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Quick-Survey-JS is a JavaScript Survey Module.

Quick-Survey-JS offers a quick way to add a simple survey to your website.
It is a set of components of creating, completing, and viewing survey questions and results.

License: MIT

Quick Start

Intsall the client side package using npm.

npm install quick-survey-js


Vue.js NodeJS Express.js AWS MongoDB


API Document

Clone Git repository

git clone

API Server

Please refer to the following steps for establising an api server.

1. Install packages

After you clone git repository, go to the root directory and run npm run install:api to download required packages for an api server. Once the installation is done, .env file will be automatically created in ./src/api directory.

npm run install:api

2. Set your DB endpoints

You should fill out MONGO_URI value inside .env at ./src/api file first. MONGO_URI indicates MongoDB server endpoints and this is necessary to run api on either local or aws lambda.

Here is an example.


3. Check yml file

Before you run api server, you need to configure service and provider values inside serverless.yml in ./src/api. Default values are set as below.

service: my-survey

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x
  stage: dev
  region: ap-northeast-2

4. Run server on local

To run this project on local, use npm run dev command.

npm run dev

This command will run serverless offline on your local, and default port 8000 will open. Here is an example. The provider[stage] value you set inside serverless.yml will follow the endpoints.


5. Deploy server on AWS

In ./src/api/config/, you need to fill in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for a deployment. For more information, please visit this website.

Or, to deploy your api on aws lambda via serverless framework, use npm deploy:api command.

npm run deploy:api

According to serverless documents, the console will show your endpoints. For more information, please visit this page.

Client Server

Please refer to the following steps for setting up a client server as needed. To install the required client packages after git clone, use npm run install:client command. When installation is done, .env file will be automatically created in a ./src/client directory. If you have your existing api server and used npm install quick-survey-js command, proceed to step 2.

npm run install:client

1. Set your API endpoints

You should fill out API_ENDPOINTS value inside .env file at ./src/client. This indicates API server endpoints.

As an example, 👇


or 👇, if you're running an API server on local.


2. Set up API in config.js

Set up USER_SURVEY_API and ADMIN_SURVEY_API (these names shouldn't change) in your config.js that each component would use as required to run the app.


export const USER_SURVEY_API = `${VUE_APP_API_ENDPOINTS}/survey`;
export const ADMIN_SURVEY_API = `${VUE_APP_API_ENDPOINTS}/admin/survey`;

3. Run server on local

To run client server on local, run npm run serve:client and it will open port 8080 on local.

npm run serve:client

4. Import components in your Vue project

There are 3 components that you may import as needed - to create a survey, submit answers to a survey, and view survey results. You may import the components on your existing or new application as guided below.

// main.js
import { quickSurveyJS } from 'quick-survey-js';
import 'quick-survey-js/dis/quick-survey-js.css';


5. Use components


  <SurveyAdmin @survey-created="onCreated" @failed-to-create-survey="onFailed" />

6. Set required props and methods

To get the components working, there are required props to pass each. The events emitted from each component call the methods where you can specify in your parent component what actions to be taken. Please refer to below for required props and methods.

Create Survey


userKey: used to distinguish general survey respondents, survey creators, and respondents who have already submitted answers.
survey-created: Once the survey is created and the submit button is clicked on the browser, this event is emitted.
failed-to-create-survey: this event is emitted once it fails to create a survey.

Submit Survey


surveyID: Once a survey is created, the surveyId is created - then it can be passed as prop to Survey component which the survey page that general users can view and participate.
sent-vote: the event emitted once the user submits an answer.
voted-already: the event emitted once it has been confirmed that the user has already voted before.
closed-survey: the event emitted once the survey creator chooses to close the survey immediately.
failed-to-close-survey: the event emitted once it fails to close the survey.

View Survey Results
