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[My School] Set Method

Julian Curtis-Zilius edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 3 revisions

The set method allows you to set the My School information. Every time this method is used, it will override the existing content even if it's from a different Instructure sub-domain.

// The ID of the CanvasTools Chrome Extension (Don't change this)
var editorExtensionId = "gmdmngbeceipkojacdoljnllcnfpdgce";
var mySchool = {
    set: {
        title: "Example High School",
        text: "Hello student. This is a piece of an important information."
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(editorExtensionId, {mySchool: mySchool}, function(response) {
    if (response.mySchool.set)
        console.log('My School Information Set!')

Executing the above code would result in a My School page that looks like this: