Introduction to DHParser
Motto: Computers enjoy XML, humans don't.
Suppose you are a literary scientist, and you would like to edit a poem like Heinrich Heine's "Lyrisches Intermezzo". Usually, the technology of choice would be XML and you would use an XML-Editor to write something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<autor gnd="118548018">Heinrich Heine</autor>
<werk href=""
Buch der Lieder
<ort gnd="4023118-5">Hamburg</ort>
<serie>Lyrisches Intermezzo</serie>
<vers>Wenn ich in deine Augen seh',</vers>
<vers>so schwindet all' mein Leid und Weh!</vers>
<vers>Doch wenn ich küsse deinen Mund,</vers>
<vers>so werd' ich ganz und gar gesund.</vers>
<vers>Wenn ich mich lehn' an deine Brust,</vers>
<vers>kommt's über mich wie Himmelslust,</vers>
<vers>doch wenn du sprichst: Ich liebe dich!</vers>
<vers>so muß ich weinen bitterlich.</vers>
Now, while you might think that this all works well enough, there are a few drawbacks to this approach:
The syntax is cumbersome and the encoding not very legible to humans working with it. (And this is not even TEI-XML, yet...) Editing and revising XML-encoded text is tedious.
The XML encoding, especially TEI-XML, is often not intuitive. Only experts understand it.
There is an awful lot of typing to do: All those lengthy opening and closing tags. This takes time...
With the use of XML one is more or less confined to tree-data-structures. However, to represent a complex text-transmission-history, other data structures, like graph data structures are much more suitable. See Andreas Kuczera's Blog-entry on "Graphdatenbanken für Historiker".
While most text-editors have an XML-mode, there exist only few good dedicated XML editors that can mitigate the above-mentioned obstacles and none of the is open source.
On the other hand, there are good reasons why XML is used in the humanities: Important encoding standards like TEI-XML are defined in XML. Its strict syntax and the possibility to check data against a schema help to detect and avoiding encoding errors. If the schema is well-defined, it is unambiguous, and it is easy to parse for a computer. Most of these advantages, however, are on a technical level and few of them are exclusive advantages of XML.
Therefore, although XML is a solid back-end-technology, it still is painstaking to work with XML as a frontend-technology. This is where DHParser comes in. It allows you to define your own domain specific notation that is specifically tailored to your editing needs and provides an infrastructure that - if you know a little Python-programming - makes it very easy to convert your annotated text into an XML-encoding of your choice. With DHParser, the same poem above can be simply encoded like this:
Heinrich Heine <gnd:118548018>,
Buch der Lieder <urn:nbn:de:kobv:b4-200905192211>,
Hamburg <gnd:4023118-5>, 1927.
Lyrisches Intermezzo
Wenn ich in deine Augen seh',
so schwindet all' mein Leid und Weh!
Doch wenn ich küsse deinen Mund,
so werd' ich ganz und gar gesund.
Wenn ich mich lehn' an deine Brust,
kommt's über mich wie Himmelslust,
doch wenn du sprichst: Ich liebe dich!
so muß ich weinen bitterlich.
Yes, that's right. It is as simple as that. Observe, how much more efficacious a verse like "Wenn ich mich lehn' an deine Brust, / kommt's über mich wie Himmelslust," can be if it is not cluttered with XML tags ;-)
But does the second version really encode the same information as the XML version? How, for example, would the computer know for sure where a verse starts and ends or a stanza or what is title and what stanza? Well, for all these matters there exist obvious conventions. For example, a verse always starts and ends on the same line. There is always a gap between stanzas. And the title is always written above the poem and not in the middle of it. So, if there is a title at all, we can be sure that what is written in the first line is the title and not a stanza.
DHParser is able to exploit all those hints in order to gather much the
same information as was encoded in the XML-Version. Don't believe it?
In order to try this out, download DHParser from the
gitlab-repository and enter
the directory examples/Introduction
on the command line interface (shell).
Just run python --xml Lyrisches_Intermezzo_IV.txt
(you need to have installed Python Version 3.5 or
higher on your computer). The output will look like this. (If there is a
warning at the beginning, it can safely be ignored.):
<name>Heinrich Heine</name>
<ZW> </ZW>
<werktitel>Buch der Lieder</werktitel>
<ZW> </ZW>
<serie>Lyrisches Intermezzo</serie>
<vers>Wenn ich in deine Augen seh',</vers>
<ZW> </ZW>
<vers>so schwindet all' mein Leid und Weh!</vers>
<ZW> </ZW>
<vers>Doch wenn ich küsse deinen Mund,</vers>
<ZW> </ZW>
<vers>so werd' ich ganz und gar gesund.</vers>
<vers>Wenn ich mich lehn' an deine Brust,</vers>
<ZW> </ZW>
<vers>kommt's über mich wie Himmelslust,</vers>
<ZW> </ZW>
<vers>doch wenn du sprichst: Ich liebe dich!</vers>
<ZW> </ZW>
<vers>so muß ich weinen bitterlich.</vers>
While this is not exactly the same XML-encoding as shown above, it can easily be converted into the previous version. The important point is that it contains exactly the same information, even though the input requires hardly any of the explicit markers that make the XML-code so cumbersome.
In contrast to the XML-code shown above, the code produced by
is somewhat more verbose, because it
explicitly models blank lines (with the tag <LEERZEILEN>
) and
line breaks (<ZW>
), which actually do contain one (<ZW>
) or
two or more line breaks (<LEERZEILEN>
) as their content,
although these have been substituted by a single blank in this
document for the sake of brevity.
Because we know that after each verse a line break follows and after each stanza a blank line follows, it is not necessary to encode these in the data as long as this mentioned as a rule in the data description and as long as we pay attention to insert the line feeds and blanks according to these rules when serializing the data in a human-readable form. The philosophy behind this design decision can be called "rule-based data enrichment".
The output of "" follows a different philosophy, namely that of "comprehensive data modeling". In this case everything that is needed for rendering the data in a human-readable form is included in the data itself in addition to every aspect that is modeled for processing the data with a machine. This does not mean that every aspect of the source data will be preserved. Rather, the philosophy of "comprehensive data modeling" allows, but does not require to replace these items by a normalized form. For example, if the input data contains several blank lines where one single blank line would have sufficed to convey the meaning, only one blank like will be included in the data.
One cannot say that one of these philosophies ist better than the other. It really depends on the purpose. The philosophy of "rule-based-enrichment" shines when machine-processing of the data (say feeding a database or a search engine, linking the data with other data and the like) is the primary purpose. "Comprehensive data modeling" has advantages when producing accurate human-readable versions (online or in print) is considered most important.
As always in the digital humanities, it does not hurt to preserve several instances of the same data in different formats as long as it is ensured that they are synchronized.
How does DHParser manage to convert an input that almost looks like plain
into structured data? In order to
convert the poem to a tree structure that can be serialized as XML, S-expressions,
json or any other suitable form, DHParser requires a structural description
of the domain specific language. This structural description has some similarities to a document
type definition (DTD) in XML. Just like the DTD, the structural description of a domain specific
languages requires a notation of its own to define the structure. DHParser uses a variant of the
which is a well-established formalism for the structural description of
formal languages in computer sciences. An excerpt of the EBNF-definition
of our domain-specific encoding for the poem looks like this. (We leave
out the meta-data here. See
for the full EBNF):
gedicht = titel LEERZEILEN §text
titel = zeile
text = strophe { LEERZEILEN strophe }
strophe = vers { ZW vers }+
vers = zeile
zeile = ~ TEXT { L TEXT } ~
ZEICHENFOLGE = /[^ \n<>]+/
ZW = /\n/
L = / +/
LEERZEILEN = /\n(?:[ \t]*\n)+/
Without going into too much detail here, let me explain a few
basics of this formal description: The slashes /
enclose ordinary
regular expressions. Thus, ZW
for ("Zeilenwechsel", German for: "line
feed") is defined as /\n/
which is the newline-token \n
in a
regular expression.
The braces {
enclose items that can be repeated zero or more
times. Thus, the definition of text
in the 6th line as strophe { LEERZEILEN strophe }
reads as follows: The text of the poem consists of a stanza that
be followed by further stanzas each of which is separated by one or more blank
lines (German: "Leerzeilen") from the previous stanza.
The structural definition of a stanza (strophe
) as vers { ZW vers }+
in turn
says that a stanza consists of a verse that is followed by at least one more verse
that are separated with a single linefeed (and not a blank line which contains two
line feeds in sequence) only. Here, the +
following the closing curly brace means
that what is enclosed in the curly braces must follow one or more times rather than
just zero or more times as in the case of the simple curly braces.
Apart from the curly braces, there are two more signs in this snipped, the
tilde '~' and the §
-sign. The tilde stands for insignificant whitespace
(which in this case is restricted to horizontal whitespace, i.e. blanks and
tabulators). Insignificant whitespace will be dropped in the instant the parser
reads it and never appear in the data. Here the tile-sign is used to allow leading
and following whitespace in lines of text, although we do not need this whitespace
in our data.
The paragraph-sign §
means that what follows is obligatory. In this case, the line
gedicht = titel LEERZEILEN §text
means a poem (gedicht
) is something that has a title.
If there is no title, it is not a poem, but could still be something else (say a footer,
although we do not have this here.) But if there is something that has a title followed
by blank lines (LEERZEILEN
) then by virtue of the §
-sign it must be followed by
the text of a poem. Otherwise, an error message is produced.
The meaning of the paragraph-sign §
could also be understood as such: By the time
the §
is reached, we are sure that the item that is just parsed is a poem. Therefore,
if it does not continue like a poem, this is an error. We could not tell this earlier, because
parsers typically work by trying to match different items to the following text. Now, if there
is no title, then the parser for gedicht
(poem) would not produce an error, but it simply
would not match, which makes sense, because the lack of a title might just indicate that
the end of a chapter or the end of the text has been reached.
Strictly speaking, the §-sign is not necessary, and it does not occur in the standard EBNF-formalism, but it tremendously helpful in pin-pointing syntax-errors and producing useful error messages in this case.
You'll need to be able to use a shell and have some basic knowledge of Python programming to be able to follow this section! Also, you need to have git and python 3 installed on you system. It is important that you have at least python version 3.5. DHParser will not work with python 2. You can simply start python to find out which version you have got.
In order to try the example above, you should fetch DHParsers from its git-repository. Open a shell and type:
$ git clone
Now, if you enter the repo, you'll find among others these subdirectories:
The directory DHParser
contains the Python modules of the
DHParser-package, test
- as you can guess - contains the unit-tests
for DHParser. Now, enter the examples/Introduction
-directory. Presently,
most other examples are pretty rudimentary. So, don't worry about them.
In this directory, you'll find a simple EBNF Grammar for poetry in the
file Lyrik.ebnf
. Have a look at it. You'll find that is the same
grammar (plus a few additions) that has been mentioned just before.
You'll also find a little script
that is used to
compile an EBNF-Grammar into an executable Python-module that can be
used to parse any piece of text that this grammar is meant for; in this
case poetry.
Any DHParser-Project needs such a script. The content of the script is pretty self-explanatory:
from DHParser.testing import recompile_grammar
if not recompile_grammar('.', force=True):
with open('Lyrik_ebnf_ERRORS.txt') as f:
The script simply (re-)compiles any EBNF grammar that it finds in the
current directory. "Recompiling" means that DHParser notices if a
grammar has already been compiled and overwrites only that part of the
generated file that contains the actual parser. All other parts - we
will come to that later what these are - can safely be edited by you.
Now just run
from the command line:
$ python
If you start a completely new
project with DHParser, the script might not be called
. In this case the
still has the same function as the
-script, namely
compiling the EBNF-grammar into an executable Python-parser for that grammar,
but it has the further function to run all unit-tests of the grammar in case
there are any. However, the topic of testing grammars will not be described in
this introduction.
You'll find that
(or the equivalent
""-script) has generated a new script with
the name
. This script contains the Parser for the
-grammar and some skeleton-code for a DSL->XML-Compiler (or
rather, a DSL-whatever compiler), which you can later fill in. Now let's
see how this script works:
$ python --xml Lyrisches_Intermezzo_IV.txt >result.xml
The file Lyrisches_Intermezzo_IV.txt
contains the fourth part of
Heinrich Heine's Lyrisches Intermezzo encoded in our own human-readable
poetry-DSL that has been shown above. Since we have redirected the
output to result.xml
, you'll find a new file with this name in the
directory. If you look at it with an editor - preferably one that
provides syntax-highlighting for XML-files, you'll find that it looks
pretty much like XML. However, this XML-code still looks much more
obfuscated than in the Introduction before. If you look closely, you can
nonetheless see that the poem itself has faithfully been preserved. For
example, if you scroll down a few lines, you'll find the (hardly
recognizable!) first verse of the poem:
<L> </L>
<L> </L>
<L> </L>
<L> </L>
<L> </L>
This looks much more verbose than the same passage in the output of
which consists of the single line
<vers>Wenn ich in deine Augen seh',</vers>
. The reason for this is
the following. Parsing and compilation of a text with DHParser
takes place in three more or less separated steps:
Parsing of the text and generation of the "concrete syntax tree" (CST)
Transformation of the CST into an "abstract syntax tree" (AST)
And, finally, compilation of the AST into valid XML, HTML, LaTeX or any other desired form.
DHParser automatically only generates a parser for the very first step.
The other steps have to be programmed by hand, though DHParser tries to
make those parts as easy as possible. The verbose output of one line of
verse above is an excerpt from the XML-representation of the
concrete syntax tree. It is called concrete syntax tree, because it
contains all the syntactic details that have been described in the
-grammar; and the grammar needs to describe all those details,
because otherwise it would not be possible to parse the text. On the other
hand most of these details do not carry any important information. This is
the reason why in the second step the transformation into an abstract syntax
tree takes place that leaves out the unimportant details. There exists no
general rule of how to derive abstract syntax trees from concrete syntax
trees, because it depends on the particular domain of application
which details are important and which not. For poems these might be
different from, say, for a catalogue entry. And even for poems it depends
on the particular use you'd like to make of the data, if you need a
line of verse to be separated into text-chunks and blanks (as in the
verbose output) or if a single text-line enclosed in "verse"-tags is
sufficient. Because of this, the AST-transformation has to be specified
for each grammar separately, just as the grammar has to be specified
for each application domain.
To get an idea, how the transformation of a concrete into an abstract syntax
tree works with DHParser, let's have look into the specification of the
AST-transformation in the script
Lyrik_AST_transformation_table = {
# AST Transformations for the Lyrik-grammar
"<": flatten,
"Dokument": [],
"gedicht": [],
"bibliographisches": [],
"autor": [],
"name": [collapse],
"werk": [],
"werktitel": [collapse],
"untertitel": [],
"ort": [],
"ortsname": [collapse],
"jahr": [],
"verknüpfung": [],
"serie": [reduce_single_child],
"titel": [collapse],
"text": [],
"strophe": [],
"vers": [reduce_single_child],
"zeile": [collapse],
"T": [],
"WORT": [],
"NAME": [],
"ZW": [],
"L": [],
"*": replace_by_single_child
With DHParser AST-transformations are specified in a declarative style by specifying the names and possibly parameters of the transformation-rules that are to be applied to each tag. (It is possible to add custom rules, if the stock set of transformation rules does not suffice.) This keeps the specification of the AST-transformation simple and concise. At the same time, we avoid adding hints for the AST-transformation in the grammar specification, which would render the grammar less readable.
The rule "collapse" for example replaces the children of a node by their concatenated
content. Persons used to XML can think of a node as a tag and of the children as child-tags
enclosed by this tag. The tree structures, DHParser works produces, however, are more
restricted than those of XML: There exists no mixed content, which means that a tag
contains either child-tags or text but not both at the same time. Thus, where in XML it
is possible to write <text>It's a <emph>beautiful</empth> day today!</text>
, in DHParser
this would internally be represented as:
<text><plain>It's a </plain><emph>beautiful</emph><plain> day today!</plain></text>
DHParser supports the transformation of its internal restricted tree-representation to and from standard-XML as an import and export-feature, however. So it can be used to work seamlessly with other XML-tools, just as it can be connected seamlessly to tools that process s-expressions like lisp- or scheme-interpreters.
This should suffice to get a first idea of how DHParser works. There is a detailed step-by-step guide in the documentation-directory of the DHParser-Package that takes you through all the steps needed for setting up a new DHParser-project.