1.0.10 107) fargparse/1.6.0 123) py-prompt-toolkit/3.0.38
12) snappy/1.1.10 28) libpng/1.6.37 44) py-numpy/1.22.3 60) gsl-lite/0.37.0 76) py-pycparser/2.21 92) py-xlrd/2.0.1 108) yafyaml/1.2.0 124) py-ruamel-yaml/0.17.16
13) zstd/1.5.2 29) w3emc/2.10.0 45) bufr/12.0.1 61) krb5/1.20.1 77) py-cffi/1.15.1 93) py-xlsxwriter/3.1.7 109) pflogger/1.12.0 125) py-ruamel-yaml-clib/0.2.7
14) c-blosc/1.21.5 30) g2/3.4.9 46) ecbuild/3.7.2 62) libtirpc/1.3.3 78) py-findlibs/0.0.2 94) py-xlwt/1.3.0 110) mapl/2.40.3-esmf-8.6.0 126) py-urllib3/1.26.12
15) nghttp2/1.57.0 31) g2tmpl/1.10.2 47) openjpeg/2.3.1 63) hdf/4.2.15 79) py-eccodes/1.5.0 95) py-pandas/1.5.3 111) nemsio/2.5.4 127) awscli-v2/2.13.22
16) curl/8.4.0 32) ip/5.0.0 48) eccodes/2.33.0 64) jedi-cmake/1.4.0 80) py-f90nml/1.4.3 96) py-pybind11/2.11.0 112) sfcio/1.4.1
On a pre-configured platform that has spack-stack-1.7.0 installed, load the spack-stack modules as described in https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.0. On a configurable (user) platform, follow the instructions in https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/1.7.0 to build the skylab-dev
or unified-dev
environment, then run (use the appropriate path, compiler/mpi/python versions for your system):
module use /Users/heinzell/prod/spack-stack-1.7.0/envs/unified-dev/install/modulefiles/Core
module load stack-apple-clang/13.1.6
module load stack-openmpi/5.0.1
module load stack-python/3.10.13
For pre-configured and configurable platforms, proceed with laoding the following modules
module load jedi-ufs-env
module load sp/2.5.0
module load awscli-v2/2.13.22
The bundle can be built in three different configuragions: with fv3-jedi and the UFS configured for atmosphere-only, with soca and the UFS configured with a data-atmosphere using NG-GODAS, or with fv3-jedi and soca and the UFS configured with S2S coupling. Only the first two configurations have test cases and are known to work, but all will build.
The parameter for specifying the configuration type is -DAPP=[ATM|NG-GODAS|S2S]
on the cmake configuration line. Create a build directory under/outside ufs-bundle
and cd
to it. Then run one of the following cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=ATM .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=ATMAERO .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=NG-GODAS .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUFS_APP=S2S .. 2>&1 | tee log.cmake
When using the native Apple clang
compiler on macOS with llvm-openmp
installed via homebrew or spack, it may be necessary to add -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS="${llvm_openmp_ROOT}/lib/libomp.dylib"
to the cmake
command. We have identified this being an issue with FMS not declaring its OpenMP dependencies correctly. A bug fix was merged for FMS recently, once the next tag finds its way into spack-stack this will no longer be needed.
While building with soca (NG-GODAS or S2S), there will be a long pause during configuration when cmake
is downloading the input files for the test to be run.
After configuration, run make -j 8
to build.
The ctests for the UFS_APP=ATM
option all have _ufs
in their names. After running ctest -R get_
, run the following:
> ctest -R ufs_ 2>&1 | tee log.ctest.ufs
Test project /Users/heinzell/work-cs/ufs-bundle/ufs-bundle/build
Start 1851: fv3jedi_setup_ufs_c48_data
1/5 Test #1851: fv3jedi_setup_ufs_c48_data .................. Passed 6.29 sec
Start 1852: fv3jedi_setup_ufs_rundir_warmstart
2/5 Test #1852: fv3jedi_setup_ufs_rundir_warmstart .......... Passed 0.04 sec
Start 1853: fv3jedi_setup_ufs_rundir_warmstart_2
3/5 Test #1853: fv3jedi_setup_ufs_rundir_warmstart_2 ........ Passed 0.02 sec
Start 1906: fv3jedi_test_tier1_model_ufs_warmstart
4/5 Test #1906: fv3jedi_test_tier1_model_ufs_warmstart ...... Passed 33.57 sec
Start 1912: fv3jedi_test_tier1_forecast_ufs_warmstart
5/5 Test #1912: fv3jedi_test_tier1_forecast_ufs_warmstart ... Passed 47.34 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 5
Label Time Summary:
fv3-jedi = 87.26 sec*proc (5 tests)
fv3jedi = 87.26 sec*proc (5 tests)
mpi = 80.92 sec*proc (2 tests)
script = 87.26 sec*proc (5 tests)
Total Test time (real) = 90.37 sec
There are currently no ctests for the other UFS_APP
build options (ATMAERO
, S2S
Depending on the platform, it may be necessary to add -DMPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE="/path/to/srun" -DMPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG="-n"
to cmake
command and follow the usual instructions for running ctests for jedi-bundle on that system.