This repository has the source code package of the PI Web API Wrapper for VBA.
- PI Web API 2017 installed within your domain using Kerberos or Basic Authentication.
- PI ProcessBook 2012 SP1+
- .NET Framework 3.5
- Download this source code
- Create a new folder under %PIHOME% named WebAPIClient, if it doesn't exist.
- Create a new folder under WebAPIClient named VBA, if it doesn't exist.
- Copy all files from the dist folder to %PIHOME%\WebAPIClient\VBA.
- Run as Administrator the reg.bat located on %PIHOME%\WebAPIClient\VBA in order to register the PIWebApiWrapper assmebly.
Create or edit a PI ProcessBook display. Press ALT+F11 to open Visual Basic for Applications. On the menu, click on Tools --> References. Find PIWebApiWrapper on the list box of the available reference and add it to the VBA project.
The Visual Studio solution that generates the final library is available on the src folder. You might want to add or edit a method and rebuild the solution in order to generate custom assemblies.
All classes and methods are described on the DOCUMENTATION. You can also use the Object Browser from Visual Basic for Application to read the same information.
As this is a .NET library with COM objects and methods exposed to be able be consumed within the VBA environment, there are some things to have in mind, specially when comparing with C# development.
- VBA is not compatible with async methods. Therefore, only sync methods are available in this library.
- For each PI Web API action/method of each controller, there are two methods on this client library. One returns the response of the HTTP request itself and the other wraps the response on top of ApiResponse class, providing http information, such as status code. Please refer to the Get and GetWithHttpInfo methods on our documentation and you will realize the difference between them by comparing the method signature.
- The Batch and Channel controllers are not exposed.
- When working with data transfer objects (models) with an Items property (such as PIItemsElement), do not access or modify this property directly. Use CreateItemsArray(), GetItem(), SetItem() and GetItemsLength() instead.
- For models that have the Value property, use SetValueWithString(), SetValueWithInt(), SetValueWithDouble() methods to set this property.
- For the Api methods, all variables whose type are not a string must be defined. If a string variable is optional, define it as an empty string instead of Null.
Plese provide feedback by commenting the related PI Developer Club blog post.
There are two PI ProcessBook displays available on the Samples folder of this repository. In addition, please refer to the following examples to understand how to use this library:
Dim client As New PIWebApiClient
Dim connectedToPIWebAPI As Boolean
connectedToPIWebAPI = client.Connect("", True)
Dim client As New PIWebApiClient
Dim connectedToPIWebAPI As Boolean
connectedToPIWebAPI = client.Connect("", False, username, password)
If you want to use basic authentication instead of Kerberos, set useKerberos to False and set the username and password accordingly. We recommend using Kerberos because it is the safest option. For basic authentication, the password needs to be hardcoded which is not recommended. If using Kerberos authentication is not an option, protect your VBA code with a password.
Set dataServer = client.dataServer.GetByName(tbPIDataArchiveName.Text)
Dim response As ApiResponseObject
Dim newPIPoint As New PIPoint
newPIPoint.Name = "MyNewPIPoint"
newPIPoint.Descriptor = "Point created for wrapper test"
newPIPoint.PointClass = "classic"
newPIPoint.PointType = "Float32"
Set response = client.dataServer.CreatePointWithHttpInfo(dataServer.webId, newPIPoint)
Set point1 = client.point.GetByPath("\\" + tbPIDataArchiveName.Text + "\" + tbTagName1.Text)
Set point2 = client.point.GetByPath("\\" + tbPIDataArchiveName.Text + "\" + tbTagName2.Text)
Set point3 = client.point.GetByPath("\\" + tbPIDataArchiveName.Text + "\" + tbTagName3.Text)
webIds = point1.webId + "," + point2.webId + "," + point3.webId
Set compressedData = client.StreamSet.GetRecordedAdHoc(webIds, True, 1000)
Call GetPIPoints
Dim streamValuesItems As New PIItemsStreamValues
Dim streamValue1 As New PIStreamValues
Dim streamValue2 As New PIStreamValues
Dim streamValue3 As New PIStreamValues
Dim value1 As New PITimedValue
Dim value2 As New PITimedValue
Dim value3 As New PITimedValue
Dim value4 As New PITimedValue
Dim value5 As New PITimedValue
Dim value6 As New PITimedValue
streamValuesItems.CreateItemsArray (3)
value1.SetValueWithInt (2)
value1.Timestamp = "*-1d"
value2.SetValueWithInt (3)
value2.Timestamp = "*-2d"
value3.SetValueWithInt (4)
value3.Timestamp = "*-1d"
value4.SetValueWithInt (5)
value4.Timestamp = "*-2d"
value5.SetValueWithInt (6)
value5.Timestamp = "*-1d"
value6.SetValueWithInt (7)
value6.Timestamp = "*-2d"
streamValue1.webId = point1.webId
streamValue1.CreateItemsArray (2)
Call streamValue1.SetItem(0, value1)
Call streamValue1.SetItem(1, value2)
Call streamValuesItems.SetItem(0, streamValue1)
streamValue2.webId = point2.webId
streamValue2.CreateItemsArray (2)
Call streamValue2.SetItem(0, value3)
Call streamValue2.SetItem(1, value4)
Call streamValuesItems.SetItem(1, streamValue2)
streamValue3.webId = point2.webId
streamValue3.CreateItemsArray (2)
Call streamValue3.SetItem(0, value5)
Call streamValue3.SetItem(1, value6)
Call streamValuesItems.SetItem(2, streamValue3)
Dim response As ApiResponsePIItemsItemsSubstatus
Set response = client.StreamSet.UpdateValuesAdHocWithHttpInfo(streamValuesItems)
Set elem = client.element.GetByPath(ERD.CurrentContext(ThisDisplay))
ElemDesc.Contents = elem.Description
Dim attributes As PIItemsAttribute
Set attributes = client.element.GetAttributes(elem.webId, 1000, False, False, False, 0)
attributePath = ERD.CurrentContext(ThisDisplay) + "|" + AttrList.Text
Set attr = client.attribute.GetByPath(attributePath)
Set timedValue = client.Stream.GetEnd(attr.webId)
AttrValue.Contents = timedValue.value
Set db = client.AssetData.GetByPath(dbPath)
Set efs = client.AssetData.GetEventFrames(db.webId, False, False, 100, True, 0, "", "*", "", elem.Name, elem.templateName, "", "", "None", "", "", "*-900", "*")
Copyright 2017 OSIsoft, LLC.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Please see the file named